[font=arial,helvetica]From Slashdot:[/font]
[font=arial,helvetica]Real Presidential Debates[/font]

Posted by michael on Tuesday September 28, @05:00PM
from the think-on-your-feet dept.
slithytove writes "As many of us are aware, the presidential debates are currently controlled by an organization called the Commision on Presidential Debates. As anyone who's seen a presidential debate recently could guess, the CPD does just what our two major parties want: exclude third parties and impose rules that make the event more of a joint press conference than a debate. Non-establishment candidates Michael Badnarik and David Cobb will be having an actual debate this Thursday. After debating each other, they will be rebutting the points Bush and Kerry make in their pseudo-debate. Free Market News will be streaming it and providing a download afterwards." http://politics.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/28/1816227&tid=226&tid=129
As an aside:
[font=arial,helvetica]Libertarian Presidential Candidate Michael Badnarik Answers[/font]Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday September 20, @02:15PM
from the stuff-to-read dept.
Last monday, you were given the chance to Ask Questions of the Libertarian Party's US Presidential nominee, Michael Badnarik. Today we present to you 15 of the most highly rated comments, and the answers from the man himself. Thanks to Mr. Badnarik for taking the time to talk to us. His answers are yours with just a click of the mouse below...
[font=arial,helvetica]Real Presidential Debates[/font]

Posted by michael on Tuesday September 28, @05:00PM
from the think-on-your-feet dept.
slithytove writes "As many of us are aware, the presidential debates are currently controlled by an organization called the Commision on Presidential Debates. As anyone who's seen a presidential debate recently could guess, the CPD does just what our two major parties want: exclude third parties and impose rules that make the event more of a joint press conference than a debate. Non-establishment candidates Michael Badnarik and David Cobb will be having an actual debate this Thursday. After debating each other, they will be rebutting the points Bush and Kerry make in their pseudo-debate. Free Market News will be streaming it and providing a download afterwards." http://politics.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/28/1816227&tid=226&tid=129
As an aside:
[font=arial,helvetica]Libertarian Presidential Candidate Michael Badnarik Answers[/font]Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday September 20, @02:15PM
from the stuff-to-read dept.
Last monday, you were given the chance to Ask Questions of the Libertarian Party's US Presidential nominee, Michael Badnarik. Today we present to you 15 of the most highly rated comments, and the answers from the man himself. Thanks to Mr. Badnarik for taking the time to talk to us. His answers are yours with just a click of the mouse below...