Poomse Reference


Orange Belt
Would anyone have a reference (online or book/DVD) that describes what actions are taking place with the different movements of Chang Hon forms?

Actually any type of forms, but specifically Chang Hon.

What I mean is like this:

Movement 1 is a Mid Inner Forearm Block intended to block an opponents ___________
Movement 2 is a Low Spear Hand intended to grasp an opponents ________
(Left blank because I don't know for sure what the intended purpose is, though I suspect I know movement 2's)


I was just curious if anyone had this information available.
GM Pat Burleson has a DVD series called A History of Korean Karate in America The complete Videos of Tae Kwon Do forms and it has a complete breakdown of all the Chang Hon forms. Hope that helps.
Stuart Anslow's book is full of practical applications of the movements in the Chang H'On forms. He's also a member here and in my expereince gracious enough to answer any additional questions you might have.


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