Say something good...

Shodan, always a pleaseure reading your posts. Gotta love your choice of martial arts too - Kenpo & Arnis. :)

Sam, you always seem to stay open minded and are quick to welcome new "posters". And it is nice to see more Tracy Kenpo practioners.

Both, I am nowhere near your post totals yet, but hope to get there. ;)

You made me feel welcome when I first joined. It is always a pleasure reading what you have to say.
matt, I haven't known you very long, but you are inspiring to other martial artists, and very friendly.
Sam ~ for a young woman with alot on her plate, you handle yourself with increasing maturity and are fun to have on the board.
Jade Tigress, not only are you patient and kind with everyone; you're a lot of fun on the forum as well. And you have a great sense of humor. :)
SwordLady ~ You are the only real Jedi we have on Martial Talk! Seriously, you rock with a sword girl. You are highly knowledgable in your art and are a tremendous asset to the board and the staff.
You have a crazy, dry, uncanny sense of humor. We could hang out....That is funny.
I know this was done a few weeks ago. However I think these kinds of things are good for morale. Remeber, say something nice about the person who posted above you.

beau_safken has a heart of gold and really likes is new place to live, by the way how did your move go?
Terry is a very thoughtful person who genuinely cares for the MA's and other martial artists. The guy has good personality.
matt ~ you are friendly and have a great, upbeat personality. I also appreciate your sense of humor. You are a pleasure to have around the board. :asian:
Jade Tigress - besides having an awesome screen name, you are a very caring and supportive person, and have a sympathetic ear to whoever may need one.

Love your posts. Especially the "Koans". Keep 'em coming. Makes me stop and think during the hectic day.

You have a great humor about you, too!