Originally posted by rmcrobertson
He'll be a bloody disaster. He's ignorant, and arrogant--just yesterday, I saw him on TV making harassment jokes--and his "plans," so far are absurd.
Take the much-ballyhooed car tax. First, how many of you guys knew that this was a tax passed by the previous Republican governor, Pete Wilson? Or that the bill was specifically written so that the tax kicks back in when the economy goes in the dumper? Second, apparently Davis tried all sorts of alternatives--the Legislature wouldn't have them. So third, Arnold's blithely saying that he's going to immediately repeal the car tax, on which last summer's budget compromise was based. He's also going to increase funding for education. How?
By finding all the waste in State government. Right. And taxing Indian casinos. Right.
Hate to tell you this, guys, but I've seen the budgets for California community colleges. They've been cut, drastically. And fees raised, drastically. So Arnold's plans are bound to work.
Lest anybody forget, the only reason there IS a recall vote is: a very right-wing, lame duck legislator, Darryl Issa, pumped several million into a statewide campaign. He too started a campaign for gov; when he hit opposition, he gave a press conference in which he dropped out and burst into tears.
Fundamentally, when you see Arnold & wifey on TV these days, what is revealed is one more pair of rich, Orange County republicans--the sorts of charmers who soar up your bumper in their Mercedes SUV/Lexus/Humvee while they're on the phone, flash the lights, give you the finger when you move out of the way, and tearass off, giving you a good view of the flag decals on the back bumper.
He's another spoiled, rich, fading movie star. He has a very long history of grabbing women's asses--from 1975 to 2000 at least!--he still finds this whole thing funny, he's copped to steroid use when he was a body builder, drug use when he was getting his movie career going, group sex, and this is the guy the "moral" party wants to elect? At least McClintock's supporters have the nerve to bring this up.
He'll be a disaster, and he'll probably get away with it. In a sufficiently-rich country with corporate-controlled media, the ruling class gets away with all sorts of crap anyway.
Oh well. It's just a pity that Davis is such a boob, and in office at an impossible time.