Richard Barathy/American Combat Karate

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I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Frank Pogliani. My father is a very old friend of his and trained with him and Richie back in the early 70's. He tells me stories about them all the time. I remember meeting Frank when i was about 12. I remember my dad pointing out to me the size of his fists, and they are enormous. I guess they'd have to be to go through 33 inches of granite. He also gave me a short lesson in kicks, making me aware of the fact that I was faliling my arms out to the sides way to much in an attempt to stabilize my balance.

I've been thinking about enrolling in the Tai Zen program in Nassau County. If anyone in this discussion thread has some insight they could offer me about it I would greatly appreciate it. I've heard and read about Mr. Tague and must admit I've become infatuated. It is well known that there are alot of horrible martial arts schools out there these days but I know for a fact that this one is both reputable and unique, arguably superior to most other programs. I just got finished reading the old 1976 3-part article including an interview with Howard Tague along with some photographic demonstrations of his method and philosophy put into practice, which include Mr. Barathy. It really is amazing and undoubtedly his system offers things that few others could even hope to rival. I especially love how there is a substantial practical and philosophical relationship emphasized between the mind,the body, and the parent mind. It appears to be a very holistic system propogated by a very disciplined individual. even from the few short quotes contributed by Mr. Tague it is apparent that the man has attained an exceptional mastery of both the physical and pshychological components of the martial arts. I almost feel compelled to take advantage of the fact that his school is minutes away from my home.

I just discovered this website tonight and this is my first post so thanks for allowing me to participate in the discussion. Much respect to all those dedicated enough to pursue such a difficult and rewarding path in life.
Yes, yes that is him. I remember when a couple of "Black Belt" from Howard Lee's Tae Kwon Do were going to whip his and Richards butt. Well you can imagine the beating those two got, and the respect they learned for Frank and Richard.
Small world isn't it.
haha, yeah from what I've heard they were the top dogs in town at the time. Funny thing is they became students of Tague after a few "demonstrations" sometime in the 74'-76' area. Has anyone trained with Tague and/or know him personally? I would love to hear some accounts of his skills. Supposedly he was a master of "Ki" and could do some pretty amazing things from what I've heard. I've always been curious as to how much of all that Ki or Chi (life force) stuff was rooted in mysticism and exaggeration and how much of it is actually true. Can anyone enlighten me? Is there any truth to these non-local (indirect contact or force exerted at a distance) feats and transference of energy in seemingly impossible ways? Can a ceramic cup really be shattered by channeling energy waves through the body and releasing them at a specific point without any striking or external movement occuring?
Ki or Chi is for real and if you want to know more, talk with "Gene Perceval".
Also any true practitioner of "Hakkuru Ryu " Jujitsu.
Go down and check it out. It is true. What youve heard is the real deal. Take no one elses advice. The best way to find out what its about is to go see for yourself. Trust is unbelievable. Good luck!
Can you guys recommend a few other top quality schools in the Long Island area? I trained at Ling Nam Si Lum with Sifu Michael Manganiello for about 3 months but had to stop due to a back injury. He was very good and I learned a lot in the time I was there. I think Higa, who use to be in East Meadow, moved to Uniondale, but I'm not positive about that, also very good, hard Okinawan style. What other good schools/styles/teachers would be good to look into? I'd like to find a style that most suits me so I can stick with it long-term this time. Thanks.
To those of you who know me, Hope everyone is still training and I miss you all. Being in North Carolina now, I feel I have been out of touch and wanted to reconnect with you. My contact information is here. Hope to hear from you soon!!! Johnny B
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Hello again

