Rick T-post your evidence...

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Alright folks, THAT is quite enough. It was my understanding that this was the appropriate forum in which to air evidence of dispute. I felt Rick had taken up Robert's vendetta in his absence and made accusation/snide remarks against me. Rather than let it drag on for the next three months all over the board, I felt it better to localize it here. I asked that this thread by between Rick and I alone in post one.

Rick choose the route of accusation/snide remark, I asked him to back it up with proof. Proof that I cheat people [or sounds like :rolleyes: ], proof that I lie, proof that MOST people are suspicious etc. For indeed if he is correct YOU all need to know about it. I need to be exposed and shunned. However, if he is talking out the side of his mouth because Robert is whispering in his ear then THAT needs to be known and his method needs to be exposed.

My hope was that if put to task he would either anti up or back off, perhaps even apologize. Then the matter would be done with. Rick however, is going to take the route of his predessesor and play word games, delaying tactics, attacking others etc. I feel Rick has been exposed for what he is, a troll. He has admitted his distain for this board, for us, for the mods. He flames people before they even know who he is, and now he won't back it up. I had hoped for a more honorable and peaceful solution...thats not gonna happen I think we will all agree. However, hopefully many will see Rick now for what he is.

Many here know my uphill struggle here...but I'm still here. I try to contribute in the best possible fashion, and will continue. I am done with this Rick. If he chooses to again drop snide remarks against me it will be as it has been from day one...without provication. And he will continue to expose his agenda, and that is enough for me. I appreciate those who have understood the reason for this thread and allowed it to continue. Kaith please feel free to close it, it has served it's purpose albeit in the opposite direction which I hoped for.

Peace to the rest of us.

There is a misunderstanding here.

What is "Bad Budo"? Bad Budo covers the range of physical and mental abuse, fraudulent teachers and questionable claims. When martial arts/artists turn bad.

That is the description of this forum.

It is not the 'put up or shut up' area.

While I understand the reasons why, it doesnt make it right.

I'm going to put this very simply-
If you have a problem of a personal nature with a person, take it to email or pm.

If you have a question on skills, professional resume, or of a martial nature, post it here.

If someone claims a particular rank, a stint of military service, has embeleshed something, is teaching something claimed to be X but really has nothing to do with X, is abusive, is a predator, has been convicted, etc, then this is the place to air it out the most. If you are going to question something, be very detailed in your question. Vague and obscure 1 liners aint good enough.

The he-said, she-said stuff just floods this board with garbage. The petty fueds are a detraction, and to be honest, a blemish that we, and I intend to eliminate.

Before anyone says 'pot-kettle-black' or whatever, yeah, I know i'm not a total innocent here. My goal is to work on improving the future, not picking the scabs of the past however.

Now a message to a couple of folks, you know who you are:
I will say this one -last- time. Staff here are entitled to have their own opinions and voice them. This seems to be true on every other board I visit. So why do a few people seem to fly off the handle whenever a mod/admin here does the same? When they do so and violate our rules, they are dealt with. Mods and admins have been suspended in the past. If you have a personal problem with a mod, take it private, same as with any other member. If you have a professional problem with a staff member, you come to me. If you have a problem with me, you goto another admin. If you have no respect for any of us, then, I'll be perfectly blunt here, get off our board.

I and many people here are getting pretty sick and tired of a prevalent attitude that simply because this board is here, that some somehow have every right to use it and abuse it as they feel like. I'm sorry, but if you have no respect for me, my property, or my staff, I do not want you here. Go mooch off Rec.Martial-Arts where you can say what you want however you want.

Based on some of these posts, I would hate to see how you act at a seminar. I can picture it now.... 3 would be arguing about how a wristlock is applied, 2 reading the wall certs and debating on authentisity, 1 would be quizing the instructor about his background, 3 bitching about lack of skills, and the whole time, the host is standing there with his jaw on the ground as 2 of the students yell at him about why hasn't it started yet and who's this goof, and the guest instructor wondering why he botherd to even show up. I won't even get into the expected abandoned water bottles, powerbar wrappers, and that no one holds a door for anyone else, with it being allowed to close int he face of the guest instructor, who of course is struggling to get all his gear out to his car, while the 'students' file past empty handed, becuase 'hes just a guy'.

I see no respect, no courtacy, no polite disagreement, and certainly no humility. I see puffed chests, holyer-than-thou and know-it-all attitudes. I for one am getting pretty disgusted, and those who do know me, know just how far I have to be pushed to lose it big time.

I have no problem with the member who only posts a few jokes, or in the locker room. I have no problem with the person with 3 posts a year who mostly reads and just learns. I have a problem with those who are disrupting thigns so bad, that we have to lock threads, and issue warnings by the bookload. Most forums would just boot folks at this point, but, we like to give everyone a few chances.

