Reverse Knife Hand strike - 3 boards.


Senior Master
Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
Just broke 3 boards with a Reverse Knife Hand (Ridgehand). I was feeling a little apprehensive about doing this one as I didn't want to hyperextend my elbow but it turned out OK:

There is always some risk of injury when breaking, that is why developing good technique is so important. What breaks gave you cause for concern but turned fine.
I don't break boards so this may be a stupid assumption. When I want to drive power in my strike I breath out. I notice that you yell before striking. Are you holding your breath as you strike or is there a quick inhale as you wind up?
Or when you are holding them and a piece flies up and hits you in the face or you drop one on your foot point first.

Yeah that's why I haven't done that stuff in years only stuff I break is bones if some guys stupid enough to try and mug me
I don't break boards so this may be a stupid assumption. When I want to drive power in my strike I breath out. I notice that you yell before striking. Are you holding your breath as you strike or is there a quick inhale as you wind up?
I didn't really give it much thought at the time as I was more concerned with not damaging anything but the boards. Usually I exhale on the strike. I kihap (however you spell it) before the strike to make sure that I put everything behind it (if you yell at them they seem to break easier) and it also takes my mind of the fact that this is probably going to hurt a bit.
Nice, strong break, bro.
Boards don't hit back :)