American Combat Karate information

This thread gave me a bit of chills.

I started training ACK in 1994, I was 12 years old, because I was a disgruntled youth, and my parents told me my " uncle don" was the greatest there is.

I now knew him as Kyoshi Don Mccaffrey (didn't know he became Hanshi as I haven't spoken to him in ages) and he gave me private lessons until eventually moving me into his classes (can't remember the town.. Maybe lynrbook?)

There I met Renshi Picone, sensei Henanlotter and a student that would later become my teacher, Sensei Rocco Anastasio.

I learned what real deal martial arts was, learned about the legend that Kyoshi Barathy was and also learned the incredible ***-kicking I could take!

At some point I do remember the school closing down and training with Sensei Anastasio in what became American Freestyle. I still trained with "uncle Don" occassionally but Sensei Anastasio became my main teacher and I do remember us bouncing around from a karate school called Miyazaki karate in rockville centre, some squash court room in maybe Long Beach and I'm pretty sure one other place before I eventually went the touring /sex drugs and heavy metal route around 2001.

That period of life put me in a great place and saved my *** on the streets a few times. I only wish I made the decision to go back but time marches on.

I'm grateful people still discuss this. Does ACK still exist on long island? (I've since moved to New Jersey to raise a family and a farm... Far cry from my ugly past).
This thread gave me a bit of chills.

I started training ACK in 1994, I was 12 years old, because I was a disgruntled youth, and my parents told me my " uncle don" was the greatest there is.

I now knew him as Kyoshi Don Mccaffrey (didn't know he became Hanshi as I haven't spoken to him in ages) and he gave me private lessons until eventually moving me into his classes (can't remember the town.. Maybe lynrbook?)

There I met Renshi Picone, sensei Henanlotter and a student that would later become my teacher, Sensei Rocco Anastasio.

I learned what real deal martial arts was, learned about the legend that Kyoshi Barathy was and also learned the incredible ***-kicking I could take!

At some point I do remember the school closing down and training with Sensei Anastasio in what became American Freestyle. I still trained with "uncle Don" occassionally but Sensei Anastasio became my main teacher and I do remember us bouncing around from a karate school called Miyazaki karate in rockville centre, some squash court room in maybe Long Beach and I'm pretty sure one other place before I eventually went the touring /sex drugs and heavy metal route around 2001.

That period of life put me in a great place and saved my *** on the streets a few times. I only wish I made the decision to go back but time marches on.

I'm grateful people still discuss this. Does ACK still exist on long island? (I've since moved to New Jersey to raise a family and a farm... Far cry from my ugly past).
I was researching martial arts/self defense classes for my kids and suddenly remembered that I took ACK classes for several months in the early 90's. For some strange reason I remembered Kyoshi Mccaffrey's name, did a google search, and found this post. I'm a few years older and attended the adult classes. He would teach in East Rockaway on Main St (right on the border of Lynbrook). I still kick myself in the a** for not continuing but I was around 18 and nighttime classes conflicted with hanging out with girls.
One thing I'll never forget was how un-intimidating Kyoshi Mccaffrey appeared when I first saw him. He looked like a lanky middle aged guy that anyone could easily overpower. Then I saw him in action while sparring with another instructor and boy was I wrong! I quickly learned to never judge a book by it's cover especially when it comes to fighting.
Glad to hear that you've overcome your demons and are happy in life!
BTW - If I remember correctly, did Kyoshi Mccaffrey have a few missing teeth?