Republican agenda for a bigger gov't??

And he can expand government while eliminating funding for Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). Ahhh ... who needs law enforcement anyhow.

All those cops on the street have nothing to do with lower crime statistics.
It mentioned Education, the Patriot Act and Defense spending. Nothing new really but let's face it, he's not a true conservative. He's trying to play both sides of the fence, a middle of the road approach, which is not what a second term should be about.

He needs to plan how to get out of Iraq, finalize the tax cuts and make them permanent, and push through a sensible budget - which means cutting the size of government, and closing up the borders. Oh and for those concerned with election fraud, issue federal voting cards to legal citizens and require them at the polls.

Among other things...
sensible budget ... :uhyeah:

Seems he forgot he was fighting a war in Iraq as he planned his budget ... There is no money in his proposed budget for that conflict, is there?

Hey, what's a billion a week to our children anyhow? Besides, he's counting on the 'RAPTURE' which will make all debts null and void anyhow.
michaeledward said:
sensible budget ... :uhyeah:

Seems he forgot he was fighting a war in Iraq as he planned his budget ... There is no money in his proposed budget for that conflict, is there?

Hey, what's a billion a week to our children anyhow? Besides, he's counting on the 'RAPTURE' which will make all debts null and void anyhow.
You'd think that asking multinational corporations centered in the USA to actually, oh, just pay their taxes they owe the government, or not cut taxes on the wealthy, would help deal with our huge mushroom-cloud of debt the current Administration is so amorous of.

Oh well.
michaeledward said:
sensible budget ... :uhyeah:

Besides, he's counting on the 'RAPTURE' which will make all debts null and void anyhow.
Did he really say that??? or is that just an opinion?
Technopunk said:
Did he really say that??? or is that just an opinion?
1st - I would never actually believe anything President Bush says. Instead, I look at what actions he takes. I might recommend, 'The President of Good and Evil - the ethics of George W Bush'.

2nd - It has been widely reported that President Bush is an 'Evangelical Christian' (note how often he uses the word 'soul'). Further, it has also been reported that a major objective of Karl Rove was to have 5 million more 'Evangelical Christians' reach the voting booth last November. This, of course, begs the question, why are these 5 million Evangelical Christians not participating in the American Democratic experiment? But ... let's leave that aside for the moment.

Lastly, this article is a bit old, but, still relevant, I think. Especially looking at Secretary of State Rice's current tour.

excerpt from article said:
To understand what is happening in the Middle East, you must first understand what is happening in Texas. To understand what is happening there, you should read the resolutions passed at the stateÂ’s Republican party conventions last month. Take a look, for example, at the decisions made in Harris County, which covers much of Houston.(1)

The delegates began by nodding through a few uncontroversial matters: homosexuality is contrary to the truths ordained by God; “any mechanism to process, license, record, register or monitor the ownership of guns” should be repealed; income tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax and corporation tax should be abolished; and immigrants should be deterred by electric fences.(2) Thus fortified, they turned to the real issue: the affairs of a small state 7000 miles away. It was then, according to a participant, that the “screaming and near fistfights” began.
There is no difference in the outcome of the Marxist government versus the Facist government. Both want control and power, but for different reasons. The budget deficit and the resulting national debt can be easily fixed in a few years, if we give up some of the things we want from our government. Unfortunatly, that wont get politicans elected. So we end up with the likes of Bill Clinton and George Bush.
Gray Phoenix said:
The budget deficit and the resulting national debt can be easily fixed in a few years, if we give up some of the things we want from our government. Unfortunatly, that wont get politicans elected.

So we set our politicians up for failure. We want them to fix the problem, which requires tough decisions (either cut spending or increase taxes) and complain when they propose their decisions. Gotta love democracy. I wonder what makes people get into politics. It's not very good pay, you get your entire background thrown into the public view, you get ridiculed for your viewpoints and decisions, and you get ripped a new one every few years.

You might want to scope out this last Sunday's NYT (Sec. 4, page 1) for a look at reality.

"Yet government has only grown. The Cato Institute, a libertarian research institution, says overall federal spending has increased twice as fast under Mr. Bush as under Mr. Clinton. At the same time, the federal deficit is projected to reach a record high of $427 billion this year...

These trends seem likely to continue. The White House estimated last week that the cost of prescription drugs for medicare beneficiaries, originally projected at $400 billion from 2004 to 2013 would, in fact, be $724 billion from 2006 to 2015..."

Incidentally, the deficit of $427 billion does NOT include either a) Iraq War spending (another 80-100 billion for this coming fiscal year) or b) any start-up costs for the "new," Social Security, reforms--an estimated $1 trillion (that's $1, 000, 000, 000, 000, folks), and let's just pass in silence over what happens if the estimated costs for THAT sucker go the way of the estimated costs for the prescription drug, "plan."

And just incidentally, Bush has also created whole new bureaucracies.

Of course, none of this IN ANY WAY contradicts the promise to cut the size of government and lean out the Federal budget, let alone the promises that democratic Big Government was responsible for All Our Problems. It's nothing, nothing at all, anything like Bush Sr.'s, "Read my lips: NO NEW TAXES," either. Nope; that's just liberals and the "Times," whining.

But hey, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
No doubt Bush is a "liberal" in conservative clothing. His kinder, gentler, "compassionate conservatism" is nothing more than the "New Deal" (welfare state) and the "Great Society" (more welfare state) repackaged for a new generation that has failed to learn from History. Throw in a war on foreign soil, that should never have begun, (Vietnam/Iraq) stir gently for 1 term and cool for an election, your Kennedy is ready to serve.
There was an interesting report mentioned by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) last week about how one of the first things required to take totalatarian control over the state is to assure the oldest generation that their lives will be stable.

Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit - Check

Social Security Benefits will not change - Check (despite a law that says the benefits can be changed at any time).

Hold the line on the regressive Payroll Tax cap - Check

A little revolution every generation is good for the country.
Ah. And you would reconcile this claim of Bush's being a liberal with a) his fundamentalist Christianity, b) right-wing moral, social and international theories, c) faith in free markets, d) tax cuts for the wealthy, e) military spending precisely how, exactly?

Perhaps it's his previous dependence on an extremely wealthy family to get him into college and business, his screwing around and irresponsibility for some twenty years, or his sleazing through military service that makes him like the Kennedys...

Oh wait, I forgot. Their family's eldest son, Joe Jr., was killed in WWII and the next son, Jack, seriously wounded while he was winning a Navy Cross and the next son assassinated....
I would reconcile this claim of Bush's being a liberal not with his religion, or his tax cuts for everybody (its about time), his lack of faith in the free markets (market manipulation through the fed), right wing or left wing, end result is the same, and military spending, its kept this country out fo recession since WW2. wow.. look at my horrible grammar.

And those nice Kennedys all living off the the trust fund built by.. oh I wont even open that pandorahs box...

Yes Joe Jr. was killed and Jack was wounded. You'd think he would have been much more cautious about taking us to war himself. Yes its unfortuante the next son was assasinated as well. Killing is almost never justified. Howver I'm sure Bush has crossed paths with the remaining Kennedy at the local Bar/rehab house. I'm not sure about the jail house though.

This is fun. :-partyon:Trashing politicians should be the new national pass time. Bush hasn't got the brains God gave geese. His social spending programs are a waste. Much like 90% of the others that have bombed. His bigger govt. mentality, especially through Michael Powell and Homeland Securtiy (Ministry Of Love), I cant really decide if its left wing or right, not that it matters.

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