No, I am cutting through to the areas that show your fundementially flawed outlook on the martial arts.
When you started off saying that we did things in the Bujinkan for traditions sake, you showed me that you did not understand what was going on and merely attributing it to tradition. When I told you you should try to understand things before you judge, you tried arguing that you really did know. Now you are talking about the UFC and such.

The mere fact that you mention it in the same thread as a discussion about real fights show that you really have no idea about the subject matter. If you want to prepare for that sport, then train for that sport. But after only a couple of years, you really do not know why we do certain things the way we do.
I see a lot of me a few decades ago in you. I grew out of it. I can't hold your actions against you if you do so as well. But I have seen what people with the attitude you show here end up as and it is not something I would wish on my worst enemy. You have the ability to change, but the first move is to acknowledge that you have no idea about what a real fight is all about and what is needed to train for it. When you start from there, you might find some answers. Indeed, you might find they were right there under your very nose. But if you insist that
you know what you need to prepare for combat, you can imagine how egotistical that sounds to us that have more experience than you.