Schwarzenegger and the Governorship.

Originally posted by arnisador
Yes. How long will the new governor's term be (assuming that Gov. Davis is indeed recalled)?

Very good question -- does the winner simply fill out Davis' term, or does the clock start over again?
In california we have what is called the line item veto with respect to the budget. That means the Governor can veto any item on the budget. Not like the US budget, where the President has to accept the whole budget or nothing. So ultimately in calif, the buck literally stops at the Govenors mansion. He makes the final decision on the budget, on any singular item on the budget. He knew there would be deficits, yet did nothing to cut spending.

and as far as the "womens groups" are concerned. These groups attacked the victims instead of Clinton. Rememer how they were called "trailer trash" and "opportunity seeking" women. Yet these groups said ABSOLUTELY nothing against President Clinton. therefore, they have NO credibility whatsoever. no assumption there. just facts.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
He'll be a bloody disaster. He's ignorant, and arrogant--just yesterday, I saw him on TV making harassment jokes--and his "plans," so far are absurd.

Take the much-ballyhooed car tax. First, how many of you guys knew that this was a tax passed by the previous Republican governor, Pete Wilson? Or that the bill was specifically written so that the tax kicks back in when the economy goes in the dumper? Second, apparently Davis tried all sorts of alternatives--the Legislature wouldn't have them. So third, Arnold's blithely saying that he's going to immediately repeal the car tax, on which last summer's budget compromise was based. He's also going to increase funding for education. How?

By finding all the waste in State government. Right. And taxing Indian casinos. Right.

Hate to tell you this, guys, but I've seen the budgets for California community colleges. They've been cut, drastically. And fees raised, drastically. So Arnold's plans are bound to work.

Lest anybody forget, the only reason there IS a recall vote is: a very right-wing, lame duck legislator, Darryl Issa, pumped several million into a statewide campaign. He too started a campaign for gov; when he hit opposition, he gave a press conference in which he dropped out and burst into tears.

Fundamentally, when you see Arnold & wifey on TV these days, what is revealed is one more pair of rich, Orange County republicans--the sorts of charmers who soar up your bumper in their Mercedes SUV/Lexus/Humvee while they're on the phone, flash the lights, give you the finger when you move out of the way, and tearass off, giving you a good view of the flag decals on the back bumper.

He's another spoiled, rich, fading movie star. He has a very long history of grabbing women's asses--from 1975 to 2000 at least!--he still finds this whole thing funny, he's copped to steroid use when he was a body builder, drug use when he was getting his movie career going, group sex, and this is the guy the "moral" party wants to elect? At least McClintock's supporters have the nerve to bring this up.

He'll be a disaster, and he'll probably get away with it. In a sufficiently-rich country with corporate-controlled media, the ruling class gets away with all sorts of crap anyway.

Oh well. It's just a pity that Davis is such a boob, and in office at an impossible time.
I, for one, see that the republicans are willing to sacrifice all those values they've been bantering about since the Clinton administration. They are showing that they are just as willing as anybody to ignore drastic character flaws. Perhaps he will spearhead womens rights to show that we got him all wrong. He may even repeal those pesky laws that state women can't go around toppless in public. Anyways its your problem there Mr. California guy. Enjoy your pay cut. At least the weather is nice.
I think the Line Item Veto is a great idea. I'd like to see Pres. Bush able to stop some of the booty from flowing into W. Virginia, for example. Yes, it takes a weapon away from the Legislature--but they're out of control with pork barrel legislation. You can't pass anything without putting a new building on some college campus in W. Virginia (or wherever).

I'm pretty sure that the new gov. will simply fill out Gov. Davis' term.
Interesting that so far, nobody's pointed to where anything I've said has been inaccurate. But then, that's pretty much what I'd expected.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Interesting that so far, nobody's pointed to where anything I've said has been inaccurate. But then, that's pretty much what I'd expected.

well you really haven't posted anything substantial...shrug.
Originally posted by Ender
In california we have what is called the line item veto with respect to the budget. That means the Governor can veto any item on the budget. Not like the US budget, where the President has to accept the whole budget or nothing. So ultimately in calif, the buck literally stops at the Govenors mansion. He makes the final decision on the budget, on any singular item on the budget. He knew there would be deficits, yet did nothing to cut spending.

and as far as the "womens groups" are concerned. These groups attacked the victims instead of Clinton. Rememer how they were called "trailer trash" and "opportunity seeking" women. Yet these groups said ABSOLUTELY nothing against President Clinton. therefore, they have NO credibility whatsoever. no assumption there. just facts.

