Blogs Condemning Network Spiking of 3rd Parties

Bob Hubbard

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Blogs Condemning Network Spiking of 3rd Parties

Filed under: Action Alerts, On the Internet
To all the bloggers who have been following Michael Badnarik’s and David Cobb’s arrest last Friday on the Internet and feel democracy is in jeopardy: Hear our plea.

The major media networks have been willfully ignoring alternative voices in this presidential election, focusing only on the two major parties, Democratic and Republican. We acknowledge that the majority of America aligns itself with one major party or the other and there will be undoubtedly be an imbalance in coverage in favor of these two parties. Yet, with the exception of Ralph Nader (a celebrity), we have documented a complete blackout, or “spiking", of third party candidates and their platforms (specific to Badnarik, but other 3rd party candidates are equally discriminated against):

CNN - 0 mentions (interesting, considering the LP convention was hosted in the same city as their headquarters, Atlanta GA)

FoxNews - 6 mentions (0 since July 20th) [2 entries have been redated to Oct 11, but are old]

MSNBC - 3 mentions

ABC News - says 24 mentions, only 5 shown

CBS News - 0 mentions

NY Times - 2 mentions

Washington Post - 7 mention

Reuters - 0 mentions

USA Today - 15 (note: also not listed on the candidates page even though Badnarik is on 49 ballots compared to Nader’s 34)

We are not asking for any endorsement of our platform or for Michael Badnarik, but are asking that you stand with us in telling the network media that enough is enough and that no political group should be “spiked” and that we as an electorate demand that all options are put forth without reservation for voters to choose for themselves.

By creating a trackback or pingback to this entry, you will be voicing your disapproval of the network media’s unjournalistic approach to alternative views and opinions.

There is also Technorati for those who don’t have trackback capability and just link to this post.

Posted by Badnarik Blog Team @ 6:37 am / # /

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