Richard Barathy/American Combat Karate

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Before this thread gets too far out of control again, I'd like to remind everyone of the forum rules. Please take some time to review them. I notice that topics like this, tend to bring out 'defenders' of the person who is the subject of the debate. That is fine, however, I do ask that all posts are within the forum guidelines. This thread has been closed and reopened a few times already. Lets do our best to not repeat that.


Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
Thank you Admin,

I would like to add that we all study for different reasons and as such, choose different schools based on the relationship between what we want and what the school offers. It is because of this that we ALL should refrain from criticism of anyone else's beliefs, similar to how we all co-mingle when we have different religions. After all, a martial art, whatever its name is a religion to those who study it.

Within American Combat Karate we respect everyone else's religion while upholding (and protecting) our own. I think ACKBRNBELT felt it necessary to make a statement to uphold our beliefs because it was possible someone was offending us. I think the last post clears this up and we can all continue to co-exist peacefully... I would like it if this thread continues, as does the memory and the teaching of Kyoshi Barathy...

Thanks!! :)
Hello all.

I have been following the late Richard Barathy's postings, it was great to see students of his getting together, (even though it was through his messages posted here). What a great honor can be placed upon a instructor after he has passed away then to have his former students still remain in contact with each other. It dont matter if you are still active or not, it is the memories that counts. Someone here mention ( I dont recall his name) that perhaps you can all get together at some place and time with a re-union ( I was not a student of Richard Barathy I was a so called [pain in the butt LOL) but I was there every step, from of his Valley Stream school to help building his school from an old A&P store in Lynbrook to a few years before the end.

I noticed that the conversations here have seem to come to a stop, is it a lack of interest,time, or there is nothing more to talk about? Question? how many here know exactly how the American Combat Karate actually started? I will keep an eye to see if anyone knows your true history, and reply later.

Thank you for returning to Richard Barathy's future home.

Grand Master Gene Perceval
Hello all.

I have been following the late Richard Barathy's postings, it was great to see students of his getting together, (even though it was through his messages posted here). What a great honor can be placed upon a instructor after he has passed away then to have his former students still remain in contact with each other. It dont matter if you are still active or not, it is the memories that counts. Someone here mention ( I dont recall his name) that perhaps you can all get together at some place and time with a re-union ( I was not a student of Richard Barathy I was a so called [pain in the butt LOL) but I was there every step, from of his Valley Stream school to help building his school from an old A&P store in Lynbrook to a few years before the end.

I noticed that the conversations here have seem to come to a stop, is it a lack of interest,time, or there is nothing more to talk about? Question? how many here know exactly how the American Combat Karate actually started? I will keep an eye to see if anyone knows your true history, and reply later.

Thank you for returning to Richard Barathy's future home.

Grand Master Gene Perceval
That would be your good friend :original founder of American Combat Karate, Warren Montagnino.
I am trying to find all of my old training buddies but after the Gulf War I lost contact with everyone. This is Nick once referred to by most everyone in the System, including the black belts, as "Renshi Finnegan's Shadow". I am still out here if anyone wants to talk. I have been underground after serving in the Gulf War in the Navy as a Combat Search and Rescue Swimmer and SEAL Team member. I miss all of my old friends and would like to hear from all of you including: John Glenn, John Valente (Marmaduke), Eric Stephens etc... You all know who you are.
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I studied ACK and Tai-Zen under renchi Finnagin. Both styles are unique. I studied back in the late 80s early 90s steady and now tinker around with some of the upper ranks in ACK. Nothin steady. I feel Tai-Zen was great but went down the wrong path. Nothing against it, but things were much better in the Bethpage basement. I think the time of ACK is unfortunately gone, the true animals of the past have just gotten old and society changed. People couldn't handle the old style we used to do. I know one thing, the guys that play in the octagan, It would have never gotten to the ground with our old Instructors!


