Is your fighting style an "art" or a "science"?

Hello, You can call it anything you art or science...both is the same thing

Bottom the skills learn is about fighting or defending one self from an attack.

Armies all over the world use science to help fight battles and wars...Nuclear bombs came from science.... did the throat strikes....eye pokes...and neck chops? thoughts us these are good tarkets......the art is making the strikes look nice......good forms works the body correctly!

Most martial arts...teach the "ART OF KILLLING" hit can kill!
...hit someone and they fall to the ground hitting there head on the curve? ...can die from this!

SO our martial arts any army's training is the art of killing or science of killing .....don;t be fool in thinking marital arts is a DANCE!

Want to learn to dance? ...take a dance class....Aloha

PS: We teach "Hulu" want to learn...this art? ...I mean science...

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