Gran you may be right. She is not unhealthy or at a unhealthy weight, so im not sure how it can be a problem? We have not really talked about it. She has mentioned that she wants to loose more weight. I guess my thing is out side of non existent libido, I don't see a problem. Could there be a problem? Hopefully we can have a discussion and have it not turn into a fight.
Womens self image is totally verkackt.
You see models who can't spell wrinkle advertise anti aging cream, girls you can drive a truck between their closed legs show you what clothes to wear.
Beautiful women are photoshopped into crotesque images of beauty which resemble Barbie more than anything, reality cannot keep up with that!
A guy's magic number is his football jersey, a woman's worth is tied to her dress size!
If she stays home with the kids, she is a moocher, if she goes off to work, she is a bad mother, leaving her precious children in the care of others. You can simply not win!
Maybe you can help her along in her journey for fitness. Invite her to come to the gym with you (but be advised, there is a huge thresh hold there, some/many women do not like to be surrounded by young muscle bound guys when they feel fat and ugly) and work out. it's not easy to do this with a spouse though, you might need a (female?) trainer for her.
Getting physical is a mood booster, toning up an aphrodisiac.
Maybe (with the help of your counselor) you can make this a family project, date night at the gym, include the kids where possible, healthy foods, etc.
But be warned:
It looks good on paper.
I am right now trying this with my family.
I think I will have better results talking to a brick wall!
Have you told her you find her attractive?
I mean, not that that matters a lot

when her mind is made up.
but still, girls like to hear that.
Also, one huge problem with women: they live by the scale far to often. There are often problems when the scales go up instead of down when dieting and working out! It's a steep learning curve to accept fitness and dress sizes over weight as indicator of progress.