Romney Picks Paul Ryan...

Im not anti-sex. Have all the sex you want you just need to be prepared for the outcome if you do. I dont drink and drive because Im worried about the police and the outcome of my choice. You want to drink and drive fine be prepared for the outcome. I have sex any time my wife say I can but we are also prepared for the outcome if she were to get pregnant then thats great we will have 5 kids instead of the four we have now. In my opinon killing a baby is not exceptable. You can try and call it something else if it helps you sleep at night but its a baby. Noone gets pregnant and has a fetus shower, or says Im having a Fetus. You dont buy gifts at fetus R us.

Ive heard arguments that well your going to die anyway who cares if its before birth or when your 80, Ive seen babies compared to fish or small game animals. All of that is just a way for people to cope with the belief thats its ok to kill babies. You cant claim pro-choice but say your against abortions. Pro-choice = pro-abortions. It is what it is. If thats how you feel then fine but dont try to sugar coat it to make your self feel better. If your ok with abortions then fine Im notand thats fine too. Sometime 100 years from now I believe we will look upon the MIllions of abortions that happen here the same way we now look at slavery and consider it a black eye on American History
Funny thing to all this is Abortions are legal and they will stay that way and its a very minor part of the upcoming election but the Obama supporters cant find anyhting positive for Obama to run on so they try to make a non-issue an issue to take the focus away from the $4 a gal gas, millions out of work, the fact that Obama has added 5 TRILLION dollars to the debt, never closed Gitmo, were still at war, We borrow 40 cents out of every dollar the Govt spends The real issues that are facing the country.
That explains the aggression and, possibly, presages a good skill level at games such as poker :nods:.

Sorry it's a serious issue, I know; hard-line attitudes that I find symptomatic of a leaning towards totalitarianism make me nervous so I make them less horrible by joking.
Oh people that respect life got it

Not at all. Respect for life has nothing to do with being part of the ERWFLF.
I'm Pro-Choice, but I'll wager I've saved more lives than most.
I also understand the difference between science and matters of opinion, and why I don't have the right to impose MY views on the rest of the world.
Paul Ryan is easily one of themost honest people in Congress, and is probably too young to have anyskeletons in his closet. He's a good choice, demographically and ideologically,being solidly to the right of Romney.

I don't like the idea of privatizing Social Security, something he's anadvocate of. I like some of his budget ideas, but others.....not so much.

Shaping up to be an interesting campaign, ideologically speaking.

Biden will eat him alive in the debates, I'll bet, though....

Wow this started to be about the election specific Romney and Ryan and I see ithas degraded to a fight of who came first the chicken or the egg? After a studyconducted by CNN few days ago I have decided it is a total waste of time torespond or post any new threads giving a moderate or democratic rebuttal to anyof the right wing Shtick on this site thinking I could gather likeminded peopleor at least fight the good fight for low and middle income disadvantaged andminorities in my mind the duty of any real MA person to protect and serve thoseweaker than us?

The statistics are as follows:

FIRST: All those who do not care aboutactual facts or history related to those responsible for the past two illegalunpaid for wars and rampant growth of government including a total economicrape of the country by tax cuts for the rich while increasing spending havemade up their minds who to vote for and cannot be changed!!!
SECOND: All those who do care about the facts and donot want a return to the failed old policies of the right made up their mindsweeks, months or even years ago and cannot be changed.
THIRD: What is leftis the UNDECIDED which based onthe country being so closely divided could give the deciding edge for eitherparty to win. What is scary even depressing in all this is according to thesurvey the UNDECIDED are LOW INFORMED and can be swayed by negative rhetoric byeither side and depending on their media choice. So in conclusion this group inlarge part will make up their mind at the last minute base on emotions rangingfrom one last media blitz, just choose one or whoever looks and sounds best onTV?
It is this group that Romney hopes to bring in includingwomen? More alarming is that 33 Republican states have put in votingrestrictions hoping to eliminate as many as 20 million previous legalregistered voters who are poor or minority based from voting.
How can one personĀ’s voice do anything to effect adefense to this onslaught? For my part our state had elections two days ago Ialways vote I took my relative (who is homeless and sleeps in an abandoned careuntil the winter shelter opens up in October) and a registered voter to vote.He had picture ID which he needs to get his food stamps so it was no problembut I asked if that was required and they said no they could accept otheroptions but being a small community we are Known people so there would not havebeen a problem.
I explained the candidates for the House races and thebill initiatives to him and we voted those people and bills that were in thebest interest of our state and peoples. So for my part I picked up one personto vote that may have not and possibly if each of us do that for 1 to 10 peoplewe know that might stay home instead of voting it is the best any of us can do.
I might add that one of the bills failed for our state totake back management of our coast line away from the Federal Government due tomassive campaign funding from the oil companies not wanting that.
Why is it that the ERWFLF are always anti-sex?

