Presidential Candidates Arrested at Debates

Bob Hubbard

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From SlashDot:

[font=arial,helvetica]Presidential Candidates Arrested at Debates[/font]
Posted by CowboyNeal on Saturday October 09, @01:33AM
from the stuck-on-the-sidelines dept.
h8macs writes "Third party Presidential candidates Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) and David Cobb (Green) were arrested while attempting to enter the presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis."

From Michael Badnarik's website:
The first report from St. Louis is in - and presidential candidates Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) and David Cobb (Green Party) were just arrested. Badnarik was carrying an Order to Show Cause, which he intended to serve the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). Earlier today, Libertarians attempted to serve these same papers at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the CPD - but were stopped from approaching the CPD office by security guards.

Fred Collins reported to me from the ground that Badnarik and Cobb are in great physical condition and great spirit.

As soon as more details are available, they will be posted here immediately.
Yeah, we wouldn't want to hear from someone who isn't a Washington insider or anything...
This is not the first Presidental Election in which Third Party Candidates were barred from attending public forums. The KING has the Power and he will not allow threats to exist in his kingdom.
Unbelievable but then it is. While the candidates of two parties were espousing freedom, well one was, the other two were being robbed of theirs. Really democratic society we have. If they were bonified, recognized candidates, they should have been allowed. But then as we all know, the election process does include them but only on the ballot, and they really aren't even in the running. TW
Best part is, none of the major news feeds are reporting it.
Ahhh the cospiracy is running loose lol. The truth is that if we all would look hard and deep at the current state of affairs of our Fine COUNTRY then we would be marching on D.C. so fast and making court right on the White House lawn and trying our elected officals with Crimes.
I don't have a problem with marching...heck even storming the palace.
It's that whole "they got tanks, and I got a tanktop" issue that makes it a bit foolhardy, IMHO. But, I do agree 110% with Jefferson that sometimes, a revolution is needed.

I just intend to do my part to do it safely and get enough folks involved to vote the SOBs out. :)
Mark Weiser said:
This is not the first Presidental Election in which Third Party Candidates were barred from attending public forums. The KING has the Power and he will not allow threats to exist in his kingdom.

I thought during the election process that all candidates were allowed equal "Air Time" by law, unless they paid for it as part of their campaign.

Now since these gentlemen were not on all 50 state ballets (* An assumption on my part *), the media might have a loop hole on this issue. Yet, if they debates were in DC, then should not all ballot members be allowed? Also in Missouri, if more then jsut the two big parties was on the ballot then they are in violaion of the law as I know it or understand it.

Hmmmm, Crazy thoughts
The Libertarian Party was on all 50 states ballots in 2000. They are on 48 in 2004, with the other 2 contested.

Currently, more than 590 Libertarians hold public office, more than all other third parties combined. In the 2003 elections, we elected 46 Libertarians, nearly half in higher-level races such as city and county council. During the year 2000, we ran more than 1430 candidates, more than twice as many as all other third parties combined.

We fielded candidates for 255 of the 435 seats in the U.S House as well as 25 of the 33 Senate seats up for election -- the first time in eighty years that any third party has contested a majority of the seats in Congress. Our slate of U.S. House candidates received 1.7 million votes, the first time any third party has received over a million votes for U.S. House.
Does anyone know how much public funds are alotted to the Political parties every election? The LP party does not accept taxpayer money to fund their campaigns. I find that quite striking.

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