React to an attack or Pre-Empt it? Any advice?

Nothing wrong with striking first. As already mentioned, the law permits you to strike first if you meet certain criteria. This is standard in most western countries and is straight and forward. You must remember that if striking first then you are saying you had no other option available to you.

This can easily be defended by simply use of force guidelines. Identify the threats and apply your options accordingly. The Canadian Use of Force guidelines identify first strike as an option. Try something like a forearm or a lose hand strike to the side of the neck (brachial plexus origin or small intestine 16), it’s a great knockout. My favorite is the second choice because you can add Chi as well.

Just do not underestimate you attacker, make your strikes count, then escape.
OnlyAnEgg said:
My sensei teaches that my art is for defence. That means, to me, that I must wait for the aggressive act. By definition, if I strike first, I am the aggressor.

What if you are not the focus of the attack, rather someone who you must protect? The majority of the responses here deal with threats to our person, but I believe we should bear in ind all circumstances which could actually lead us to rain violence on another human. I refer to this as "peace protection", only part of which is my own personal safety.

Got kids? Ask any parent if they will remain in defense mode if their cub is in danger. Watch an adult's demeanor in class if you even mention a threat to loved ones. There's no doubt in the mind, and "self defense" has now become broader in scope. Sometimes attacking is paramount.

Salute, good discussion.

Steven Brown
Glad to hear Jenna was able to take care of business.

I know this topic comes up quite a bit. Ask yourself this: Does action beat reaction? Get yourself a partner and face each other in a training horse stance with your hands chambered by your sides. Set the distance between you at arms reach and then take turns trying to "tag" your partner while they try to parry or block your action. Does action beat reaction? Now ask yourself, "Do I want to wait for someone to throw a punch before I react to the threat?"
depends on the situation a drunk old man wants to fight me im just going to apply a technique when he tries to hit me as not to hurt him to bad. A big guy that could actually do some damage.. The instant I feel actually threatened I would strike.
mantis said:
1. you need a boyfriend (not for self defense, unless you want to practice oh him, but for the little weather situation you described)
2. the best self defense is NOT to be there in the first place. i.e. try to avoid situations as much as you can
3. you mentioned you are a mechanic, right? i dont know how hard it is to carry the wrench in your purse?

(only # 2 is not kidding)
That quote is from General Patton. At the end of your posts. Patton rocks!
spinkick said:
depends on the situation a drunk old man wants to fight me im just going to apply a technique when he tries to hit me as not to hurt him to bad. A big guy that could actually do some damage.. The instant I feel actually threatened I would strike.
Yet again I have to agree with you, I wouldnt let allow someone the time to hurt me. I wouldnt give them a chance to.

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