I'm sure this topic will stir up a hornets nest, due to the fact that I'm sure we will see some abuse of power claims, but hey, it'll be interesting to see how it pans out.
From todays paper.
Of course, one part that caught my eye was:
No worries though because of this....
This is something that I know I've said in other threads...if they want to stop you, they will find a way.
I'm split on this. I do not think that anyone should drink and drive...period! Way too many accidents due to alcohol. If you can't control your intake, stay the hell off the damn road!!!! On the other hand, much like the cell phone bill that was passed in my state, in which the driver of the car can't be talking unless they're using a hands free device, nothing stops the passenger(s) from using a phone. So in this case, is it that big of a deal if the passenger(s) are drinking as long as the driver isn't?
Then again, how tempting is it for the 17yo girl, with her carload of girlfriends, all chatting, for the driver to grab a phone and engage in the chatting? I'm sure its no different than 3 others in the car drinking....I find it hard to believe that the driver would want to miss out on the fun.
So, yes, at this point, while I am a bit split, I find myself leaning more to the supportive side of this bill. Kinda like those that would like to see liquor stores open on Sunday, because they need their fix and didn't buy enough to get then thru until Monday, I'm sure there are many that won't be able to wait until they get to their destination before they start drinking.
From todays paper.
Many state drivers wrongly assume that it's illegal to have an open bottle of beer in a car.
But the state Senate took the first step Tuesday toward changing that and making Connecticut one of at least 40 states to ban "open alcoholic beverage containers" in motor vehicles.
Of course, one part that caught my eye was:
Senators unanimously approved a bill making it an infraction for anyone to have an open container of an alcoholic beverage in the driver or passenger seats of a vehicle on Connecticut roads. But, in one of several compromise moves, police would not be permitted to pull someone over for an open container violation alone.
No worries though because of this....
State Sen. Kevin Witkos, R-Canton, who works as a local police officer, said that the bill puts an officer in an odd position if he sees a moving car with someone drinking in the back seat. "The police officer is going to have to find a reason to stop [that] car."
In making his argument, Witkos confirmed what many drivers believe — that if the police want to stop you, they can find a reason.
"Nine out of 10 times," Witkos said, the officer could stop the car in which he had seen an open container for exceeding the speed limit by 2 mph, or having a defective light or weaving in the travel lane. But that's not the right way to do things, he said, adding that the stop should be based on the real reasons for the law — to ban open bottles of alcoholic beverages in cars and to fight drunken driving.
This is something that I know I've said in other threads...if they want to stop you, they will find a way.
I'm split on this. I do not think that anyone should drink and drive...period! Way too many accidents due to alcohol. If you can't control your intake, stay the hell off the damn road!!!! On the other hand, much like the cell phone bill that was passed in my state, in which the driver of the car can't be talking unless they're using a hands free device, nothing stops the passenger(s) from using a phone. So in this case, is it that big of a deal if the passenger(s) are drinking as long as the driver isn't?
Then again, how tempting is it for the 17yo girl, with her carload of girlfriends, all chatting, for the driver to grab a phone and engage in the chatting? I'm sure its no different than 3 others in the car drinking....I find it hard to believe that the driver would want to miss out on the fun.
So, yes, at this point, while I am a bit split, I find myself leaning more to the supportive side of this bill. Kinda like those that would like to see liquor stores open on Sunday, because they need their fix and didn't buy enough to get then thru until Monday, I'm sure there are many that won't be able to wait until they get to their destination before they start drinking.