Report saying America was a safe haven for Nazis after the war

Actually, the links I provided earlier in this discussion show the United Kingdom to be quite forgiving of Nazis, particularly due to the post war labor shortage. Here they are again if you missed them.

The UK: A Nazi Safe Haven

You think? What governments think is rarely what the people think, try asking the survivors of the Blitz how they felt about the Germans. Try asking what the Japanese prisoners of war think about the Japanese even today. Ask the Channel Islandrs who had the Germans invae their islands.

The British v Germans mentality is alive, well and kicking, trust me. You'd be surprised by how much anti German sentiment there is here, it's even worse in the Netherlands, they haven't forgiven the Germans at all. here we still call them krauts, still fight them at any opportunity at football matches anywhere in the world, we even still fight them on the beaches.

From Nick Clegg the deputy Prime Minister.

And this

"But what is not reasonable - and what is in fact plain stupid, and a defiance of human nature - is to believe that the people of these islands should look upon Germany as just another European neighbour.
Question: Why can't the British forget the Second World War?
Answer: Because it is just too soon.
A residual resentment of Germany remains in our national consciousness, and that is entirely understandable."
You think? What governments think is rarely what the people think, try asking the survivors of the Blitz how they felt about the Germans. Try asking what the Japanese prisoners of war think about the Japanese even today. Ask the Channel Islandrs who had the Germans invae their islands.

The British v Germans mentality is alive, well and kicking, trust me. You'd be surprised by how much anti German sentiment there is here, it's even worse in the Netherlands, they haven't forgiven the Germans at all. here we still call them krauts, still fight them at any opportunity at football matches anywhere in the world, we even still fight them on the beaches.

I find that really sad. Thats here too. In fact I went to university with a german girl named Sonja. and she told me it was only in the past 5 years or so people stopped calling her a Nazi. Even though she is far too young to ever be involved in that part of her country's history. I feel sorry for the German people of today, They have to live with that in their country's past and they had nothing to do with it cause they are too young.
Good night, Irene!(just been dying to say that!) we have arguments on this very board about how killing Indians was ok, not genocide and "just a clash of cultures," arguments about the "real" casuses of our Civil War and how it "wasn't really over slavery, but states rights"(to slavery, duh!). We have a populace nearly completely and blissfully ignorant of their government's direct action or complicity in butchery in the Phillipines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Chile-and those are just the ones that come to mind immediately. Long before he became "an evil dictator who had rape rooms," Saddam Hussein was one of our government's pets. You should neither be surprised that we're not as outraged as Europeans, really don't care about European's ourtrage, and mostly don't care about the relative morality of using Nazis as spies after the war was over-something that started happening more than 60 years ago. We help support the House of Saud-who help support the terrorists we're fighting. We help support the Pakistani government, who help support the terrorists we're fighting. They called WWII "the war to end all wars" and the worlds been nothing BUT at war for the last 60 years, if you bother to know where to look-and always has been a gaping, supperating, pus filled open wound of suffering. We're still arguing about what happened to the Armenians was a "genocide." We make a "legal" distinction between "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing."

Is it any wonder that I really can't give a **** about 6 million Jews, dust now for 60 years?

I love my country, but compared to my own government, Hitler was a prince.

I can't not care, frankly, those Jews lying as dust were my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles and my cousins.

World War ONE was called the war to end all wars, which was optimistic at best, stupid at worst.

Why should you care about Nazis in your country? figure it out. Do you think they want the best for a country that defeated them? You say you are on the look out for anti Semitism but your country is waging a war on Muslims, if you don't learn from history you are only going backwards. If you don't take the time to understand what the rest of the world is about you are going to make even more enemies, perhaps if you'd taken notice of what was going on you wouldn't have been involved in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
You can stand in glorious isolation as China and India start taking over from you, or you can open your eyes and see whats going on around you and what caused 9/11. You are all moaning about airport restrictions, your government etc, do you think it will get any better?

