Ronda rousey: more mma would cause less shootings

I'm not one of the pro gun guys (nor am I anti-gun), but I wonder how many of the mass shooters used guns that were legally obtained?

The answers to why these things happen and how they can be prevented are never a single answer and solution. Too many people think they are.

And I'm not saying you're thinking too narrowly, as you claimed (rightfully so) that it's a place to start.

I really hope this doesn't spark the absurdity that's all too common.
I'm not sure, but as there are over 50,000 mass shootings in the US most years, I'm gussing a lot of them have legally obtained firearms.
Most are legally obtained.

Or anyone, really. Why do we expect a bunch of amateur martial artists to hav something insightful to add to any discussion?
Because that's us, and we assume we are intelligent. Not necessarily a safe assumption for any given topic...oddly including martial arts, at times.

So in the article rousey talks about how mma is an outlet for aggression and would cause less shootings. I personally disagree with this. While martial arts is a good outlet for aggression and maybe it'll stop guys fighting in the street but not shootings. People who go and shoot up schools or nightclubs etc that's not just a bit of aggression that needs letting out that's mental issues. You go killing random strangers you have something very wrong with you and martial arts would not help with that.

I get it's an mma documentary so they're trying to make sport sound good but to me that's the wrong statement because people like that belong in prison and get mental help not martial art training.
Depends on the person teaching MMA. I actually believe it that it would cause less uncontrolled aggression, but saying that it would cause less shootings would be only possible if the child now has a less lethal tool set to use. For example, in the U.S. people always quick to say that they don't need self defense classes because they have a gun. At the point someone tells you this is the exact point where they are dependent on the gun solving hostile situations. We can literally read recent news events in the U.S. of a person shooting someone and claiming self defense because they were scared.

Knowing that you can pound someone in the face will make a person more likely to try and pound an attacker in the face than to shoot them. I point to the many newspaper articles of someone who stopped a criminal without a gun. The thing about MMA and martial arts in general is that it makes you feel like a Bad ***, when you know you have been training the right way. Especially if the person is still in good physical shape and under 50.

If the tendency to shoot is a result of bad anger management skills or fear, then yes. If the tendency to shoot is a result of hate, betrayal, lust, mental issues, brained washed or just a natural desire to kills someone just because they can, then there's not anything MMA or anyone can do to stop that. If the MMA and Martial Arts coach is a good role model and mentor then there's a good chance that will rub off on the student.

Now from a youth development perspective on how youth development centers help reduce crime among youth, then yes. MMA will help. The shooting thing is just so vague.
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Not allowing mentally unstable people to own guns might be a better place to start.
Easier said then done. I can be sane on the day I bought my gun on lets say 1990 and I could be Insane 3 years from now. I can be sane on the day I buy my gun and be insane the week after. Lets say after a person finds out that his brother is sleeping with his wife and he loses it.
Sure, but any activity could possibly fit that bill. I don't think MMA is necessarily better (nor worse) in that regard, and then it comes down to the interests of the individual. It could just as well be Chess Club, Dungeons and Dragons, or country Square Dancing.
This is why youth development centers were created. It helps to keep youth away from bad elements. If good people don't try to shape young minds then you better believe that someone bad will.