Say something good...

Jade I find all that you do to be an insperation to us all. you are witty inteligent and most of all a friend to all here on MT
Terry- You're an excellent mod. you have a great sense of humor, willing to help, and all in all, I just really enjoy reading your posts!

I'm not sure how I got back to this thread; but, there was your lovingly threatening pic on the last post.

You've inspired me to revive the thread.
Awwwww...thanks Jim! I'm glad I was able to sufficiently coerc...I mean, inspire you. ;)

You have always been an asset to MT. Your introspection always makes me think,and it's good to have you back. :asian:
Jade Tigress I enjoy reading your threads and posts and i agree on your view that belts are our foundation in martial arts. :D
Fiendlover, I find you to be a positive poster here and appreciate your input on threads. :asian: