Rick T-post your evidence...

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Originally posted by Shuri-te


When you can find a moment, perhaps on a break from calling MT posters liars and fakes,

trying to start flame war I see.
Originally posted by arnisador
Am I the only one tired of hearing this cheap tactic?

martial talk seems to have 2 sets of rules.
one for moderators and one for members.

a moderator seems to wnat to challenge me overt the internet to a fight and nothing is said or done.

I think that kind of action is stupid
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Please see my previous post(s).

I believe he read more into it then was there.

I am tired of this ploy of misdirection and complaing to Mom and Dad is wrong or to Dad that Mom is Wrong or to Grand MA that Grand Pa is Wrong.

I have asked for him to lsit his grievences, here or to me privately.
Hopefully Rick Tsubota will reply.


The main moderator I dislike is you.
You act like an arrogant ***.
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
martial talk seems to have 2 sets of rules.
one for moderators and one for members.

a moderator seems to wnat to challenge me overt the internet to a fight and nothing is said or done.

I think that kind of action is stupid

I see someone has stated that everyone round here is acting like kids blah blah.....so as a kid, allow me to join in :rolleyes:

Firstly, there isnt two sets of rules, and if there is, it is because of people like you. You cannot say that we all have one set of rules and can voice our opinion, but then complain whenever a moderator or admin voices their opinion. You cant say that another member can go around asking questions to another member, but then complain as soon as a member of staff do the same. If you want one set of rules then you have to allow this and stop whining.

Secondly A.R.K asked you a question, you asked him a question back. Others ask you a question, you ask them one back or just dont answer. I think THAT kind of action is stupid. Im 16 and know how to have a discussion better then that!

And if you notice Rich didnt actually CHALLENGE you so to speak, he was using it in a differant context. If you wish to see a real challenge I suggest you go to the FMA forum and see Moromoro challenging Tim Hartman to a fight. All Rich was doing was proving his point.

And While Im at it, Does RSK know your posting all this? Did RSK give you all your info or is it your own opinion?

And one more thing, are you willing to admit that you are strongly biased because RSK is your teacher and friend?

Originally posted by Master of Blades
I see someone has stated that everyone round here is acting like kids blah blah.....so as a kid, allow me to join in :rolleyes:

Firstly, there isnt two sets of rules, and if there is, it is because of people like you. You cannot say that we all have one set of rules and can voice our opinion, but then complain whenever a moderator or admin voices their opinion. You cant say that another member can go around asking questions to another member, but then complain as soon as a member of staff do the same. If you want one set of rules then you have to allow this and stop whining.

Secondly A.R.K asked you a question, you asked him a question back. Others ask you a question, you ask them one back or just dont answer. I think THAT kind of action is stupid. Im 16 and know how to have a discussion better then that!

And if you notice Rich didnt actually CHALLENGE you so to speak, he was using it in a differant context. If you wish to see a real challenge I suggest you go to the FMA forum and see Moromoro challenging Tim Hartman to a fight. All Rich was doing was proving his point.

And While Im at it, Does RSK know your posting all this? Did RSK give you all your info or is it your own opinion?

And one more thing, are you willing to admit that you are strongly biased because RSK is your teacher and friend?


I see 2 sets of rules.
A moderator makes a poll about some member and includes nasty comments about that member, he lets other members make nasty comments about the person in the poll too, then another member makes a article about me then I get a message from a moderator that say martial talk is about martial arts and not martial artists. and I should remember this rule.
Is this the rule about respect other members all the moderators always preach about?
I don't think so. This is a double standard.

ARK claims I called him a liar and cheat.
I asked him to post evidence where I exactly called him by name a liar and a cheat.
He has not shown me that yet, he cannot becasue I did not.
All he has shown where I said if "you"-meaning someone in general-that is all.

I read ARKs posts about his rank and groups he belongs to. I don't really care if what he belongs to an asian based group, I don't care if he has 200 10th degree black belts.
I do think it is dishonest for people to say they don't care about rank and then give someone rank.
That doesn't make sense to me.

If someone has a serious question they can email me because I wont look at this childish thread anymore.
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
I see 2 sets of rules.
A moderator makes a poll about some member, then another member makes a articicle about me then I get a message from a moderator that say martial talk is about martial arts and not martial artists. and I should remember this rule.

ARK claims I called him a liar and cheat.
I asked him to post where I exactly called him by name a liar and a cheat.
He has not shown me that yet.
He has shown where I said if you-meaning someone in general-that is all.

I read ARKs posts about his rank and groups he belongs to. I don't really care if what he belongs to an asian based group, I don't care if he has 200 10th degree black belts.
I do think it is dishonest for people to say they don't care about rank and then give someone rank.
That doesn't make sense to me.

Sorry but I think this board has too many imature little babies on it to have any real discussion on martial arts.

I believe if you check the first page THIS qoute is where A.R.K believes you called him a liar and a cheat.

Sounds like you are cheating people or just lying to them since the organization you belong exists for the purpose of doing what you don't believe in.

Now the key words in there is YOU. I dont know about America or Japan but here in England if you use you while talking to someone anything you say is towards them unless otherwise stated. By using you, you ARE calling him a liar and a cheat whether you meant to or not. We could go on for hours about the English language and the use of YOU and so on but if you look in nearly all cases YOU is talking directly to one person. And you cant really say that YOU meant someone in general because you then go on to talk about A.R.Ks organisation blah blah blah.

I dont know for certain but I think A.R.K probably got a PM for making this whole topic. But I feel your comment on it being dishonest to hand out rank if you dont believe in it is not the right way to say it. Hypocritical yes, Dishonest....no. Dishonest would be handing out ranks every other month and charging $500.00 per test. But then again the fact that he doesnt care about rank doesnt really matter because some people do. Some students want and need rank to get along, it gives them a level to aspire too, makes them work harder. Some need rank for something to look back on and prove to themselves in old age that they used to be able to do that. For him to hand out rank, after claiming that he doesnt care about it, is more for the students rather then him. When he came to this site he wasnt boasting that he had a 100th Dan in I-kick-***-do, he was giving info into his backround, as most people do when they appear on this site. I'm pretty sure that unless asked he doesnt go around telling everyone his rank in every martial art.

And I feel that this site is one of the biggest Martial Arts ones on the net and I have learnt a hell of a lot about a lot of things. There isnt a lot of babys on this site, just a lot of people who dont like being attacked because of revealing their backround.

btw, I do have to give you kudos, your handling this a lot better then Rsk :asian:
Very simple here kids.

But, I'll recap some points:

- RSK is gone. Stop swinging at his ghost.

- The mean nasty moderator who did the evil poll was me, and it was with what I thought was implied ok. My comments about that are in that thread, and if you are too lazy to go read them there, then suffer ignorence.

- Rich's comments weren't a threat.

- The last word belongs to he who can lock this thread. Today, he is me.

I hope you kids have gotten it our of your system. Take the personal issues off the board. Next time we see it, we're thining the herd. If you don't like it here, don't like us, well, don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out.

To those who tried to interject some food for thought and calming voices - Thank you.

And to those too immature to let it drop - Perhaps some time should be spent in considering if the words you have used are what you would like as your record in life.

Good day.
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