That is the single most bigoted statement I've seen on here in a while. But, bigotry against men is OK...
Nah, it's pretty true.
However, if you feel offended, maybe there is a reason.
Hatret against women is pretty rampant. Naturally not everybody has it. Not everybody does disagree with women becoming powerful.
But just examine general atributes given to men vs women when their actions are the same.
men yell, women screech
men are assertive, women bitchy.
The west has made a conscious effort to change public policy. but a lot of guys still like their women as submissive pets rather than partners.
Our cultural background is somewhat different from the Saudi one, but deep down a lot of guys have that admiration for that Sheik with a big harem...the structure of Saudi society and the ripple effects it has on the Islamic world just gives men an excuse to not control their impulses and behave badly.
However, our social structure - I am speaking of Euro/American, judeo-christian influenced, has been based on patriachial structures since antiquity. As cultured as the Greek were, they too regarded their women as chattel...the Romans brought it north, and with the spread of Christianity the Germanic/Celtic societies got corrupted and the female relegated to people second class where as they had been equal partners before.
(on the same token 'foreign aid' has done a lot of this in 3rd world countries, by disregarding how the society worked: Giving aid and confiscating the best fields for the men to play with tractors when really the women were doing the farming, now pushed to the poor fields with the traditional hoe to work it. )
Most men don't do it consciously, but sheesh, just look at the hip-hop culture...