Alright folks, THAT is quite enough. It was my understanding that this was the appropriate forum in which to air evidence of dispute. I felt Rick had taken up Robert's vendetta in his absence and made accusation/snide remarks against me. Rather than let it drag on for the next three months all over the board, I felt it better to localize it here. I asked that this thread by between Rick and I alone in post one.
Rick choose the route of accusation/snide remark, I asked him to back it up with proof. Proof that I cheat people [or sounds like
], proof that I lie, proof that MOST people are suspicious etc. For indeed if he is correct YOU all need to know about it. I need to be exposed and shunned. However, if he is talking out the side of his mouth because Robert is whispering in his ear then THAT needs to be known and his method needs to be exposed.
My hope was that if put to task he would either anti up or back off, perhaps even apologize. Then the matter would be done with. Rick however, is going to take the route of his predessesor and play word games, delaying tactics, attacking others etc. I feel Rick has been exposed for what he is, a troll. He has admitted his distain for this board, for us, for the mods. He flames people before they even know who he is, and now he won't back it up. I had hoped for a more honorable and peaceful solution...thats not gonna happen I think we will all agree. However, hopefully many will see Rick now for what he is.
Many here know my uphill struggle here...but I'm still here. I try to contribute in the best possible fashion, and will continue. I am done with this Rick. If he chooses to again drop snide remarks against me it will be as it has been from day one...without provication. And he will continue to expose his agenda, and that is enough for me. I appreciate those who have understood the reason for this thread and allowed it to continue. Kaith please feel free to close it, it has served it's purpose albeit in the opposite direction which I hoped for.
Peace to the rest of us.
Rick choose the route of accusation/snide remark, I asked him to back it up with proof. Proof that I cheat people [or sounds like

My hope was that if put to task he would either anti up or back off, perhaps even apologize. Then the matter would be done with. Rick however, is going to take the route of his predessesor and play word games, delaying tactics, attacking others etc. I feel Rick has been exposed for what he is, a troll. He has admitted his distain for this board, for us, for the mods. He flames people before they even know who he is, and now he won't back it up. I had hoped for a more honorable and peaceful solution...thats not gonna happen I think we will all agree. However, hopefully many will see Rick now for what he is.
Many here know my uphill struggle here...but I'm still here. I try to contribute in the best possible fashion, and will continue. I am done with this Rick. If he chooses to again drop snide remarks against me it will be as it has been from day one...without provication. And he will continue to expose his agenda, and that is enough for me. I appreciate those who have understood the reason for this thread and allowed it to continue. Kaith please feel free to close it, it has served it's purpose albeit in the opposite direction which I hoped for.
Peace to the rest of us.