Sr. Grandmaster
Im not anti-sex. Have all the sex you want you just need to be prepared for the outcome if you do. I dont drink and drive because Im worried about the police and the outcome of my choice. You want to drink and drive fine be prepared for the outcome. I have sex any time my wife say I can but we are also prepared for the outcome if she were to get pregnant then thats great we will have 5 kids instead of the four we have now. In my opinon killing a baby is not exceptable. You can try and call it something else if it helps you sleep at night but its a baby. Noone gets pregnant and has a fetus shower, or says Im having a Fetus. You dont buy gifts at fetus R us.
Ive heard arguments that well your going to die anyway who cares if its before birth or when your 80, Ive seen babies compared to fish or small game animals. All of that is just a way for people to cope with the belief thats its ok to kill babies. You cant claim pro-choice but say your against abortions. Pro-choice = pro-abortions. It is what it is. If thats how you feel then fine but dont try to sugar coat it to make your self feel better. If your ok with abortions then fine Im notand thats fine too. Sometime 100 years from now I believe we will look upon the MIllions of abortions that happen here the same way we now look at slavery and consider it a black eye on American History
Ive heard arguments that well your going to die anyway who cares if its before birth or when your 80, Ive seen babies compared to fish or small game animals. All of that is just a way for people to cope with the belief thats its ok to kill babies. You cant claim pro-choice but say your against abortions. Pro-choice = pro-abortions. It is what it is. If thats how you feel then fine but dont try to sugar coat it to make your self feel better. If your ok with abortions then fine Im notand thats fine too. Sometime 100 years from now I believe we will look upon the MIllions of abortions that happen here the same way we now look at slavery and consider it a black eye on American History