Religon And Martial Art Orgins


Green Belt
I know there are lot of different opinions in ref to the orgins of the Martial Arts. Some say Martial Arts began in Japan, some China while others say India. Personally I am of the opinion the Martial sciences began in Africa.
Further I feel the Martial Sciences were a gift imparted to us from God through Angels. In short the Martial Sciences are the fighting sciences of the Angels.
Now I know some of you are sitting there saying to yourselves, O geezzz heres another holy roller, Why, Thank
You for the compliment.
Now dont just sit there, Repsond. Ive been willing to write my personal beliefs as to the orgins of the Martial Sciences ( In brief of course) and I would love to hear from you. All views are welcome.
Well first off what do you mean by Martial Sciences?Specific styles can have their lineage traced back to different countries, but the actual concept of a style is something that showed up everywhere.In nearly every country in the world an effort was made to develop some system of combat rather than simple brawling.

Secondly why would Angels need hand to hand fighting styles?We're talking about celestial beings here?Why assume they have anything even vaguely resembling a human body?Why assume they have physical form at all?
The earliest orgins of the Martial Sciences can trace thier history to Africa. Im not talking about specific systems I am referring to orgins.
In reference to the Angels themselves. I did say I do believe the martial arts are / were the fighting sciences of the angels. There is record Bibicaly which indicates there were times the angles communicated with humans in differnet ways. I spoke with a pastor a few years ago and a friend of mine who teaches at a local bible college and is considered to be a Bibical Scholar. Both mentioned in speerate conversations they believe during the second coming that mortal man will fight the armies of Satan. I asked him how would Man fight against Satan Armies and he refered to various scriptures where it talks about Trained severants. They both believe Trained refers to Martial Science training.
Please understand I am not very learned in the bible but do believe I am a Christian and a student of the martial sciences
I would love to get you in the same room as those people that used to run that "Evil Exposed" website. That'd be the greatest conversation ever!

Personally, I don't beleive that G-d or angels have any need for violence, and therefore no need for martial arts or sciences.
Im Christian as well, although Im probably reading a little bit more Nietzsche than is good for me.There is indeed several references in the bible which speak of angels assuming human form to communicate with humanity.The key word here is ASSUME.This implies that their original form is not humanoid or possibly not even physical.Afterall they are meant to be spiritual beings which exist in a spiritual plane.So how would creatures without physical form utilise hand-to-hand combat in any way that could then translate into a style humans could use?
It would be like the wind trying to teach a rock how to blow and move.
There are numerous descriptions of sword wielding angels of gigantic proportions, and descriptions of the awesome heavenly wars that occurred between the minions of heaven and hell. (Don't ask me right now exactly where these reference are, it's been a long week and I don't have the energy to go searching through my angels encyclopedia for references.)
I"m still not sure what is meant by martial science. Something is only considered scientific or a science if it uses the scientific method, meaning form a hypothesis, develop an experiment and try to disprove the null hypothesis, blah blah blah etc. I don't know of any martial art that uses scientific method. (Though I'm sure somewhere, out there something like it exists.)
VSanhodo said:
The earliest orgins of the Martial Sciences can trace thier history to Africa. Im not talking about specific systems I am referring to orgins.

You are referencing the origins of what, precisely? Humanity or mankind's use of trained fighting techniques? You need to clarify what it is you say you believe, otherwise your argument is hollow at best.

In reference to the Angels themselves. I did say I do believe the martial arts are / were the fighting sciences of the angels.

And you believe this why, precisely? On what is this belief based? You certainly can't take it on faith, can you? That'd be absurd...

There is record Bibicaly which indicates there were times the angles communicated with humans in differnet ways.

Communicating and teaching martial arts are just a little bit different, don't you think?

I spoke with a pastor a few years ago and a friend of mine who teaches at a local bible college and is considered to be a Bibical Scholar. Both mentioned in speerate conversations they believe during the second coming that mortal man will fight the armies of Satan. I asked him how would Man fight against Satan Armies and he refered to various scriptures where it talks about Trained severants. They both believe Trained refers to Martial Science training.

So do they believe that martial arts are the tools of Satan, or do they think there will be a war between different factions of humans, one side belonging to God and the other to Satan? Where do they come by this understanding of the Second Coming, since it is outlined in Revelations (a section of the Bible that acknowledges its own inability to be understood by Man until it is too late...)?

Please understand I am not very learned in the bible but do believe I am a Christian and a student of the martial sciences

That statement is ridiculous. How can you be something when you don't know enough about it to explain it in the first place? If you say you are something just because you follow the directions of someone else who claims to be something, then you aren't a believer... You are just a follower.

I'd recommend that, before making preposterous statements (like martial arts came from angels), you do a bit more research on your own. Don't rely on so-called "experts," who are usually only good at convincing you about their own opinions... Do the work yourself. If you don't, you only parrot what you've been told, and like a parrot you probably don't really understand what you're saying any better than the person you learned it from.

Not trying to be rude, just pointing out that your argument has yet to demonstrate any merit... I look forward to hearing where your belief stems from.