I don't think that it's really 'anti-sex' so much as it is a boiling down to the idea that the only way to be responsible is to accept punishment. These people have violated some rule in their mindset, and mitigating the consequence is ideologically bad, as opposed to dealing with reality.
Not at all. Respect for life has nothing to do with being part of the ERWFLF.
I'm Pro-Choice, but I'll wager I've saved more lives than most.
I also understand the difference between science and matters of opinion, and why I don't have the right to impose MY views on the rest of the world.

Thats fine its your view that its ok to kill babies its my view thats its not ok. I too have saved lives not to the extent as someone in a hospital but I respect lives and dont want to see babies killed because of irresponsible parents
I don't think that it's really 'anti-sex' so much as it is a boiling down to the idea that the only way to be responsible is to accept punishment. These people have violated some rule in their mindset, and mitigating the consequence is ideologically bad, as opposed to dealing with reality.
How is being responsible a punishment? I have alot of responsibilites everyday I dont see them as a punishment.
Thats fine its your view that its ok to kill babies its my view thats its not ok. I too have saved lives not to the extent as someone in a hospital but I respect lives and dont want to see babies killed because of irresponsible parents
I think it is up to each person's ethics to decide on abortion and ultimately they will in this life and the next answer for that be it good or bad but while all the hot debate on this issue what is missed is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people will live or die based on keeping Obam Care or Romney killing it and leaving the general public to fend for them selves at the mercy of insurance companies and corporations. Our polititions have the best care in the world paid for by tax payers. Romney is not worried about you or anyone in his famly remember the poor are doing ok?

Wow this started to be about the election specific Romney and Ryan and I see ithas degraded to a fight of who came first the chicken or the egg? After a studyconducted by CNN few days ago I have decided it is a total waste of time torespond or post any new threads giving a moderate or democratic rebuttal to anyof the right wing Shtick on this site thinking I could gather likeminded peopleor at least fight the good fight for low and middle income disadvantaged andminorities in my mind the duty of any real MA person to protect and serve thoseweaker than us?

The statistics are as follows:

FIRST: All those who do not care aboutactual facts or history related to those responsible for the past two illegalunpaid for wars and rampant growth of government including a total economicrape of the country by tax cuts for the rich while increasing spending havemade up their minds who to vote for and cannot be changed!!!
SECOND: All those who do care about the facts and donot want a return to the failed old policies of the right made up their mindsweeks, months or even years ago and cannot be changed.
THIRD: What is leftis the UNDECIDED which based onthe country being so closely divided could give the deciding edge for eitherparty to win. What is scary even depressing in all this is according to thesurvey the UNDECIDED are LOW INFORMED and can be swayed by negative rhetoric byeither side and depending on their media choice. So in conclusion this group inlarge part will make up their mind at the last minute base on emotions rangingfrom one last media blitz, just choose one or whoever looks and sounds best onTV?
It is this group that Romney hopes to bring in includingwomen? More alarming is that 33 Republican states have put in votingrestrictions hoping to eliminate as many as 20 million previous legalregistered voters who are poor or minority based from voting.
How can one personĀ’s voice do anything to effect adefense to this onslaught? For my part our state had elections two days ago Ialways vote I took my relative (who is homeless and sleeps in an abandoned careuntil the winter shelter opens up in October) and a registered voter to vote.He had picture ID which he needs to get his food stamps so it was no problembut I asked if that was required and they said no they could accept otheroptions but being a small community we are Known people so there would not havebeen a problem.
I explained the candidates for the House races and thebill initiatives to him and we voted those people and bills that were in thebest interest of our state and peoples. So for my part I picked up one personto vote that may have not and possibly if each of us do that for 1 to 10 peoplewe know that might stay home instead of voting it is the best any of us can do.
I might add that one of the bills failed for our state totake back management of our coast line away from the Federal Government due tomassive campaign funding from the oil companies not wanting that.

