Limbaugh advertiser returning, tail between its legs...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Well, Rush moves a lot of merchandise for the people he advertises for, and this company probably realized their mistake...when conservatives stopped calling to buy their product...

A Limbaugh spokesman said that California mattress company Sleep Train asked to restart a “voiced endorsement” from Limbaugh that it had publicly cut off last week. The company said at the time that it “does not condone such negative comments toward any person.”…
Sleep Train’s departure from the program had been billed by some observers as particularly significant because the mattress retailer had been with Limbaugh show for 25 years. Yet the tone of Sleep Train’s withdrawal statement last Friday hinted it might not be pulling out for the long run…
Limbaugh spokesman Brian Glicklich on Thursday forwarded a copy of an email that he said had been sent to Sleep Train Chief Executive Dale Carlsen. In it, Glicklich wrote that Limbaugh had personally received the company’s requests to resume advertising on his show.
“Unfortunately,” Glicklich wrote, “your public comments were not well received by our audience, and did not accurately portray either Rush Limbaugh’s character or the intent of his remarks. Thus, we regret to inform you that Rush will be unable to endorse Sleep Train in the future.”
Via the Daily Rushbo, he talked about this a bit on yesterday’s show, claiming that two sponsors had already asked to return and that “one of them is practically begging to come back.” I don’t know why Sleep Train would pull ads if the prospect of losing Rush forever made them nervous enough to cave this quickly. They’ve alienated the right by abandoning him and irritated the left by going squishy over it. Have we learned nothing from l’affaire Komen, my friends? Rule one of inserting yourself into a hot-button public debate: Once you pick a side, stick to it. Sheesh.

And the money quote...

“Unfortunately,” Glicklich wrote, “your public comments were not well received by our audience, and did not accurately portray either Rush Limbaugh’s character or the intent of his remarks. Thus, we regret to inform you that Rush will be unable to endorse Sleep Train in the future.”

And here is Rush explaining how advertising in his business actually works...

And as a bonus, here is video of, I believe Sean Hannity's producers asking Democrat congresswomen if they are going to demand that the president give back the million dollars that Bill Maher gave his superpac...they are speechless...and pretty much clueless.

Warning...the actual words that Bill Maher called Sarah Palin are used in the questioning of the clueless congresswomen, careful if you are watching this in the company of children or the faint of heart...
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A lot has been said on both sides to demean and upset the apple cart. It is all about the votes and shutting down alternative voices. We are all adults and can discern what we hear, on both sides, in helping us to made sense of it all. I don't take what any one voice says on any given day, but listen to both sides, and it is all about who has the least BS that will help in my decisions.
Yeah...running out on Limbaugh didn't quite work the way it was supposed to...

[h=2]When Media Matters helped organize the Stop Rush boycott pressuring corporations to pull advertisements from Rush Limbaugh’s show, the online file storage company Carbonite was one of the first big names to give in. [/h]Now, as William Jacobson of the “Legal Insurrection” blog noted, Carbonite’s CEO David Friend conceded on a conference call that dropping Limbaugh deeply hurt the company’s earnings.
“It turned out to be a bigger hole in our revenue than we had thought when we initially did this,” Friend said on a conference call on August 1.
In fact, as Jacobson wrote, Carbonite’s 2nd Quarter 2012 results shocked analysts, causing the company's stock price to plummet by 15% in one day.
Jacobson transcribed the relevant portions of the conference call where Friend said four factors contributed to the company’s slow growth, and the first factor was that Carbonite “stopped working with one of our top producing radio endorsers,” which was Rush Limbaugh.
A questioner on the call then told Friend that he was “a little surprised that you were caught by surprise by the radio host change ’cause I know we’ve talked and I guess my impression was that it wouldn’t be that impactful but I guess it was quite impactful.”
Friend responded, “Yeah, I’d say it turned out to be a bigger issue than we had anticipated.”