Let me be totallt terse and blunt here:

If you can't follow the rules - get out.
If you have no respect for me, my staff or our board - get out
If you can't behave in an adult manner, and are over the age of 16 - get out
If you can't stop picking at old scabs - get out
If you can't behave in a positive manner - get out.

Am I perfectly clear here?
The correct answer is -yes sir. or no sir.
I don't need an essay on whos booboos are hurt, or why they thought whatever.

Any questions?
Go reread the rules, policies, FAQs and procedures of this board, then if they still exist, post them in the support forum and a staff member will assist you shortly.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

This link has some posts from you.

Some mention Liars, to DAC...Florida.

I cannot find the Cheat comment.


Today I score it 1 and 1 for each of you.

Oh yeah I also score it a complete loss for everyone else.

I also take personal exception to your comments about moderators.

Name the people you have a problem with or do not use the generic term. This is a pesonal request.

I would hate to be one of those you did not like and not know it.

Wow, keeping score for something that can't be scored :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kingston
This thread is getting stupid......

To A.R.K who cares what these jokers say on the internet, are you seriously going to call out EVERY person who has a problem with you?

To others who cares what there rank is...have any of you tried there system? Know anyone who tried there system? They created a new system for gods sake they can be 24th dan ultimate master if he wants.....its "his" (and other ARK dudes) system.

What is this thread acomplishing.......is ARK a good person? Who the F*ck cares.....did DAC get a mcdojo 6th dan.....yes.....BUT does he still claim it as his rank? NO so WHO CARES. Why is DAC in this thread anyway..........ITS NOT ABOUT HIM. or A.R.K (the system)

its about ARK (the dude) getting angry over Rich voicing his opinion (no matter how uneducated) on a medium thats MENT FOR IT.

ARK needs to chill this thread needs to be locked, Rich need to go to the school (or perhaps talk with an experienced student of the school) BEFORE he talks ****.

people are getting things mixed up.....shady dan ranks in ARK? (thats another problem all together...ranking for any art) does it really matter now.... Now that hes teaching ( or has settled with a system name) all that matters is HIS ability to TEACH, nothing more.......so find out if hes a good teacher....if so, good, if not....well how bad is it? Of course once again dont forget the most important part of this post WHO CARES and coming in at a close second IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!
I stated many times his 10th dan is his rank because it's his system and his way of doing things.

But the incident as I remember it was that ARK claimed a rank in another system or something like that.
Originally posted by A.R.K.
Kingston, that was hilarious :rofl:

Just to clarify, it has nothing to do with the A.R.K. system or my ability or training.

MA thinks I've claimed rank in a Japanese system....and I never have. He thinks if your not registered Kukkiwon your nothing. I feel ability in the real world is the priority consideration, everything else is simply window dressing.

Rick has spouted off because he's Robert's buddy and feels the need to. Now he's backpeddling for time. If he would simply knock off his petty and snide remarks, and even offer an appropriate apology all would be well. He choose to make the comments he has about someone he doesn't know, now he can either back it up or back it down.

So I've simply asked for the facts. And haven't gotten squat from either. I think the thread has maintained a civil tone so far, and this is the proper forum for a discussion of this nature.

I'm still waiting for answers.....

[And I should add, since you asked, that I don't really care what either of them think. It affects nothing in actuality. But based on principle alone, if you run your mouth you should be able to back it up. Their responses thus far reflect how far that goes...]

:rolleyes: Wow, way to change what I say completely around

I said that if you're in TKD, then to have people recognize your rank, it HAS to be Kukkiwon. WTF, ITF, it don't matter. All WTF and ITF schools that I know of, and most KTA and ATA schools get their ranks from Kukkiwon. If it's so easy to get, then what's the problem? The benefits are that if you relocate, then you have some proof that you are what you claim. Why would you want a Kukkiwon rank if you're in wing chun? Doesn't make sense now, does it. It just makes you look more foolish.

I asked Robert for verification if you have made any such claim on a Japanese rank.
And BTW, DAC is here because ARK is his instructor. ARK is also Disco's instructor. So it's nothing shocking. Rick is here to defend RSK, his teacher. The Yili guys participated in many threads together. It's not a new concept.
In an earlier post Paihequan said:

Rank, rank. rank! What about forgetting about rank and simply getting on with enjoying the training and learning process?

and in response Rick Tsubota said:

I read things like this but it is always coming from people that say they have some kind of rank.


When you can find a moment, perhaps on a break from calling MT posters liars and fakes, would you please help us to better understand your response to Paihequan's reasonable post above. Just why would say that Paiheqaun is "say[ing] [he] has some kind of rank."

Please provide us with your source of information.

Thank you.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
And BTW, DAC is here because ARK is his instructor. ARK is also Disco's instructor. So it's nothing shocking. Rick is here to defend RSK, his teacher. The Yili guys participated in many threads together. It's not a new concept.