I lived with Kyoshi Finnegan during those times (as a uchi deshi) live in student, and boy o boy do I have stories (good one's). I also received one of those hematomas people talk about. The one that traveled through my exterior bicep, to the interior bicep, and directly through to my torso to the rib region. These men could hit hard and could teach others how to do it. Oh! did I mention he could do it through a phone book, and it was not a thin one either!
Sensi Richard Barathy......I went to school from early 70's to 1978...Sensei Robert Greene was my instructor...All of the black belts were awesome instructors...I made my yellow belt,
Sensei Bacci...... and then left NY. to move to Florida...I miss all the instructors,and,being in the best physical shape of my life...To all the instructors left,HELLO FROM ANGEL..
Sensei Robert Green...
Sensei Frank Finnigan...
Sensei John Russel...
Sensei Freddy DeAngelo...
Sensei Lenny Romeo....
Paddy Giaquinto...
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Is any one familar with the late Mr.Barathy´s system? Are any of his former students actively teaching the system? His was a story of extreme determination. He battled lupus for many years, but God truly blessed the man with gut grit. One of his more well known students was, Mr.Mark Gastenau of pro., football fame. What ever happened to him by the way? I just think Mr. Barathy´s story is amazing. Can anyone answer my quiries?:asian:
Yes, Richie Barathy was a rare soul. I just came to know about this site and joined.
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I was a student of Renshi Matt Willing in the late 1990's. Does anyone know if he still teaches? Can anyone give me any leads to a dojo where I could get in touch with him again? He was a great instructor and I would love to see him, (and hopefully work out with him) again. Thanks for any help you can give me
Hey Inflorida,
I just came accross these postings. Yes it's 2013 now. Hope your alive and well. I used to train in Oceanside first in the dance studio on LBR and then with Scott and Roger Offner. I also trained in Barathy's gym in Lynbrook.
I have read through most of these posts, but still curious.

Other than the very hard style training/sparring, what differentiated Master Barathy's style? What did the basics look like? Were any kata/forms used? Were there preset drills? Etc. etc.
Mr. Punisher,

The training and fighting was hard (broken nose, fingers, concusion etc.) the basics were very scientific. They added spindals (centrifugal force) to all the blocks.
This would make a block a potential strike and break. I could go on for long time just on these techniques but I will keep this short.
Grabbing and take downs with punishing blows to vital areas are components of the offensive techniques.

They used the basic japanese kata's Taikyoku Kata and Heian kata and some Japanese goju kata's.

We did have more "line" drills than pre-set drills. In the line drill, someone would attack with one or two techniques and you would have to counter and finish.

Hope this answered your questions. Good luck with your training.

Hey people,
I had the opportunity to train at a spot in valley stream ny about 14 years ago, operated by sensi Impalazari. I went to high school with him and several other ACK students. This was the only karate I have ever studied and think there is nothing like it to this day. I have since moved to GA and can't seem to find a place down here that teaches a style similar. Anyone know of such a spot down here?

I trained as a teen in the mid 70s with Richard and Sensi Green at their studio in West Hempstead on Long Island. He was a tough dude. Worked out all the time and he was very very fast with his kicks and strikes. They ran a tight ship. I was there for a year or two before they relocated and Richard moved on to being a bit more of a public figure. I did not know what happened to his staff/partners after this time.
Great videos and I remember all the artwork on the walls and back dojo of RABs like it was yesterday. I even remember sparring with a couple guys I saw in the videos.
Great to see Master Percival posting here. I remember you well! I was just a punk 15 yr old white belt in 1970 when I met started training with Sen Sei Warren M at the Island Park Parrish Hall. Remember Mike Higgins, Roger Offner Frank Finnigan, Chester?? Crazy bunch. I remembeber other faces but not names. I also seem to remember lining up with others to kick you in the balls! That was you right??

OH and after 50 something yrs I finally made YELLOW belt.....Those new kata's are tough! I get a stripe when I turn 65!
Great to see Master Percival posting here. I remember you well! I was just a punk 15 yr old white belt in 1970 when I met started training with Sen Sei Warren M at the Island Park Parrish Hall. Remember Mike Higgins, Roger Offner Frank Finnigan, Chester?? Crazy bunch. I remembeber other faces but not names. I also seem to remember lining up with others to kick you in the balls! That was you right??

OH and after 50 something yrs I finally made YELLOW belt.....Those new kata's are tough! I get a stripe when I turn 65!
I also, began training in the 70s at the house in Levittown with Frank Finnigan. Worked out with Lenny Romeo. I think it w as a house they use to rent. Richy was there too.
I forget some of the others it's been a long time now.
I backed Lenny, up in a bar once in Masapeakqua I hope I spelled that right?. I don't remember the name of the bar.
Hopefully the more I write maybe things faces and name will come back to me.
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