I think you've probably all missed the point here. The government departments lied to you about the recruitment of the Nazis. They hide the truth from you - that they knew these people had criminal histories, if you don't care, if it doesn't matter why weren't you told the truth? why weren't the scinetists etc investigated thoroughly? If they lied about their pasts do you not think they could scarcely be honest about the work they did for America! If they were dyed in the wool Nazis, do you not consider they could still work for the benefit of the Nazis rather than the benefit of America? Should they not have been investigated then? for your good if not anyones elses? Of course if you're happy with your government lying to you, crack on.
I can't not care, frankly, those Jews lying as dust were my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles and my cousins.

World War ONE was called the war to end all wars, which was optimistic at best, stupid at worst.

Why should you care about Nazis in your country? figure it out. Do you think they want the best for a country that defeated them? You say you are on the look out for anti Semitism but your country is waging a war on Muslims, if you don't learn from history you are only going backwards. I

f you don't take the time to understand what the rest of the world is about you are going to make even more enemies, perhaps if you'd taken notice of what was going on you wouldn't have been involved in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
You can stand in glorious isolation as China and India start taking over from you, or you can open your eyes and see whats going on around you and what caused 9/11. You are all moaning about airport restrictions, your government etc, do you think it will get any better?

I think you've probably all missed the point here. The government departments lied to you about the recruitment of the Nazis. They hide the truth from you - that they knew these people had criminal histories, if you don't care, if it doesn't matter why weren't you told the truth? why weren't the scinetists etc investigated thoroughly? If they lied about their pasts do you not think they could scarcely be honest about the work they did for America! If they were dyed in the wool Nazis, do you not consider they could still work for the benefit of the Nazis rather than the benefit of America? Should they not have been investigated then? for your good if not anyones elses? Of course if you're happy with your government lying to you, crack on.

I'm not missing the point

Our government 's lying to us is nothing new.
I find that really sad. Thats here too. In fact I went to university with a german girl named Sonja. and she told me it was only in the past 5 years or so people stopped calling her a Nazi. Even though she is far too young to ever be involved in that part of her country's history. I feel sorry for the German people of today, They have to live with that in their country's past and they had nothing to do with it cause they are too young.

It is sad, its the sins of the fathers on their childrens' childrens' backs. I think it won't stop for many years yet. My daughter is 25, she grew up with only one set of grandparents, one mother, one father and one brother because of the war. I grew up with just parents and a brother, no aunts, no uncles, no cousins. Until it becomes ancient history, it won't die down.
I have no beef with any German born since the war, I have difficulties with the older ones though, it sits in the back of your mind, you wonder what they did during the war.

On the subject of emotion, there's some subjects that should never become academic, should never become just history, we need to keep a passion for life, for justice and not fall into a fug of blase, apathetic thoughts. We need people who will fight and even tilt at windmills, we need the dreamers, the idealists and the people who will fight for the underdog. We need the people who will take responsiblity.

"If I am not for myself, who is for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?" Hillel
TBH I think you are being childish. I see nothing sensational about the link supplied, I find nothing that you should take umbrage about in it other than perhaps at your government or government dept of the time that allowed them in and to stay. You are making an argument where there is none offered from me and if anything you are being obtuse about why I find it a subject so close to my heart as well as many others.

Why, too, you should be so defensive baffles me and why you should think that it's American bashing I don't know.

If there are still these Nazis alive there are many of us that would like to see them investigated and put on trial if the evidence warrants it. These were our families that were killed and we want justice. this isn't about blaming America this is about finding these people and finding the truth about what they did. I believe you have no limit on the time you catch murderers in, so why should they not be investigated? For all you know they may have killed American prisoners of war (86 American soldiers who were prisoners of war were massacred by a Waffen SS unit on 17th Dec 1944 at Malmedy, Belgium) Wouldn't you want those SS to answer to their crimes?

"In 1980, prosecutors filed a motion that “misstated the facts” in asserting that checks of C.I.A. and F.B.I. records revealed no information on the Nazi past of Tscherim Soobzokov, a former Waffen SS soldier. In fact, the report said, the Justice Department “knew that Soobzokov had advised the C.I.A. of his SS connection after he arrived in the United States.”