I am not here because I am ARK'S student, I am here of my own free will, to share opinions and facts or maybe even learn somthing. No one has asked me to defend them but when I see someone stating lies and opinions that are not true about my style/instructor I will at least state the truth for all to read.

Martial artist,

How come you responded to every other post that was adressed to you except mine? Its on either page 2 or 3 in case you missed it.
quote: Originally posted by Kodanjaclay
<<WTF or ITF, it's most likely you get your ranks from Kukkiwon.

This too is an error. The ITF is not even based in the ROK. Nor do they practice the same style of martial art.

The WTF is the international liaison to the IOC that each country's NGB is a member of. The WTF does not issue rank, nor can any individual be a member of the WTF. Countries are members of the WTF, which propagates TKD as dictated by the KKW. This is facilitated to the various member nations via their NGB. KKW is what is commonly called Olympic Taekwondo. Although ITF TKD only originated in 1955 with the founding of the OhDoKwan or Chung Han TKD, it is considered "traditional" TKD. Two totally different animals. Actually, the ITF and WTF can be considered rivals. For more information on the US NGB, www.ustu.org.

Why do you insist that ALL respected / recognized TKD MUST come from the Kukkiwon. The above statement refutes that. All the Organizations you referenced, are just that - Organizations. They issue their own certifications and have their own training criteria. Do you totally disregard this information as false? The only thing the WTF / Kukkiwon has a strangle hold on is that they are the governing force of TKD for the Olympics. For anybody to participate, at least from this country, they have to be a registered BB with the Kukkiwon. That does not make the Kukkiwon the end all. It just means they have more political clout.
If and I repeat If the AAU can get the leverage over the USTU in this country, you can probably kiss the Kukkiwon goodbye for having any major influence in this country. But that's all about big money and politics.

As far as ARK being my Instructor. Because the A.R.K. system is proprietary and I chose to align / join, I became subordinate to the head of the system. My choice, because I liked what I saw and the people I was dealing with. I know that means nothing to other's, but with 35 years within the arts, it means something to me. I've had my share of dealing with undesireables. I'm sure I'm not alone in that respect. So yes, for organizational structure he would be considered my instructor. As I stated before, I have attempted to stay as neutral as possible. I think a review of everything I have posted would attest to that. To further expound, the KYHA debate. If you noticed, I said very little in regards to that situation. I did post that I had done some investigation and found limited info. I did not take any position (pro or con), but I did inform all that I was not a member of KYHA. Point being, I'm my own person and make my own choices. I don't blindly follow just for the sake of being accepted. My whole function / purpose within the ARK family is to be a royal pain in the butt. I have self appointed myself as the practical overseer. ARK has given examples of when and how he has used what he knows. That probably has not sat well with some and even sounded braggadocio. If ARK has a flaw as a person it would be that he is somewhat over enthusiastic in trying to share and help people with the arts. That will and has caused problems. Working were he does, physical contact is almost a daily occurence. If someone has never worked in a correctional facility / Jail, they would have no real understanding. I realize all this rambling on is just my viewpoint and most likely won't influence anyone. I'm not trying too. Just offering insight and information.
The field of combat was abandoned on June 16th, yet the dogs bark still.

The intelligent
win arguments
and lose.
The foolish
lose arguments
and sulk.
The wise
refuse to argue
and gain.
The person close to Tao
does not argue,
because she has nothing to say.

To truely see the way, your mind must remain open.

Too many are locked into the closedmind. To step back is to lose face, and the face is everything, is it not?

Who cares what is said, when you know the truth in your own heart? Or, are your hearts so hungry for validation, that the barking of the dogs is preferable to the light of the way?

You have lost the way.

kodomo no muchi
Rick Tsubota wrote:

I read things like this but it is always coming from people that say they have some kind of rank.

Sir, with all due respect when did I claim rank in this discussion? When did I even elude to myself and rank?

Well I thought this thread would have been locked already at my request. However, since it is not, perhaps so good might yet come of it.


You know it was not my intention to improperly use this forum. In fact I thought this the perfect forum in which to either expose myself :p or vidicate myself. Didn't work out as I had planned. I'm sorry that it has come to an individual questioning moderation. It was not intended and it is unfair for all of you. Perhaps certain things are more clearly seen now of the agenda of the individual in question though.

Martial Artist,

Lets have a discussion....

I stated many times his 10th dan is his rank because it's his system and his way of doing things.

As I have repeatedly stated that I do not claim/wear 10th Dan despite having founded a discipline. Many Grandmasters of various organizations [listed on my website] have honored me with this rank. But I feel it is an honorary title, and one I do not wish to wear.