To answer your question

Sensei Teruyuki Higa

2086 Front St.
East Meadow, NY 11554

Enjoy, he is an old frien of mine, give my regards to T. Higa

Grand master Gene Perceval
On June 14th, 1979 I joined the ACK Dojo in Lynbrook, New York along with Sensei Franny Murray. This marks thirty years in the Martial Arts. It feels like yesterday.
Who is Sensei Franny Murray?
The Original ACK Black Belts from Lynbrook are:
This is no disrespect to Sensei Murray but, there are so many people on this forum claiming to be ACK Black Belts.
For those who post here, can you put your name, not just your login, it's cool when I see someone I remember from the past. thanks.
Paul DeAngelo Jr.
PJ how are you.
As I wrote at an earlier date I am sorry to hear of the passing of your Father.
When I wrote about my best friend and student, Franny Murray I referred to him as Sensei because many years ago I gave him his black belt along with George MiloÂ’s and Anthony Squadrito. Franny and I joined A.C.K together back in 1979. When Ron Van Clief granted me permission to open my school in Hicksville, Franny was one of the first to join me in our Dojo.
PJ how are you.
As I wrote at an earlier date I am sorry to hear of the passing of your Father.
When I wrote about my best friend and student, Franny Murray I referred to him as Sensei because many years ago I gave him his black belt along with George MiloÂ’s and Anthony Squadrito. Franny and I joined A.C.K together back in 1979. When Ron Van Clief granted me permission to open my school in Hicksville, Franny was one of the first to join me in our Dojo.
Thank you.
Ahh, now that you reworded, it's all making sense to me. Sorry about that. I remember George and Anthony receiving their blackbelts, but for some reason I don't remember Fran Murray. Forgive me Kyoshi, I can't remember you either. Do you have any pix you can post? Do you remember me at all?
Yes we have met on more than one occasion. Once in Lynbrook when you were very young and we worked out together and sparred in John's Massapequa school when you came there with your Father. At that time George, Anthony and I were Brown Belts. Also Franny Murray is John Glenns cousin and we lived in Levittown, NY back in the day. My two sons Justin and Ryan were also at the classes in Massapequa and John gave them their first stripes on their white belt.
I just read your stories regarding Richard Barathy and Howard Tague. I trained at Taizen in 1972. AT that time my instructor was Vincent Miraglia, who was one of Howies top Black Belts. I remember when Richard Barathy first visted Tai-Zen. I could be wrong , but the impression was the guys from AMerican Combat karate initially came to visit/test Howard Tague and his black belts. Richard B, realized Howard Tague was the real deal. It was than that ACK started to train at Tai-Zen. One of the biggest changes i noticed at that time was the ranking. Howard was not big into promotions of rank. It was not uncommon for a person to have a green belt for a few years. If you were looking for quick rank Tai-Zen was not the school for you. Howard's primary focus was on the art and the truth that it represented. He passed that philosophy on to his black belts. And honestly, not to be boastful, Tai-Zen had put out incredible Black Belts. Vinny Miraglia, Sal Longabardi, Rudie Z, to name a few. There was a lot of emphasis on KI structure and flow. Tai-Zen has extremely powerful blocks and strikes which were initiated from one's mid ki. When ACK came to visit Tai-Zen , Howie wore a Black belt 3 degree. Rank didn't matter to Howie , rank means nothing, Richard Barathy I think had a 5th degree Black. He felt that Howard Tague was underranked. Out of respect and admiration for Howard Tague and the level of skill they he had achieved and a fighting system that he created, Richard B intitiated the process to awarded Howie tague a Red Belt. During the 70's Howard was incredible. He was truly gifted and talented Technician. I think the gentlemen from ACK felt that Howard had alot to offer them.
I am looking to train ACK in both classes and private instruction anyone know if it is still around? and if so where to go?
American Combat Karate
3099 N Jerusalem Road
Levittown, NY 11756
Tues, Wed, Thurs 8:00pm until ...
Head Instructor: Kyoshi Impellizeri (plus 7 ACK Blk Blts)
(in the Dynasty Martial Arts & Fitness dojo)
I've been reading postings about Richard Barathy and ACK and there is a lot of misinformation circulating. There also has been some comments about Tai Zen made by individuals who have little or no first hand knowledge. I'm hoping that this posting may clarify a few things and perhaps be helpful.

Not to make this about me, because it's not, I suppose my credentials are pertinent to the conversation. I had the good fortune to work with Sensei Fred D'Angelo back in the early 80's. Fred introduced me to ACK and I became a student of Matt Willing and Kyoshi Romeo. I studied in both schools ( Lynbrook and Huntington) and attended many classes and seminars lead Rich Barathy.

I was one of 65 ACK members who left in the mid 80's to study with Master Tague under Kyoshi Romeo and Renshi Willing. There are way too many stories of instructors betraying their students to expand upon in this forum. Nor would be productive to air here. Lets just say that Richard Barathy was a deeply flawed man who often took credit for others hard work and knowledge. Certainly the black belts at ACK were responsible for building one of the largest schools on Long Island. Some nights we had as many as 60 guys on the floor led by 3 or 4 instructors.

I realize that after some ones death they become larger than life. This is mostly propagated by people who either were unaware of what was transpiring at the time or are only repeating hearsay. I will only speak from personal experience here.

We left ACK for the same reason Barathy got involved with Master Tague in the first place. We all realized that what he was teaching was based on mechanics and human behavior which made his understanding of battle far more advanced then anyone we had ever met. This continues to hold true to this day.

Sadly there are very few of those original members left who came from ACK to study Tai Zen. The transition was a difficult one for most us , requiring a completely different way of looking at battle and in fact the world around us. I myself had rank taken from me and a few suspensions during that period of transitions. However it was worth every moment I spent and continue to spend under the instruction of Kyoshi Romeo and Master Tague.

To have the ability to defend oneself against any opponent all with in the frame work of the law is priceless. To have the ability to know the out come of a battle before it starts may seem far fetched but it is attainable by all. After all isn't that why we started studying in the first place? Did we not want to be free of those who would attempt to wrongfully dominate us? I have no desire to dominate others or fight for pleasure but I will defend myself against those who do.

For those of you who would like to reconnect or to find out what a difference
a school can make. You can find us on the wed at
Please, I remember a few pages back where there are no more animosities.
Nidan02 did you throw a cover punch to draw out ACKBRNBLT?

Niether Tauge or Barathy would approve of such banter.
Respect the page. If this issue comes forward in a new thread it might feel more approprite.
To All,

I deeply regret my previous posting and I apologize to all who might have
taken offense. My intention was not to insult anyone although in hind sight
I realize I did. My comments in no way are reflective of the beliefs of the
leadership of Tai Zen and I have been reminded of that and suspended from
study as a result of my conduct.

To be clear, I am grateful for my years of study at ACK. I enjoyed those
days and would not have traded them for any other experience. I made a
great deal of long lasting friendships with both students and instructors
during that time which have lasted to this day.

There is no doubt that Richard Barathy played a role in bringing
martial arts to the foreground on Long Island. He affected many lives positively and I disrespected those memories by making ill conceived
comments that I now realize were wrong.

I'd like to make it clear that there is no animosity between Tai-Zen and
ACK nor did I wish to create any.

My comments were insensitive and unproductive and I apologize for making
them. I hope that this will put to rest any ill will I may have
inadvertently created.
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