Schwarzenegger and the Governorship.

Here's my prediction. Arnold will be incrediably successful and bring Calif. out of its' economic chrises. He will do this by scapegoating the illeagle aliens and denying them access to services. There will be other less obvious but actually more important reasons for the miraculous turnaround, not the least being windfall profits from a dramatic increase in oil tax revenues, but the illeagle aliens will be the emotional rallying point. Same tactics as Hitler. As California is doing it's economic miracle the economy of the U.S. and therefore the rest of the world will be tanking bigtime. So now Arnold comes in with the promise to fix everything. The Euros have a very strong right wing 'blame everything on the immigrants' minority so the same tatics will work. Now the Euros would never accept an American to be in charge, especially with the widespread anti-american sentiment present at this time over the Iraq situation. But hey, Arnold isn't really an American now is he? And americans would never accept a european as our leader, but hey, Arnold is a hummvee drivin' good-ol'-boy. Coincidentally Orrin Hatch, Utah's ultra conservative republican senator is trying to get the law changed to allow a nonnative born american to be able to be president. Remember, California is the world's third largest economy. So guess who I'm saying Arnold is. Oh excuse me, it's time for my medication now.
Well, 'parently the Gov. has indeed reached a compromise with the legislature. They're going to float a 15 bil. bond issue (though S&P lowered the state's rating last week) to handle this year's deficit, do nothing about next year's, and float a referendum (oh joy) that will, among other things, prohibit floating bonds to deal with further debt.


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