What do you expect? I saw a survey the other day said 2/3s of Americans cant even name a single Supreme Court Justice. Most people dont care about politics. Most people to get into debates on forums about politics, They eiter dont care and just dont think about it. They will walk in and vote for whoever seems nice. They believe whatever the news tells them and take no time to look up the information to see if its true. People just dont care about it. Its not important in there lives.
I remember the last election Howard Stern sent his people out in NY City and had them ask citizens about the elections. The interviewer would say things wrong to see if the citizens would know and none of them did. They would ask who they were voting for and in NY most would say Obama. Then he would ask how they liked his VP sarah Palin and almost all of them would say they loved her. People have no clue.
How is being responsible a punishment? I have alot of responsibilites everyday I dont see them as a punishment.

Yet, in the case of sex, there are multiple ways to fulfil your responsibility, beyond babies and abstention. Forcing everyone, by law, to run your way, regardless of, and especially beyond, their ability to bear it, is punishment.
I think it is up to each person's ethics to decide on abortion

I agree with that I just want them to be honest. If its ok with you to kill a baby then fine its ok with you. But dont try to justify it to yourself by making up excuses. "Well Im against abortions but im pro-choice for others" Bull Crap if your keeping abortions legal then your for abortions. Do use arguments like "We will all die anyway so why does it matter if your aborted or live to 80 your still dead" or "Its not a baby its a fetus" Its all to try to make them sleep better at night.
this issue what is missed is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people will live or die based on keeping Obam Care or Romney killing it and leaving the general public to fend for them selves at the mercy of insurance companies and corporations. Our polititions have the best care in the world paid for by tax payers. Romney is not worried about you or anyone in his famly remember the poor are doing ok?
Thats fine if you want Obama care then tell me how we can pay for it? Tell me why My family living on the east coast we all take care of ourselves dont drink or smoke or use drugs should be forced to pay for a crack heads medical insurance in Texas and a drunks liver transplant in California.
I agree with that I just want them to be honest. If its ok with you to kill a baby then fine its ok with you. But dont try to justify it to yourself by making up excuses. "Well Im against abortions but im pro-choice for others" .

Again-and the point I've been trying to make scientifically, not what is "human" or a "person"- you can't call it a "baby" or a "child," because it is not. It's a fetus. If it's a less than 21 week fetus, it can never be a "child" ex-utero....for now.
"Well Im against abortions but im pro-choice for others"

That would actually be a rational and supportable position. Against abortion? Don't have one. You don't get to make choices for others.

I am personally both Pro-Choice and anti-abortion. I wish abortion was never needed. I also wish CPR was never needed. And rehabilitation for strokes. And lots of other things.

Doesn't mean I'm going to try to tell someone else that they cannot have their rehab.
Yes, thinking that a baby is...well...a baby, and wanting that human being to have the same protections as all other humans should have...yeah, that is just crazy talk.
Yes, thinking that a baby is...well...a baby, and wanting that human being to have the same protections as all other humans should have...yeah, that is just crazy talk.

Once again... assertion is not proof.