White Supremicts Really Hate Bush And Republicans

Kane said:
What is so complicated about it?

I will try to explain this better. Different sides of the politcal spectrum are for different things. For example conservatives tend to be more religious than liberals, or liberals are more for free health care than conservatives, ect. Similarly conservatives tend to be more passionate about helping jews than liberals, because they believe it to be their religious duty. I am not saying liberals can't have the same passion, because I am sure there are a lot that do. Just like liberals can be very religious too. But in general, neo-conservatives tend be more jew supporting.

Please explain to me what the 'conservative' point of view has to do with religion?

Please direct me to a 'Conservative' web site, or magazine that states as a fundamental principle 'religious belief ... and as extra credit, one that says they are more religious than their liberal counter parts ....Oh, and I mean a conservative other than Osama bin Laden.

Please explain to me what you mean by the phrase 'jew supporting'. I find the phrase at the same time, pompous and immature.

michaeledward said:

Please explain to me what the 'conservative' point of view has to do with religion?

Please direct me to a 'Conservative' web site, or magazine that states as a fundamental principle 'religious belief ... and as extra credit, one that says they are more religious than their liberal counter parts ....Oh, and I mean a conservative other than Osama bin Laden.

Please explain to me what you mean by the phrase 'jew supporting'. I find the phrase at the same time, pompous and immature.

Indeed. My question is, upon what basis is the following statement founded?
Kane said:
Actually if you think about liberal democrats are a bit more nazi than neo-conservatives, considering there are many more liberals who are anti-zionist
So far, you are speaking about "tendencies" of "neo-conservatives" to be "more jew supporting." All I'm asking for is a source for this claim, as the inference, when putting all of your thoughts together into context, is that Liberals are anti-Jewish. I'm having trouble believing that to be accurate, hence my request for a source to verify your assertion.
Kane, I believe you mean "Israel-supporting" or "removing Palestinians" rather than "jew-supporting", although that is both a broad generalization and vague.

I have yet to meet a Bible-thumping fundamentalist right-winger who just loves folks of the Jewish faith.

Funny considering how people often rant (although this was before the rise of the neo-cons in the last 6 years or so) about the "liberal Jewish media", when it is not necessarily either.
I will never understand how any racial supremacist can live his/her whole life hating people, they haven even met. I mean seriously as human beings, we dont live that long to begin with, and to WASTE whatever time you are given on this earth hating people based on their race is just absolutely assine. I mean seriously what do these idiots accomplish anyway?
Kane, in bold.

First we have this...

Actually if you think about liberal democrats are a bit more nazi than neo-conservatives, considering there are many more liberals who are anti-zionist.

And then this...which contradicts the above.

lol, where did you get the idea I am comparing liberal democrats to nazis? You can be anti-zionist or anti-semetic and still not be a nazi.

And then we have this...

It is a known fact neo-conservatives tend to be more passionate and helping jews and Israel than liberals, and that there are more anti-zionist in liberals than neo-conservatives. I don't need to post a sourse for that...

But in general, neo-conservatives tend be more jew supporting.

Yet one has to note that 73% of Jews identify themselves as liberal or moderate. Only 19% voted for Bush.


When one speaks of Jews, one is often speaking of liberals. So, Jews are not "Jew supporting?"


hardheadjarhead said:
Kane, in bold.

First we have this...

Actually if you think about liberal democrats are a bit more nazi than neo-conservatives, considering there are many more liberals who are anti-zionist.

And then this...which contradicts the above.

lol, where did you get the idea I am comparing liberal democrats to nazis? You can be anti-zionist or anti-semetic and still not be a nazi.

And then we have this...

It is a known fact neo-conservatives tend to be more passionate and helping jews and Israel than liberals, and that there are more anti-zionist in liberals than neo-conservatives. I don't need to post a sourse for that...

But in general, neo-conservatives tend be more jew supporting.

Yet one has to note that 73% of Jews identify themselves as liberal or moderate. Only 19% voted for Bush.


When one speaks of Jews, one is often speaking of liberals. So, Jews are not "Jew supporting?"


And the one issue that seperates many liberal jews from the rest of their liberal companions is the issue of Israel. It is on this topic that Joseph Lieberman is closer to George Bush than he is to the radical far left. It's ironic the bedfellows that the topic of Israel and the arab world makes on both sides. I find it truly ironic that the radical left has begun using the same type of propaganda toward Israel as the nazis. These are interesting times we are living in.
sgtmac_46 said:
I find it truly ironic that the radical left has begun using the same type of propaganda toward Israel as the nazis. These are interesting times we are living in.
Can you provide me with a few examples of this radical left, anti-Israel propaganda? I'm not familiar with it. Thanks.
Flatlander said:
Can you provide me with a few examples of this radical left, anti-Israel propaganda? I'm not familiar with it. Thanks.

It might be fun to do this as a game. Below is a list of quotes from various people. Some are radical leftists, some are white supremecists, neo-nazis or holocaust deniars. Lets see if we can attach the quote to it's group. You don't necessarily have to guess the person quoted, just place

"L" for leftist "N" for Neo-Nazi, White Supremicist or Radical Right-winger, beside the quote.

1. “It's all part of the same ball of wax, right? The oil companies, Israel, Halliburton.”

2. “Who would benefit from a war of civilizations between the West and Islam? Answer: one nation, one leader, one party. Israel, Sharon, Likud.”

3. “So, for whose benefit does America wage this war? The answer is Israel, Israel, Israel!”

4. “The Israeli puppeteer travels to Washington and meets with the puppet in the White House. He then goes down Pennsylvania Avenue and meets with the puppets in Congress ... It is time for the United States Government to stand up and think for itself.”

5. “The Founding Fathers of the United States deeply feared that a foreign government [like Israel] might gain this level of control over a branch of the United States government, and their fears have been vindicated.”

6. “The Jews are particularly adept at seizing or insinuating themselves into strategic positions in our society where they wield power far beyond the extent of their numbers....We White people of America have done nothing so far which would frustrate the Jews’ expectations or their ambitions of becoming the world’s slavemasters.”

7. “Certainly, there are a number of stories sloshing around the news now...The purveyor of anthrax may have been a former government scientist, Jewish...with the intent to blame the anthrax on Muslim terrorists. Rocketing around the web and spilling into the press are many stories about Israeli spies in America at the time of 9/11..."

8. “The warmongers anxiously want this war NOT to appear to be a result of the Israeli Fifth Column trying to strike down Israel's enemies one by one.”

9. “Anti-Semitism is no longer a problem, fortunately. It's raised, but it's raised because privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98 percent control. That's why anti-Semitism is becoming an issue. Not because of the threat of anti-Semitism; they want to make sure there's no critical look at the policies the U.S. (and they themselves) support in the Middle East.”

10. “Indeed, it is the charge of anti-Semitism itself that is toxic.”


1. - Michael Moore (Leftist)

2. - Pat Buchanan (Conservative)

3. - David Duke (Former Neo-Nazi)

4. - Ralph Nader (Leftist)

5. - Juan Cole (leftist University of Michigan history professor)

6. - Neo-Nazi author and publisher Ernst Zundel (Canadian neo-Nazi)

7. - Alexander Cockburn (columnist and editor of far-left magazine “Counterpunch”)

8. - David Duke (white supremacist/”former” neo-Nazi)

9. - Noam Chomsky (Noted leftist)

10. - Pat Buchanan (Conservative)