"The report also examines the case of Arthur L. Rudolph, a Nazi scientist who ran the Mittelwerk munitions factory. He was brought to the United States in 1945 for his rocket-making expertise under Operation Paperclip, an American program that recruited scientists who had worked in Nazi Germany. (Rudolph has been honored by NASA and is credited as the father of the Saturn V rocket.)
The report cites a 1949 memo from the Justice Department’s No. 2 official urging immigration officers to let Rudolph back in the country after a stay in Mexico, saying that a failure to do so “would be to the detriment of the national interest.”
Justice Department investigators later found evidence that Rudolph was much more actively involved in exploiting slave laborers at Mittelwerk than he or American intelligence officials had acknowledged, the report says."

"In chronicling the cases of Nazis who were aided by American intelligence officials, the report cites help that C.I.A. officials provided in 1954 to Otto Von Bolschwing, an associate of Adolf Eichmann who had helped develop the initial plans “to purge Germany of the Jews” and who later worked for the C.I.A. in the United States. In a chain of memos, C.I.A. officials debated what to do if Von Bolschwing were confronted about his past — whether to deny any Nazi affiliation or “explain it away on the basis of extenuating circumstances,” the report said"

Can't you see how very serious this is to us, you pout and seem to think it's a case of blaming America for everything. Look at the people they let in and tell me that you think it's a trifling thing,how can we not sit up and take notice! Otto Von Bolschwing helped with plans to wipe out all Jews in German and more than likely not all other 'non desirables', can you not see how immense that is? It's not the petty oh blame America for everything 'game' you assume, this is crimes against humanity on a huge scale, the elimination of an entire population.

The New York Times article also says
"More than 300 Nazi persecutors have been deported, stripped of citizenship or blocked from entering the United States since the creation of the O.S.I., which was merged with another unit this year"

The above is very encouraging and deserves praise.

What I believe too is that the American people who had no knowledge of this at the time will as good decent people will be horrified at the thought that these monsters were allowed into their country, I believe if it had been known at the time there would have been an outcry and the bringing of these people into America would be stopped. Surely making these criminals citizens and giving them benefits of life in America is a huge slap in the face to those who fought and died for freedom. Perhaps that's what you should be mad at not me.

What I am saying it all governments have skeletons that is all. And I am also saying I am not bashing anyone. And the title of the article is a bit sensationalized as is the title of the posts "USA" "Safe Haven" "Nazis" I am sorry you do not agree. I am not trying to make an argument for anything, I'm not getting defensive, stating facts is not trying to make an argument, that is unless of course the person reading said fact has a problem with then.... again.. Sorry you do not see that.

Thanks for the insult... got to go... ta ta
You knowÂ… I think I need another breakÂ… and I do realize this is just me but I am getting way to negative of lateÂ…. IÂ’ll be back

What I am saying it all governments have skeletons that is all. And I am also saying I am not bashing anyone. And the title of the article is a bit sensationalized as is the title of the posts "USA" "Safe Haven" "Nazis" I am sorry you do not agree. I am not trying to make an argument for anything, stating facts is not trying to make an argument, that is unless of course the person reading said fact has a problem with then.... again.. Sorry you do not see that.

Thanks for the insult... got to go... ta ta

The title comes from the American Simon Wiesanthal Centre, put up by Americans. I did start the title with 'report saying' I could have made it sensationalist and controversial by leaving that bit out. The report itself was made by the American Justice Department and reported by the New York Times. No one yet has commented on them. All anyone seems to think is that the Americans are being blamed for something yet again. The report was made by an American Government Department, the criticism came from an American newspaper and I'm to blame? don't make me larf mate.

No country is without blame for anything but here it seems there's a cover up and a government department lying to it's people and no one cares, it's shrugged off as so what and that's sad.

There was no insult offered, my insults aren't veiled they are blatant and obvious. I don't stab people in the back I go for the throat.
The title comes from the American Simon Wiesanthal Centre, put up by Americans. I did start the title with 'report saying' I could have made it sensationalist and controversial by leaving that bit out. The report itself was made by the American Justice Department and reported by the New York Times. No one yet has commented on them. All anyone seems to think is that the Americans are being blamed for something yet again. The report was made by an American Government Department, the criticism came from an American newspaper and I'm to blame? don't make me larf mate.

