Science: Marijuana Could Prevent Alzheimer's, New Study

You're harshing my mello man. LOL. Just kidding. Most of us are adults here and we understand that Marijuana is illegal, but any violators who do or have smoked are not likely hardened criminals destroying the American way of life. There is propoganda on both sides of the Herb argument, case in point "Reffer Madness" is hardly a true example of Pot use. If we locked up everyone who embibed this Herb there would be Actors, Musicians, Ex-Presidents, Congressmen & their college aged children locked up

And quite a few cops...
I hope nobody takes this study seriously and partakes, remember marijuana use is illegal in the USA. Just say no to this study!
Joab, please understand this statement sounds like you want people to ignore this study. I understand you do not want people to use marijuana recreationally, but to some your statement can be read as don't look a the man behind the curtain it is forbidden. If the study is done within legal means and has validity, it (and others) should be investigated, not dimissed cause I feel the law SAYS NO. Even LEO's believe some laws can be wrong and the American public has the right to review & reform laws within reason. Not bashing you man, but do ya hear me? BTW, I was at a greatfull dead show over 10 years ago (Yes I inhaled), do you feel that recreational tresspass is jail worthy for me now? Then let Bill Clinton go first. LOL. If this study helps people, so be it.
Having worked in the Drug & Alcohol field seeing first hand the effects of this 'harmless activity' and having had one of my children put onto a disability pension with drug induced psychosis, don't try to convince me that Marijuana use should be legalised.
Like many things in life, in any population 99 out of 100 people do something dumb and get away with it, one poor bunny has his/her life ruined.
If these studies prove positive then hopefully a proper dose and dose form will be produced and many people will benefit. In the meantine obey the signs and 'keep off the grass'.
Joab, please understand this statement sounds like you want people to ignore this study. I understand you do not want people to use marijuana recreationally, but to some your statement can be read as don't look a the man behind the curtain it is forbidden. If the study is done within legal means and has validity, it (and others) should be investigated, not dimissed cause I feel the law SAYS NO. Even LEO's believe some laws can be wrong and the American public has the right to review & reform laws within reason. Not bashing you man, but do ya hear me? BTW, I was at a greatfull dead show over 10 years ago (Yes I inhaled), do you feel that recreational tresspass is jail worthy for me now? Then let Bill Clinton go first. LOL. If this study helps people, so be it.

Joab: I'll admit that I didn't take the study very seriously. I was mostly concerned with some kid reading this and giving himself justification for toking. If the study turns out to be true, and if a medical doctor prescribes it legally, than it's fine with me. And no, I don't think you should be in jail for toking ten years ago.
Having worked in the Drug & Alcohol field seeing first hand the effects of this 'harmless activity' and having had one of my children put onto a disability pension with drug induced psychosis, don't try to convince me that Marijuana use should be legalised.
Like many things in life, in any population 99 out of 100 people do something dumb and get away with it, one poor bunny has his/her life ruined.
If these studies prove positive then hopefully a proper dose and dose form will be produced and many people will benefit. In the meantine obey the signs and 'keep off the grass'.

Joab: Glad to read somebody in this forum thinks like me on this issue, I was beginning to think I was in a community of stoners.
Joab...There is no need to preface you responses with your name, we know who you are...

MT Moderator
Whilst there are undoubtedly some positive medical benefits from the use of ganja, there are also a number of very severe negative results. These were bad enough to observe in my teen's-twenties when the weed being smoked bore no resemblance to the brain-mangling shyte being smoked nowadays.

The lingering effects of the build-up in the brain-tissue of some of the complex chemicals in cannabis caused enough paranoia and irrational behaviour (sometimes violent) back then - which is as nothing to the psychoses caused by todays 'skunk'.

However, it is impossible to eradicate, I fear and I have always maintained that the only way forward is to legalise it if sold through 'official' stockists. All the laws in the world do not hold back the tide and if it was legally sold then it could be taxed and society as a whole might get some benefit from it.

Either that or go to the other extreme and have the death penalty for it's use. Even then I don't envisage that consumption would drop to zero (other than for those executed pour l'encouragement des autres).
In the 1700's when I went to college, people would smoke so much of the stuff that they'd become almost catatonic.... and this on a Sunday morning.

I guess this grand discovery lets one choose their oblivion...

Whoa, you went to college in the 1700's??
What's your secret?
The lingering effects of the build-up in the brain-tissue of some of the complex chemicals in cannabis caused enough paranoia and irrational behaviour (sometimes violent) back then - which is as nothing to the psychoses caused by todays 'skunk'.

Smoking Mary Jane is not inconsequential, as Sukerkin has pointed out. Medical doctors are again using the phrase "marijuana addiction," but not with the same histrionics that they used back in the days. I had friends in high school -- we all did -- who pretty much walked around in a fog. On a purely psychological level, the repeated exercise numbing out is damaging. Prolonged usage carries health hazards.

The idea of marijuana having some prophylactic effects with regard to Alzheimer's is certainly interesting; however, the prospect of my fellow commuters taking a medicinal toke before getting behind the wheel doesn't exactly warm my heart.
here jarrod's summary of pot:

kids shouldn't smoke, their brains are still developing.

moderated, occasional usage will not harm you & may do you some good.

if you over-do it, it will be bad for you but it will be your choice. just like if you drink too much, smoke too much, eat too much, or over-indulge in many legal activities.

this has been a public service announcement.

here jarrod's summary of pot:

moderated, occasional usage will not harm you & may do you some good.

Don't believe it!

Moderated, occasional usage MAY not harm you & may do you some good. There are people out there whose lives have been totally stuffed by what they considered to be OCCASSIONAL use.

Sorry, I wouldn't touch the stuff having seen what it's done to my family.
I guess I am one of the lucky ones..I smoked my fair share and I suffered no negative effects...
Don't believe it!

Moderated, occasional usage MAY not harm you & may do you some good. There are people out there whose lives have been totally stuffed by what they considered to be OCCASSIONAL use.

Sorry, I wouldn't touch the stuff having seen what it's done to my family.

what specifically has pot done to your family (if you don't mind sharing, understand if you don't want to)?

also, do you believe alcohol should be illegal as well considering what it has done to many families?

Of my own children, two of my boys started smoking in their early teens. They were not heavy users but you always knew when they had been smoking because there level of aggression went through the roof. That in turn played a part in the destruction of their personal relationships. The elder child became more involved and ended up on a pension, unable to work, due to drug induced psychosis.
Now they are in their 30s, I think totally off the drugs and doing ok.

My cousin, a very bright young man in the early days had a similar reaction. He got stuck into the weed, it wasn't near as strong 30 years ago, and lifted off this planet. It destroyed his marriage and he had the full psychiatric episode. He lost about 20 years of his life and is now in a stable state as long as he keeps taking the meds.

As for my work with drug addicts. They say that marijuana use doesn't lead on to the use of other drugs. I agree, obviously only a very small number of marijuana users progress to other drug use. However, in my informal questioning of heroin users and former heroin users, they all started with pot.

... do you believe alcohol should be illegal as well considering what it has done to many families?

Alcohol has just as many problems. I do drink alcohol, mainly with a meal, and you ask an incredibly difficult question. If I was brutally honest with the facts I would have to say the world would be better off without alcohol. Should it be illegal? I think probably not, and I think that legalising some drug use could also be argued. However, it is like opening Pandora's box. Do the benefits of restricted availability and use outweigh the problem of increased distribution and usage?

This thread is heading towards solving the meaning of life!!
Whilst there are undoubtedly some positive medical benefits from the use of ganja, there are also a number of very severe negative results. These were bad enough to observe in my teen's-twenties when the weed being smoked bore no resemblance to the brain-mangling shyte being smoked nowadays.

The lingering effects of the build-up in the brain-tissue of some of the complex chemicals in cannabis caused enough paranoia and irrational behaviour (sometimes violent) back then - which is as nothing to the psychoses caused by todays 'skunk'.

However, it is impossible to eradicate, I fear and I have always maintained that the only way forward is to legalise it if sold through 'official' stockists. All the laws in the world do not hold back the tide and if it was legally sold then it could be taxed and society as a whole might get some benefit from it.

Either that or go to the other extreme and have the death penalty for it's use. Even then I don't envisage that consumption would drop to zero (other than for those executed pour l'encouragement des autres).

Well, I have to disagree with you. I don't believe it should be legalized and I don't believe those found guilty should be given the death penalty. I think what we are currently doing is really working to some extent. I have been drug tested so often by companies that I could fill buckets with the urine. That's really the most effective way, people stop toking so they can get a job.
here jarrod's summary of pot:

kids shouldn't smoke, their brains are still developing.

moderated, occasional usage will not harm you & may do you some good.

if you over-do it, it will be bad for you but it will be your choice. just like if you drink too much, smoke too much, eat too much, or over-indulge in many legal activities.

this has been a public service announcement.

jarrod (qoute)

I'm opposed to recreational use of marijuana. You have to look at the impact on society. Marijuana is bad for you and is clearly the gateway drug, hard drug users almost invariably begin with marijuana. It is not a part of mainstream culture in the USA yet, unlike alcohol, which is also a drug, but prohibition was a disasterous mistake. If prohibition could work I'd be for it, but it's to much a part of Western culture to be legislated out. Marijuana is not quite the lost cause that alcohol is.

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