Role of Women Instructors in SD

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Originally posted by moromoro
i think in SD it is a good idea to have women instructors as long as they know what they are doing

Well, that applies equally well to men and women I'd say!
Originally posted by moromoro
i think in SD it is a good idea to have women instructors as long as they know what they are doing

Any particular reason why?

to give the female practitioners more confidence

i completely disagree with the fact that men should learn with a women as the instructor................
Originally posted by moromoro
to give the female practitioners more confidence

i completely disagree with the fact that men should learn with a women as the instructor................

Originally posted by moromoro
well do you think that theres a woman out there that can beat you?????????

I'm sure there are plenty of women out that that could beat men. I think Cathy Long would hand me my head on a platter.

I personally think that SD can be taught by anyone. Making women feel comfortable (as well as some men) is difficult but not insurmountable. In fact, them getting over their problems facing a male "attacker" in a class setting should help them if they ever meet one for real. I'd hate to have someone train where they're just comfortable and then have to face an attacker that scares the hell out of them simply because it's a male.

Now another question. Anyone have ideas on how to make SD students feel comfortable enough? For the women out there, did you have problems working with men when you started and if so, how did you overcome them? Was it a particular type of drill or something the instructor did, or was it just time?

I remember reading something about a female Kenpoist who competed in full contact stuff....had a god winnng record if I remember right..

I think its more skill and what you bring that gender.
Knowledge knows no gender. Teaching ability has no sign saying men- women.
To learn one must want to , and then be willing to be shown.
To instructuct one must have some idea of what they are doing and be willing to share that knowledge.
Be it a man , a woman, or something that is part inbetween, the ability to instruct and to help others overcome fears, and the practical knowledge that needs be past on is all that is required.
Some places in the world do not reconise women as equal and that is part of there culture. but it has nothing to do with the ability of a woman to defend herslef or to instruct others.
If we are to belive the history of the White Crane and a few other systyems they where started by women
Originally posted by moromoro
hi rich

well do you think that theres a woman out there that can beat you?????????

i dont think so



I know several who could beat me.

But past that, (specifically related to FMA) the FMA are weapon based and, often, blade based. A blade doesn't care how big or strong its wielder is. A woman with a blade is just as dangerous as a man with a blade.

well i guarantee you i have not met any female and will probably never will who could beat me, well iam 6ft 230pounds heavy bone structure

according to medical science we have an added ingredient in our bodies that make it imposible for a woman to beat us


with our speed and strength women cannot realistically beat us in combat.......

also iam not talking about demonstration, if you spare with a woman these factors will win in the end...

But past that, (specifically related to FMA) the FMA are weapon based and, often, blade based.

this is exactly the reason why you dont hear of women eskrimadors involve in the classic era of challenge matches in cebu city......All the masters will laugh at you told them a woman was a great eskrimador.........
Ok Terry,

Based on what you've posted here so far a woman can not hope to best you in a confrontation due to your size, weight and bone structure. In addition, you have going for you 'testosterone', speed, stamina and agility.

Am I summarizing you correctly here so far?

So....What must a female do to defend herself? Or, is there no chance of it and she should just be a victim?

Oh, and as to your physical description....I've got 1 word..."Chyna!" :D
hi kaith
all i said at the start was i agree on women self defense instructors i think it is great as long as they now what they are doing and if they stick to teaching other women i.e rape prevention and that type of stuff.

i do not like the idea of women teaching men, (in particular men who want to become fighters and not just learn self defence.)

So....What must a female do to defend herself? Or, is there no chance of it and she should just be a victim?

well against trained and seasoned fighters a woman has little hope, but we train every day and we are also class people who dont look for trouble it is very different to defend against a trained and seasoned fighter......then to defend against a thug wanting to rob or rape.....


OH and about china yeah shes good but shes not as big or strong as what she was 5 years ago, must be the plastic surgery.......................


Originally posted by arnisador
Moved from Womens Self-Defense forum.

-MT Admin-

Good call Arnisador.

I think my statement about different styles applies to different genders as well. In a fight between a man and a woman, the loser will be the one who most underestimates their opponent.
Originally posted by moromoro



Wrong. Just because of a hormon you mean that women cant beat men. It is true that men can be stronger because of the hormon, but not nessarily better. That depends on the individual.

Concerning old escrimador's laughing of the thought that women could beat men; I think it has a lot to do with old traditional roles in society. Just as you would normally see women as knights (But we do have Jaen D'arc [I cant remember her whole name]).

Yari, I think you were referring to the french saint that we know as "Joan of Arc" but I'm not totally sure.

And, moromoro, please keep in mind that that "testosterone" you were bragging about also leaves you with a vulnerability. Sure, a groin shot won't end every fight, but I've seen a couple of women end an altercation that way (twice in a bar, and once in the studio where the gentleman in question forgot a certain critical part of his gear).

It isn't all your strength against all my strength... Its weapon vs. target... its the strength of your testicles against the strength of my knee. The trick is, getting in the shot. and everyone, even women, get a lucky shot every so often....
women also produce men also produce ( in obviously smaller amounts than women) oestrogen ....

the old men are stronger, bigger, better argument went out with the ark....vunerablitity comes in many forms. I ahve known of a 6'6" 17 stone rugby player who was scarred $h*&less of his little 5'2" wife who was beating the cr@p out of him daily.....his conditioning told him that he couldn't hit a woman.......after she hit him over the head with the iron, they started going to counselling.

Nightingal is spot on.
It isn't all your strength against all my strength... Its weapon vs. target... its the strength of your testicles against the strength of my knee. The trick is, getting in the shot. and everyone, even women, get a lucky shot every so often....

its not necessarily about slugging it out, its about fighting with your brain, so that puts you testosterone driven single brain cell types way down the evolution ladder. :D

besides, why does it have to be a gender equasion? if you are a 230lb 6' bloke does that not mean by your reconning that you always going to beat a 100lb 5' bloke, because of size and strength?
I ahve known of a 6'6" 17 stone rugby player who was scarred $h*&less of his little 5'2" wife who was beating the cr@p out of him daily

our girlfriends and wives are our toughest opponents......WE ARE **** SCARED OF THEM!

WITH MY BOUNCING WORK i have come across women who act tough among other women these are usually at biker bars....
but i have never ever ever seen a woman beat a man who could fight,

as a man who has trained in the MA (FMA for the past 17 years) and i have reached almost the highest level of my art, i will not hit a woman (most good guys will never hit a woman as well) but i will tell you this women are NOT FIGHTERS I DONT CARE ABOUT POLITICAL CORRECTNESS THEY ARE NOT FIGHTERS! PLAIN AND SIMPLE sure a few can reach 6th 7th or even a 10th dan but you will still beat them in a fight in the end if you are a trained fighter, if you train for a fight (cross train, weapons, MMA, Muay thai, jujutsu) you will not lose to any woman unless you are built like a woman as well......


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