upnorthkyosa said:
If murder can be okay at times, then why not rape? Why not torture? Absolutes are simply not present. Context means everything. I'm not saying that in all circumstances its right or even in most circumstances. All I'm trying to do is point out that there may be circumstances that defy any black and white definition.
Context huh... Perhaps a better phrase these days would be terminology.
Here is another perspective... As a child, you get taught "Don't play in the streets!" (Lets assume you were told that anyways!). Now, why were you told that? Someone with understanding told you! They realize there is risk in doing such a thing, and they don't want to have harm come to you.
Now, when you grow up, you understand these things. You mature, and the maturation helps you understand that it was the best thing for you at the time. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with playing in the streets? No, but when looking at it, you realize that its just plain stupid and wrong to play in the middle of the interstate when you have traffic going 100mph around you. You might, however, see it as ok to go play on the curb or traffic circle when no cars around.
Apply this to "murder". Its wrong, and as a child you are told so. However, as an adult, you start to understand that under certain circumstances, its ok (self defense, state execution of criminals, war, ect.). So in this instance, a "wrong" depends on the circumstance.
OK, before you go bonkers, lets look at another example. As a child, I was told not to touch a hot stove. As an adult, I see the pure and simple logic of not touching a hot stove. It burns! I'd be pretty silly to go and purposefully touch a stove now. I can't argue as an adult that it depends on the time in history or perhaps my parents just did not instruct me. Have people touched stoves in the past? Sure! Was it wrong and stupid then? Sure! That fact that stoves have been touched in the past does not validate my desire to touch.
Apply this to rape. You are told rape is wrong, and under no circumstance is it ever right. It does not matter if you are an adult with understanding or a child, its absoluteness is non-changing.
Make sense?
So, as societies evolve (mature into an adult), they start growing in understanding of fundamentals (rape is wrong, "murder" under certain circumstances is ok, ect). BTW, using murder in quotations because I don't see executions or war as plain murder. Perhaps a better phrase would be "killing".