Just found this little worrying tidbit
"The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is set to agree an international standard for facial recognition on all new passports.
The plans have the backing of the US government and the European Union. It could create a global database of over a billion people by 2015, warned Privacy International"
"With the biometric passport, every country may have its own surveillance system, accumulating fingerprints and face-scans and keeping them for as long as they wish with no regard to privacy or civil liberties.Governments may claim that they are under an international obligation to create national databases of fingerprints and face scans but we will soon see nations with appalling human rights records generating massive databases, and then requiring our own fingerprints and face-scans as we travel,"
We're getting these things in the middle of 2005 in the UK, I'd best renew my passport fast.
"The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is set to agree an international standard for facial recognition on all new passports.
The plans have the backing of the US government and the European Union. It could create a global database of over a billion people by 2015, warned Privacy International"
"With the biometric passport, every country may have its own surveillance system, accumulating fingerprints and face-scans and keeping them for as long as they wish with no regard to privacy or civil liberties.Governments may claim that they are under an international obligation to create national databases of fingerprints and face scans but we will soon see nations with appalling human rights records generating massive databases, and then requiring our own fingerprints and face-scans as we travel,"
We're getting these things in the middle of 2005 in the UK, I'd best renew my passport fast.