If you want a guarentee, buy a toaster.
If you want an education, goto school and apply yourself.
If you want a break, make your own.
If you want fairness, get used to disapointment.
Life isn't fair. Life is a non-stop series of challenges. How you respond or react determines your final destination.
Your 'attitude' determines your 'altitude'.
Yes, I realize these are all quotes...but, they have something in common. They are true, and they come from sucessful people.
Stereotypes need to be fought and defeated. People need to believe that they can 'win'. We can throw statistics back and forth, point fingers, argue, rant and scream.
Problems still remain, and the questions are still unanswered.
Mr. Robertson, you got through college by busting your ***. You got where you are by meeting and defeating decks that were stacked against you. Why didn't you just give up, go home and stew about how unfair it all is? (Please sir, I'm not attacking you here, so please do not take it as such) My guess (correct me if I'm wrong) is that you had a will to win. A desire to excell.
So, how do we instill that into our kids today, so that tomorow will be better for them? How do we get them to 'fight the good fight' as it has been put?
We can say "give em all this stuff for free, and get out of their way". Fine. The fact is that however inadequate, resources are there for their use. They simply do not bother. I go to a library in a primarily black neighborhood. Its one of the neighborhoods in Buffalo thats screaming they dont have oportunities for advancement, yet its got the -best- computer book selection in the entire county. Why dont they use it?
I'm sorry, but, I do not understand it. Educate me.
one sidebar on Harvard - Bill Gates dropped out...wasn't challenged. At last report, he is still listed as being on a 'leave of absence' after 20+ years. Just a trivial bit.