TBH I think you are being childish. I see nothing sensational about the link supplied, I find nothing that you should take umbrage about in it other than perhaps at your government or government dept of the time that allowed them in and to stay. You are making an argument where there is none offered from me and if anything you are being obtuse about why I find it a subject so close to my heart as well as many others.
Why, too, you should be so defensive baffles me and why you should think that it's American bashing I don't know.
If there are still these Nazis alive there are many of us that would like to see them investigated and put on trial
if the evidence warrants it. These were our families that were killed and we want justice. this isn't about blaming America this is about finding these people and finding the truth about what they did. I believe you have no limit on the time you catch murderers in, so why should they not be investigated? For all you know they may have killed American prisoners of war (86 American soldiers who were prisoners of war were massacred by a Waffen SS unit on 17th Dec 1944 at Malmedy, Belgium) Wouldn't you want those SS to answer to their crimes?
"In 1980, prosecutors filed a motion that “misstated the facts” in asserting that checks of C.I.A. and F.B.I. records revealed no information on the Nazi past of Tscherim Soobzokov, a former Waffen SS soldier. In fact, the report said, the Justice Department “knew that Soobzokov had advised the C.I.A. of his SS connection after he arrived in the United States.”
"The report also examines the case of Arthur L. Rudolph, a Nazi scientist who ran the Mittelwerk munitions factory. He was brought to the United States in 1945 for his rocket-making expertise under Operation Paperclip, an American program that recruited scientists who had worked in Nazi Germany. (Rudolph has been honored by NASA and is credited as the father of the Saturn V rocket.)
The report cites a 1949 memo from the Justice Department’s No. 2 official urging immigration officers to let Rudolph back in the country after a stay in Mexico, saying that a failure to do so “would be to the detriment of the national interest.”
Justice Department investigators later found evidence that Rudolph was much more actively involved in exploiting slave laborers at Mittelwerk than he or American intelligence officials had acknowledged, the report says."
"In chronicling the cases of Nazis who were aided by American intelligence officials, the report cites help that C.I.A. officials provided in 1954 to Otto Von Bolschwing, an associate of Adolf Eichmann who had helped develop the initial plans “to purge Germany of the Jews” and who later worked for the C.I.A. in the United States. In a chain of memos, C.I.A. officials debated what to do if Von Bolschwing were confronted about his past — whether to deny any Nazi affiliation or “explain it away on the basis of extenuating circumstances,” the report said"
Can't you see how very serious this is to us, you pout and seem to think it's a case of blaming America for everything. Look at the people they let in and tell me that you think it's a trifling thing,how can we not sit up and take notice! Otto Von Bolschwing helped with plans to wipe out all Jews in German and more than likely not all other 'non desirables', can you not see how immense that is? It's not the petty oh blame America for everything 'game' you assume, this is crimes against humanity on a huge scale, the elimination of an entire population.
The New York Times article also says
"More than 300 Nazi persecutors have been deported, stripped of citizenship or blocked from entering the United States since the creation of the O.S.I., which was merged with another unit this year"
The above is very encouraging and deserves praise.
What I believe too is that the American people who had no knowledge of this at the time will as good decent people will be horrified at the thought that these monsters were allowed into their country, I believe if it had been known at the time there would have been an outcry and the bringing of these people into America would be stopped. Surely making these criminals citizens and giving them benefits of life in America is a huge slap in the face to those who fought and died for freedom. Perhaps that's what you should be mad at not me.