I was thinking the other day (always dangerous
) about the ready positions; A,B and C stances and the first movements of the individual patterns.
A Stance from Won hyo, first movement is a twin forearm block which starts from crossing the arms on the chest.
B stance from Chun gun and Toi gye, first movement is an inner reverse knife hand block and inner forearm block respectively which both start from crossing the arms with the blocking arm close to the hip.
C stance from Hwa rang, first movement is an inward palm block which starts from the hip.
In each case the first movement starts from about the save height as the hand position in the ready stance.

A Stance from Won hyo, first movement is a twin forearm block which starts from crossing the arms on the chest.
B stance from Chun gun and Toi gye, first movement is an inner reverse knife hand block and inner forearm block respectively which both start from crossing the arms with the blocking arm close to the hip.
C stance from Hwa rang, first movement is an inward palm block which starts from the hip.
In each case the first movement starts from about the save height as the hand position in the ready stance.