So, The Congress does not have the authority to pass a bill with two thirds vote? To overrule the teh excutive branch? I agree the line item veto gives the executive branch the option of cutting an item. Does it allow you to cut it less than 100% or is it all or nothing?

Maybe the womens groups in your state did this amd some of them nationally, yet I also know others that attack the president's stance and character, yet it was not on the national news as it was as excitign and rating grabbing for the liberal medai ;) Sorry for the last comment there.
Yep. "Liberal," pretty much translates as "middle class," so of course there'll be relatively little on the news of anything that the middle class finds genuinely disconcerting.

As for the claim that I haven't posted anything substantial, well, I'm not the guy who wants the gov out on the ground that his record's a failure which can be laid at his door.

Interesting, too, that this, "record," is not an issue when it comes to Arnie...for whom we have no record of public service whatsoever, and whose on-the-record stuff is pretty appalling.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Interesting that so far, nobody's pointed to where anything I've said has been inaccurate. But then, that's pretty much what I'd expected.
Ok you did say that having your hands at your side is not a point of origin but that is a little off topic. Politicly I agree with you; I wasn't pointing out any thing you said wrong about Arnold, I was just making fun of you for living in california.
Sean :D
Sure, fine, whatever. After all, making fun of people is a lot more important than actual discussion. Ask Arnie.
Actually the public is 50-50 liberal/conservative....check out the last Presidential election...*G
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
So, The Congress does not have the authority to pass a bill with two thirds vote? To overrule the teh excutive branch? I agree the line item veto gives the executive branch the option of cutting an item. Does it allow you to cut it less than 100% or is it all or nothing?

Maybe the womens groups in your state did this amd some of them nationally, yet I also know others that attack the president's stance and character, yet it was not on the national news as it was as excitign and rating grabbing for the liberal medai ;) Sorry for the last comment there.

the legislation must pass the budget here in calif with a 2/3 vote then the governor can use his line item veto. The legislation can override his veto with another 2/3 vote. right now in calif, the Democrats hold a 52/48% lead in the house and sentate. an override for any issue is highly unlikely.

And no, there was no outcry on behalf of paula jones, gennifer flowers, kathleen wiley etc. nothing excepts attacks calling them "bimbo's" etc. at least not here in calif.
Originally posted by Ender
the legislation must pass the budget here in calif with a 2/3 vote then the governor can use his line item veto. The legislation can override his veto with another 2/3 vote. right now in calif, the Democrats hold a 52/48% lead in the house and sentate. an override for any issue is highly unlikely.

And no, there was no outcry on behalf of paula jones, gennifer flowers, kathleen wiley etc. nothing excepts attacks calling them "bimbo's" etc. at least not here in calif.

So, it is ok to ignore the responsibility of the legislation, to deal with this. Therfore, they tried once, and it was wrong, and now the excutor gets hung out to dry because it already has passed a 2/3 vote to get to him. Hmm sounds to me like a very paper tiger line item veto.

Is the line item veto, a deletion only? or can the Governer change teh spending from $100,000 to $50,000?

Now, I do not care if the governer stays or not, I am only trying to understand the situation and why it is only the fault of one person.
Well, they elected him.

Latest tidbit: apparently Arnie personally financed his campaign, but is being paid back from as-yet-unnamed sources. Asked who they were, he apparently replied: "We do that after the election."
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Well, they elected him.

Latest tidbit: apparently Arnie personally financed his campaign, but is being paid back from as-yet-unnamed sources. Asked who they were, he apparently replied: "We do that after the election."

Nice. Considering that I am about as cynical as you sound regarding politics, I really hope that this doesn't mean what I think it means, and that he actually works to put the State back together, and that he isn't going to sit in special interests pockets.

As untrusting as I am, we will have to see what happends.

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