I have developed a real distain for 'rank'. However I have been 'encouraged' by my students, assistants and peers to 'wear' an 8th for our discipline. I have consented, though still very rarely actually wear any rank. To me it is for paperwork purposes only.

"But the incident as I remember it was that ARK claimed a rank in another system or something like that."

You stated earlier that I claimed rank in a Japanese discipline, this is incorrect. I once claimed rank in a Chinese discipline. Rank confered by various people throughout the years, lastly Richard Pelligrino [RIP]. An off-shoot discipline that had no formal organizational affiliation to which I am aware. I have discussed this in detail time and again. If you have any further questions then please feel free to email me.

The Shuri discipline that I hold rank in is derived from Okinawan sources, my former instructor is a fellow Deputy and is local. It is currently in a state of refurbishment, of which I have no part in. This to has been recently discussed. If you have any further questions please feel free to email me.

I have achieved 4th Dan in TKD [Han Moo Kwan]. My instructor is a Kukkiwon certified Master as well as WIF. You know who he is, if you have any questions I'm sure he would be more than happy to chat with you. I have no desire to submit my credential to the Kukkiwon at this time. I don't teach this discipline in and of itself and really have no desire to go higher in it. WIF does recognize/certify it, and that is quite enough for me. In other words I don't see the point of spending $400 for Kukkiwon certs that I really have no need for. The fact that I could if I choose to is enough. If you don't see paper side of my training as acceptable, then I encourage you to disregard my rank in TKD. However, the training side came from a Kukkiwon Master, so the training in and of itself is sound. And you know very well, to me that is the main consideration. All else is merely words on this or that paper.

I have a 2nd Dan in Hapkido, see above for the same explaination.

I have a 7th Dan [that I consider honorary] presented to me by Grandmaster Yuri Kostrov, head of World Agni Kempo.

If you would like to see any of this documentation then email me. My scanner has taken a dive, but I will figure something out.

If you have any questions that I have not aswered here then email me and we can discuss it.

:asian: :asian:
Originally posted by MartialArtist
Wow, keeping score for something that can't be scored :rolleyes:


Thank you for making my point even more clear.

How absurb the whole thing has become.

No one will let it go until they are declared the winner.

There is no way it will happen.

Thank you for adding to my point.
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
So are you challenging me to a fight?
Is this how moderators act?


If this was a challenge I would have said I challenge you to a fight.

Please do not read into or put words there that are not there.

My Point is that, no one will get 100% agreement that they are legit until they prove it. It was an example.

Yet I think, you have missed my point.

I apologize for not making it more clear and simpler. I do strive to communicate to as many people as possible.

I think I Have your number though. First you have a problem with people who think you have said something, yet you do it yourself.

Next you state that if you have a problem with someone, you will say so, yet you do not say which moderators are the problem.

Please do tell us is it one or is it all?

You insist others answer your questions yet you do not answer mine? HMMMMMM? Still making me wonder what you have to hide.

Do you wish to change the subject again?

Quick Look over there? Anyone for some misdirection?

Just answer my question(s) and you will go far in my book.

So. once again, I am trying to communicate to you. Which Moderators are the problem and list your issues and concerns. If you do not wish to list them here then PM and e-mail me them and I will make sure they are discussed. If you insist upon just name calling and drying for help and insisting that you are being mistreated, then maybe I'll recommend a new forum just for the kindergarten members can learn how to play well with others. (* Yes read this as an insult, unless you step up and deliver you complaints. You insist there is a dual system here. I have been asking you questions yet you will not answer me. This leads me and others to believe you do not have a foot to stand on. *)

I do hope to hear from you. Maybe we can resolve some of these issues with the moderators.

Thank You
Originally posted by arnisador
Am I the only one tired of hearing this cheap tactic?

Please see my previous post(s).

I believe he read more into it then was there.

I am tired of this ploy of misdirection and complaing to Mom and Dad is wrong or to Dad that Mom is Wrong or to Grand MA that Grand Pa is Wrong.

I have asked for him to lsit his grievences, here or to me privately.
Hopefully Rick Tsubota will reply.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Thank you for making my point even more clear.

How absurb the whole thing has become.

No one will let it go until they are declared the winner.

There is no way it will happen.

Thank you for adding to my point.

Congratulations Mr. Parsons, You understand.

It is too bad that others do not.
But what is one to do with children?

Mr. Hubbard does not understand fully what is at work here, I think. Save the drink sir, you will need it.

Mr. Schultz and Mr. Tsubota: I do hope you both find your answers. You may find that they are like a diet of only celery. Bitter and unfulfilling.

To those who have only fanned the 'flames', enjoy your moment in the spotlight. At some point in time, you will be dust, and the last word will belong to someone else. Let us hope that it is a more positive one that that which applies here.

In a battle such as this, we are all diminished.

Captain Harlock:

Thank you for putting into words what many on this board are thinking.

With respect :asian:
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