No country is without blame for anything but here it seems there's a cover up and a government department lying to it's people and no one cares, it's shrugged off as so what and that's sad.

There was no insult offered, my insults aren't veiled they are blatant and obvious. I don't stab people in the back I go for the throat.

Allow me to repeat my previous post

What I am saying it all governments have skeletons that is all. And I am also saying I am not bashing anyone. And the title of the article is a bit sensationalized as is the title of the posts "USA" "Safe Haven" "Nazis" I am sorry you do not agree. I am not trying to make an argument for anything, I'm not getting defensive, stating facts is not trying to make an argument, that is unless of course the person reading said fact has a problem with then.... again.. Sorry you do not see that.

Now let me break that down for you

Our press is very much into sensationalism and to be honest I do not always believe it. I actually tend to believe the BBC more. But then our press is not the only press in the world that does not report the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth…you should see the news in China… it is much the same as the news in the US (now that will upset more than a few Americans)…the days of Walter Kronkite are long since over in the good ole USA.

The only thing you are to blame for is the lack of knowledge as to how the American press operates and having more than a few posts in the past that were in fact directed at America. And of late America has been blamed for a lot by a lot of people, the proverbial kick a guy when he is down thing, but the first sign of trouble who does everyone run too… ok these days it seems to be China, they have the money, but before it was us and it will be again…just wait until the next oppressed people yell for help… guess who they will yell loudest too.

All governments lie and cover things up, even the illustrious British government and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bit naive IMO. A government cover-up in the USA is far from news to most but it sure as hell sells papers and give conspiracy theorists tons of material to run with.

You are not reading what I posted you are responding to your emotions. I am not getting defensive and I am not arguing. OK this next bit is a jab but at this point I need to do it, I did cast aspersions on the UK based on facts however and although in post 1 it was necessary anything after that likely could have been avoided. And to be honest it was edited in at least one.

And what part of calling someone childish is a veiled insult (possibly a cultural thing). And of course there was the attempted redirection by accusing me of Brit bashing, which in fact I was not doing. History is history and as much as many of us would like to forget and/or deny some or much of it we can’t.

And now no insult be a possible threat… even better.

I don't stab people in the back I go for the throat.

Are you now inferring that I stab people in the back or am I reading too much into that... it is possible...cultural differences and the World Wide Web you know can be problems

As to our government, I get the feeling many are not happy but to explain more would take pages and pages that frankly I do not feel like typing. Suffice to say it is our government and we are stuck with it because we were not paying attention and don’t let the two party system fool you…they are not that different.


tez I am going to drop this now and no longer respond to this thread in anyway shape or form...feel free to do and or say whatever you like to me or about me, insult and threaten away… but I am done.

I see that per usual the study has drawn me into areas I frankly do not like nor do I really care about. I am guilty of responding beyond my first post and I simply should have left it there.
Allow me to repeat my previous post

What I am saying it all governments have skeletons that is all. And I am also saying I am not bashing anyone. And the title of the article is a bit sensationalized as is the title of the posts "USA" "Safe Haven" "Nazis" I am sorry you do not agree. I am not trying to make an argument for anything, I'm not getting defensive, stating facts is not trying to make an argument, that is unless of course the person reading said fact has a problem with then.... again.. Sorry you do not see that.

Now let me break that down for you

Our press is very much into sensationalism and to be honest I do not always believe it. I actually tend to believe the BBC more. But then our press is not the only press in the world that does not report the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truthÂ…you should see the news in ChinaÂ… it is much the same as the news in the US (now that will upset more than a few Americans)Â…the days of Walter Kronkite are long since over in the good ole USA.

The only thing you are to blame for is the lack of knowledge as to how the American press operates and having more than a few posts in the past that were in fact directed at America. And of late America has been blamed for a lot by a lot of people, the proverbial kick a guy when he is down thing, but the first sign of trouble who does everyone run tooÂ… ok these days it seems to be China, they have the money, but before it was us and it will be againÂ…just wait until the next oppressed people yell for helpÂ… guess who they will yell loudest too.

All governments lie and cover things up, even the illustrious British government and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bit naive IMO. A government cover-up in the USA is far from news to most but it sure as hell sells papers and give conspiracy theorists tons of material to run with.

You are not reading what I posted you are responding to your emotions. I am not getting defensive and I am not arguing. OK this next bit is a jab but at this point I need to do it, I did cast aspersions on the UK based on facts however and although in post 1 it was necessary anything after that likely could have been avoided. And to be honest it was edited in at least one.

And what part of calling someone childish is a veiled insult (possibly a cultural thing). And of course there was the attempted redirection by accusing me of Brit bashing, which in fact I was not doing. History is history and as much as many of us would like to forget and/or deny some or much of it we canÂ’t.

And now no insult be a possible threatÂ… even better.

Are you now inferring that I stab people in the back or am I reading too much into that... it is possible...cultural differences and the World Wide Web you know can be problems

As to our government, I get the feeling many are not happy but to explain more would take pages and pages that frankly I do not feel like typing. Suffice to say it is our government and we are stuck with it because we were not paying attention and donÂ’t let the two party system fool youÂ…they are not that different.


tez I am going to drop this now and no longer respond to this thread in anyway shape or form...feel free to do and or say whatever you like to me or about me, insult and threaten awayÂ… but I am done.

I see that per usual the study has drawn me into areas I frankly do not like nor do I really care about. I am guilty of responding beyond my first post and I simply should have left it there.

Wow, you do really read more into things that is there!

Calling someone childish is hardly an insult, I was being honest, if you prefer I lie say so! All I was saying is that I don't do veiled insults, if I insult you it will out in the open, don't go reading more into it than that. I think you are far too sensitive and are reading between the libnes where there's no writing.

As I said the title came from an American source I put the contact details up on another post, contact them and complain.

Of course I don't know about the American press, so educate me don't whinge.

If you think America is being attacked, answer back, read the other posts, they say either they don't care, it was the right thing to do at the time or whatever. You, all I get is well other countries have stuff to hide, other governments have skeletons etc etc. Yeah, And? What's that got to do with the price of fish? do two or more wrongs make a right? Was your government right or wrong? It's simple. if you think they were right say so, if wrong say so, dont' go on about other countries, we can start new threads for that and believe me I can fill several with the British, Scottish, Welsh, English and Northern Irelands government's misdeeds, how long have you got?

Btw you flatter me, I'm not as clever as you seem to think I am, my posts don't mean anymore than what you read, no attemtped misdirections, no insults, nothing between the lines. Just what I think and feel, it may not be right, it might be dreadfully wrong but it's honest.
The British v Germans mentality is alive, well and kicking, trust me. You'd be surprised by how much anti German sentiment there is here, it's even worse in the Netherlands, they haven't forgiven the Germans at all. here we still call them krauts, still fight them at any opportunity at football matches anywhere in the world, we even still fight them on the beaches.

With all that anti-Germanism, hundreds of Nazis still found safe haven in the United Kingdom. Does that bother you more or less than the US recruiting some former Nazi scientists?
To answer Crushing directly, "About the same".

I was going to write a lot more but decided that it's far too complex a subject to write about when I'm already brassed off by the travails of my own little life.

So a precis.

It's not great that the devious men that make up our governments decided to harbour certain figures that had connections of lesser or greater extent to the Nazi's. I understand why and, in some cases, might accede that great advantage accrued from it. Nietzsche would have been proud. For myself, not so much.

I would be surprised that this was not common knowledge to everyone here tho'.
With all that anti-Germanism, hundreds of Nazis still found safe haven in the United Kingdom. Does that bother you more or less than the US recruiting some former Nazi scientists?

It bothers me the same amount. Nazis are Nazis, I don't want them safe anywhere, however if they are here it makes hunting them easier.
There is alot of anti German feeling here even now, apart from Holocaust survivors and their families who you can understand their trepidation and feelings about the Germans, British people are brought up with it.
I know an old chap who was a Japanese prisoner of war, he was treated horrendously and barely survived, to this day he won't have anything Japanese in the house nor will he ride in a Japanese car. You can be cold and logical and tell him things are different, the wars over, it was years ago etc but that's how he feels, he cannot feel any differently. He still has nightmares and still mourns his mates who died in the POW camp. It's how it is, I don't know how you can change that for him or those that survived the Shoah.

I think this is one reason we can't trust Nazis.

Don't forget too that many of us are still trying to get our families possessions and property seized by the Nazis back. This family did
It bothers me the same amount. Nazis are Nazis, I don't want them safe anywhere, however if they are here it makes hunting them easier.
There is alot of anti German feeling here even now, apart from Holocaust survivors and their families who you can understand their trepidation and feelings about the Germans, British people are brought up with it.
I know an old chap who was a Japanese prisoner of war, he was treated horrendously and barely survived, to this day he won't have anything Japanese in the house nor will he ride in a Japanese car. You can be cold and logical and tell him things are different, the wars over, it was years ago etc but that's how he feels, he cannot feel any differently. He still has nightmares and still mourns his mates who died in the POW camp. It's how it is, I don't know how you can change that for him or those that survived the Shoah.

As much as I feel sorry for you and your family and your people (the jewish) for what they went through in the war (and you have good reasons to feel this way) I don't believe the us and britain and all should hunt down every little german who ever did anything bad for the nazis during the war. Many indeed were following orders and lots had no choice. I don't believe they were all the same or they all felt the same as hitler about everything. The german movie 'Stalingrad' in fact was made because the germans wanted to show that not all the germans of that time were 'bad people'
and you are content?

What in my first post would lead you to believe that I'm "content??"

Our government lies-and lies, and lies, and lies-I think, at times, that all governments do.

Our government deliberately left black men untreated for syphillis, just to see what would happen.

Our government deliberately infected people in Guatemala with syphillis, just to see what would happen.

Our government broke virtually every treaty made with the Indians, committed massive atrocities, and has mismanaged more than $3 billion held in "trust" for the Indians-who have yet to see a dime of that money.

I could go on, and on, and on, and on-I already have.

Why should I care about a bunch of dead Nazis? Why should I be surprised?
As much as I feel sorry for you and your family and your people (the jewish) for what they went through in the war (and you have good reasons to feel this way) I don't believe the us and britain and all should hunt down every little german who ever did anything bad for the nazis during the war. Many indeed were following orders and lots had no choice. I don't believe they were all the same or they all felt the same as hitler about everything. The german movie 'Stalingrad' in fact was made because the germans wanted to show that not all the germans of that time were 'bad people'

Oh good grief, thanks but I don't need your pity nor do my people, we want justice.

We aren't hunting down every little German, we are hunting down specific Nazis who are on a wanted list.
'Stanlingrad' is a work of fiction and can't be used as proof of anything I'm afraid. The 'Germans' en masse didn't make it, a director and film crew along with writers did, it can't represent all German's points of view.
Oh good grief, thanks but I don't need your pity nor do my people, we want justice.

We aren't hunting down every little German, we are hunting down specific Nazis who are on a wanted list

oh well i don't mind that, those ones should be caught.
What in my first post would lead you to believe that I'm "content??"

Our government lies-and lies, and lies, and lies-I think, at times, that all governments do.

Our government deliberately left black men untreated for syphillis, just to see what would happen.

Our government deliberately infected people in Guatemala with syphillis, just to see what would happen.

Our government broke virtually every treaty made with the Indians, committed massive atrocities, and has mismanaged more than $3 billion held in "trust" for the Indians-who have yet to see a dime of that money.

I could go on, and on, and on, and on-I already have.

Why should I care about a bunch of dead Nazis? Why should I be surprised?

Hell, I don't care about dead Nazis either! :D
Hell, I don't care about dead Nazis either! :D

Well, as far as WWII Nazis go, there isn't much of any other kind, is there?

I mean, in the case of the U.S. Nazi spies, scientists and whatever, there's none like them......

,.....they all dead!

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