Say something good...

Terry- You are one of the members here I respect a lot. You are very helpful, insightfull, funny, and diplomatic when the need arises.
TKDGirl, you have been so welcoming and so supportive of me joining the community here. I've appreciated learning what you have to say about your training, and I don't think I've repped you anywhere near enough to reflect how highly I think of you.

Sam said:
Technopunk, the things you say make me laugh my *** off.

Hot Ninja Action!

Sam, you are always the center of attention and that is a good thing I have always enjoyed your witt.
Terry has always been one of my favorite people on this site along with Robert Rousselott who does not post anymore and others. Terry for his accomplishments has always remained quite modest a real classy individual and a great human being. Very respectful of others and always trying to lend a helping hand.
evenflow1121 said:
Terry has always been one of my favorite people on this site along with Robert Rousselott who does not post anymore and others. Terry for his accomplishments has always remained quite modest a real classy individual and a great human being. Very respectful of others and always trying to lend a helping hand.


I really like discussion topics where I can get a perspective from many different arts. I appreciate your input from the kenpo perspective and I'm glad you decided to hang around here.

upnorthkyosa said:
I really like discussion topics where I can get a perspective from many different arts. I appreciate your input from the kenpo perspective and I'm glad you decided to hang around here.


Upnorth, I gotta say you hang in there on those discussions no one else wants to have and seem to strive for a better understanding of the world we live in and the people in it. Examining possibilities, even when they are unpopular, is the mark of the open mind. I respect that.

Shesulsa - I find you to be a very strong willed and strong minded person and you are very giving with the information you have, willing to take the time help others (myself included) when they ask.
OnlyAnEgg said:
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Nick's posts.

One of the things that I have always appreciated about your posts is the persective of an older martial artist just beginning an art. I think that this brings something really unique to MT, because many of our beginners tend to be a little on the immature side. Seeing things from your perspective has really helped me understand a few things about my own art in more detail. TSD and Ko Sutemi have alot in common.
Upnorth, your dedication to researching the the things that interest you is what I have found to be your most striking quality. You are not satisfied with second hand information and opinions, rather, you seek a genuine understanding founded on facts and reality. I respect that.

One other thing - I have really admired your ability to maintain your composure even when confronted in unfriendly ways. You're a strong and confident man.
Technopunk, I don't think I've ever seen an avatar of you that hasn't made me smile. You have a level head, a great sense of humor, and you are very knowledgeable about your art. :asian:
Lady_kaur is fast and beat me to the post on TP.

Though you haven't been here long, my impression is that you are also level-headed, even-keeled and not easily riled. You seem to have a sense of fun which is awesome, and you're not afraid to step into the fray with a clarion comment. I'm glad you're here.
Technopunk- you have a nack to make others here laugh, and at the same time, are quite helpful when others have questions or problems.
tkdgirl said:
Technopunk- you have a nack to make others here laugh, and at the same time, are quite helpful when others have questions or problems.

TKDgirl you are a trill aminute you always bring sunshine to my day with your post and I personally thank you for that.
Terry, I've always enjoyed your posts... your wording needs a bit of tweaking :wink2: but you are fearless in speaking your mind and bringing things out in the open. In this day and age that's a great quality. :asian:

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