Animal-Human Hybrids spark controversy

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I think we have to look at the possible scientific benefits with the ethical considerations.

While my training in animal behavior, human development, and molecular biology has not gone on for, say, 40 years, from my 7.5 years of graduate study, I would say that some of these proposed exeriments don't sound scientifically that sound to me. Results from a mouse with "human-like" brain structures can only tell us so much - and then the mouse will have "human-like" structures (whatever they want to design for), rather than "mini human brains".

At the same time, I find references such as MACavers to the "work of the devil" as odd, too. We've been breeding pigs to be used for heart transplants to save humans. Is that the work of the devil? Is in-vitro-fertilization (IVF) the work of the devil, so some couples can have children? Is retinal transplants so blind patients can see, the work of the devil? I perceive these differently - as a God-inspired gift, perhaps.

Some say yes, some say no.

For most of the experiments proposed, it seems foolhardy, really. Getting "lion genes" doesn't mean a person will act/feel/be like a lion. It means that maybe their aggression levels might be higher, a male might develop penile spines (good luck getting a date with those), or all-over-body hair (ditto the previous).

Although I'm a scientist, I'm not one to say "full speed ahead" to just anything. I just don't see the purpose behind some of these ideas - I think the better science is in studying human variation, and other species' variation, within the species.

But, alas, often funding goes to some of the "cooler" ideas.
I personally feel that religious arguments have no place in scientific research (i.e., we shouldn't research something cuz Big Poppa Deity sez so) at all, but that's just me.

Ethics, however, that's a whole 'nudder story...
digitalronin said:
Which creations will take our place top of the the top of the hill, the beasts or the machines.
Dear me, do I want to live in the Matrix or on the Planet of the Apes? I absolutely don't want to look like Vincent Price did in "the Fly."

Anybody remember what happened with that case in Florida (I think) with the couple that supposedly were raising a cloned human child?

Oh and BTW if you know any diabetics on Insulin? Back in the old days, all insulin was beef or pork insulin. Some people couldn't take it because it caused something like an allergic reaction. Now most people use human insulin, made by human insulin genes inserted into a strain of E. coli bacteria.

All I know is that as a Christian, I am not opposed to this experimentation for 1 simple reason...

I want a Catgirl.
Interesting concept.

Mice with human brains...I don't know how they'll pull that off given the cranium's of mice. That's putting five pounds of stuff into a half-ounce bag.

Do you think they could give parts?

I'd be willing to pay. Anything. I'd take a second job, even.


hardheadjarhead said:
Do you think they could give parts?

Watch out man. You'd have to get a good tailor to do some...alterations. Now that is going to be expensive.

Oh yeah, and then there is the fact that everytime a pretty women walks by you'd pass'd hit the ground and it'd look like one of the "alien" movies.

"Ohmigod! It's hatching!"
upnorthkyosa said:
Watch out man. You'd have to get a good tailor to do some...alterations. Now that is going to be expensive.

Oh yeah, and then there is the fact that everytime a pretty women walks by you'd pass'd hit the ground and it'd look like one of the "alien" movies.

"Ohmigod! It's hatching!"

I was thinking more of a pogo-stick sort of scenario.'s MY fantasy.


Many people anthropologists actually think we might be close enough to apes to actually mix-breed with them without the use of lab equipment, completely natural. Though I am very skeptical about it, you never know whether it is true.

Check out this article about the humanzees:

I saw a documentary many years ago about a chimp named Oliver who walked on upright, smelled different than other chimps, rejected by the chimp communion, and even went after women (the wife of one of Oliver's caretakers was actually almost raped). When they took a DNA analysis of the chimp they found he was just a bipedal chimp. However it did make people think of the possibilities and boundaries of our genetics. Here are some links about Oliver;

200 posts! YEAH, I'm a blue belt!:-partyon:
Technopunk said:


Im Next after Hardhead... :D

There is so much good stuff on this thread!

I am Atropos...the archtypical thread "cut-up."

Yeah, and me three. Who needs the hotmail ads?


ah **** my wife grabbed the sword...
hardheadjarhead said:
Do you think they could give parts?

Before you take this jump, please consult your favorite partner in "horsin' "
around. Despite what you may believe, some of us might take one look and bolt.

Melissa426 said:

Before you take this jump, please consult your favorite partner in "horsin' "
around. Despite what you may believe, some of us might take one look and bolt.



I did indeed consult with her, and a compromise was reached. I'm to be hybridized with a giraffe or an anteater.

It would be kind of neat to have the arms of a chimp. I'm practically a knuckledragger now as it is, being a third generation biped and all. Imagine how powerful one's hand techniques would be? And the REACH.

Seriously, I doubt this research is going to do much. Massive mixing of genes in this way won't result in a viable fetus. Genes have more than one effect, typically, in the expression of a trait. While we might be able to come up with smarter chimps, or ones that can speak...we might ask "why?" If it aids the advancement of knowledge insofar as behavioral sciences, general development and genetics, I can see a valid reason. If it is to create a new species, then we'd need justification.

I think most of the research will be like the one study they described, where they sacrifice a mouse fetus and analyze neural development. Of course someone, somewhere might argue for insoulment of that human brain in that mouse. We'll see.


I just remembered an old book I read years ago about this sort of thing. The government (of course) was experimenting and created two animals. One was a golden retriever that had human intelligence. The other was called "the outsider" and was a mix of a babboon, alligator and something else i think. It wasn't as smart as the dog. The dog was for spying, and the outsider was for combat. They both got loose and you can imagine where the plot went from there. Two really crappy movies were made based on this book. I can't remember the names of the books or the movies, and that's probably just as well.
So the point of this post? If the government gets to start making hybrids for the military, they will get loose and wreck havoc on the local population and also possibly fling poo if it's part monkey. Later it will be brought down by a courageous but burned out and emotionally distant cop/special forces soldier/journalist/private investigator.
Melissa426 said:

Before you take this jump, please consult your favorite partner in "horsin' "
around. Despite what you may believe, some of us might take one look and bolt.

Bolt? Hardly. I'd get my knives and make the appendange more to my liking.

Hey, I've done some surgery....
Feisty Mouse said:
Bolt? Hardly. I'd get my knives and make the appendange more to my liking.

Hey, I've done some surgery....
Using the smilies, I am able to give a visual representation of this frightening statement.






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