Senior Master
I saw a specialist physiotherapist on Wednesday. She was light years better than the young grunts I’d been seeing up to now, assessing me and deciding I had a supraspinatus rotator cuff injury, giving me the same exercises that made it worse. The specialist did a lot of tests and said, “You have a frozen shoulder…maybe a little tendinopathy in the infraspinatus (a ‘mixed presentation’) but it’s mainly a frozen shoulder. Can you come in tomorrow for a joint injection?”
I arrived the next day and endured a rather painful injection into the glenoid fossa. She suggested I wait a week for it to really kick in and begin 4 capsule stretching exercises she gave me . It ached all evening and at night too but today, it feels ‘different’. Gone are the spasms pain on reaching up high but there’s still a bit of discomfort and I won’t rush into the rehab exercises for another 6 days as she suggested.
I was so pleased with her diagnostic skills and treatment ( and yes she was attractive) I wrote a letter praising her, the receptionists and the service in general to the feedback department.
I arrived the next day and endured a rather painful injection into the glenoid fossa. She suggested I wait a week for it to really kick in and begin 4 capsule stretching exercises she gave me . It ached all evening and at night too but today, it feels ‘different’. Gone are the spasms pain on reaching up high but there’s still a bit of discomfort and I won’t rush into the rehab exercises for another 6 days as she suggested.
I was so pleased with her diagnostic skills and treatment ( and yes she was attractive) I wrote a letter praising her, the receptionists and the service in general to the feedback department.