Big topic here. Weve seen big debates in the last couple of years over seperating the two.
Why? Why seperate two ideas that America was founded for? Why are people fighting to remove "under God" for the Pledge of Alligance (sp?)? Why arent kids aloud to say prayers at a public school? What harm can this actually cause? If people are so serious about this why not take it out of everything? Take it off the money as well. Hell, the government has the right to seize land, why not see the land churches and other religous buildings are on and tear them down? Will it go this far?
Again big topic, lets keep it as civil as possible, i realize this could become heated
My opinion on this matter, as is usual for me, in no particular order.
I believe that "under God" should be removed for the reason that it was not originally there. It is a recent addition, I believe from either WWI or II, in order to reinforce religious morals in the country.
Kids should be allowed to pray, presuming their prayer doesn't get in the way of school (for example, if a prayer requires incense, that would be troubling to students with asthma). Heck, I'm all for setting aside ten minutes of "free time" a day. My problem is when some teachers try to enforce prayer time.
There are people out there who believe that all religion should be banned from the country, despite the fact that freedom to worship as we wish has been guaranteed in our country. There is a growing movement of atheists who are as zealous (perhaps even cultish) as any fundamentalist religion, and will discriminate against people due to the fact that they are "stupid enough" to believe in a higher power.
These people are one reason that I feel that the church/state thing must be carefully tread, because stepping too far over the line can create a backlash that hurts all religion. All these people need is a judge who is willing to give more credence to "separation of church and state" than to "freedom to worship," and you end up with kids only allowed to pray if they are silent and don't fold their hands.
On the other hand, there are people who would like to cram their religious opinions down the throats of others. Laws are being created with no reason other than "it's God's will." What if this law directly contradicts the beliefs of some citizens of the country? If the proscribed action does not hurt anybody, but is just considered taboo because of religious beliefs, why should their be a law against it?
Likewise, kids are being taught intelligent design in a science class, of course from a Christian point of view. If we're going to teach them Genesis, we should also be teaching the Japanese, Indian, Native American, Chinese, Wiccan, and African creation myths. Or, they can go to theology courses, where they belong. And then there's "abstinence only" education, where kids aren't being taught the realities about sex because some adults think that, if we don't teach them about it, they won't do it (look at the statistics of the "abstinence only" states, specifically with regards to teen pregnancy and STDs, and tell me how that's working out)
As far as seizure of land, this needs to end, and not just because of the religion thing. The government can take land, pay 100,000 for it (as residential property), then rezone, sell it for 1,000,000 (as commercial property), and keep the difference. This is just wrong.
So of course, I don't believe that churches should be seized.
For those of you who are curious, I'm Christian. I don't, however, believe that Christianity is the only correct religion. Rather, I think it's the correct religion for me. To me, the basic ideas of religion, whether or not it guides its believers toward good actions, is the important part. The rest is just dogma. Because of this belief, I cannot support government actions that push a particular religion over all others.