Jenna said:
Hey there big Rich

Man, your posts don't make me feel bad, no sir. They reverberate with truth and clarity. It is me that's at fault because I am envious of those who can do what I can never hope to. I'm always willing to learn though which is why I am maybe getting stuck in a loop of asking questions.
Thank you again for your advice and help. Believe me, it is appreciated

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Asking questions is good. To doubt is to open the mind for further learning.
I have given some thought to this on what I could say to help you.
I could tell the story of the Ugly Duckling and the Swan. So you could be happy with what you are, but as a human being we adapt to our environment and also continue to learn. So that would not be the right thing.
I could crack a joke about pyschologists and the defendor and attacker mentality and say that no Psych can change you, for you have to want to change yourself, but that also does not ring true, nor is it my way for a serious matter.
I could tell you another story about a cat or dog that was domesticated pet that ended up going feral to survive, as they did adapt to their surroundings, but it would be an analogy that could be missed by some.
I could tell you to get agressive and to stop the bully, but I am not in the situation and cannot review all the data, that which is not said, which is heard but processed in the background, and also seen and processed. Yet this is difficult to do in the written medium not knowing all possible situations, when from my previous stories I was trying to state that it requires an expereince to read the opponent.
If you can read the opponent and know the risk is that of a black eye then one can try and if you fail it is a lost fight and not a lost life. This could work if you could watch another person in action and gain from their experience as well, and deal with understanding that most people just posture.
But all of that is Male on Male fighting and posturing which is not Male stalking or attacking a female for what ever reason that is not good.
So, how do I step outside that box and put myself into your shoes. To walk a mile in your shoes without really knowing you, and what your experiences are. That is difficult at best and almost impossible at other times.
So, I will try my best here with what I can. You stated you study Aikido, and what little I know of that art they do not punch or strike and if they do it is not a major part of the art. The art concentrates more on using the opponents energy against them. Or to use their energy to assist you and throwing or controlling them. (* NOTE: Throws and contol techniques are also Breaks, same basic motions just a different application. *)
So, if you walk around looking like a victim, and the bully or predator will use your fear or energy against you. The object is to be smart and not put yourself into a location to meet the bad guy, but if it is there, do not give them energy that they can use back against you.
(* Note: This does not mean you cannot be afraid, or have fear, for many times I have been afraid, and this is almost always when things would then get out of hand and someone would get hurt, But that is me and not you. So it is ok to have fear, just channelt it into adrenaline to be used for you, and not to cripple you or have you fall into submissive behavior. *)
Of course some cultures are worse than others in respect to how women are treated or expected to act, so mileage will vary.
If you are wary and alert then most of the predators will not attack you for they are looking for easy prey. Of course this does not account for the bad guys who have targeted you for a personal reason or you fit a profile for them. Yet, the more you are aware and aleart the harder it is for them to get a clean shot at you.
Now you can also take this too far, and if you become paranoid then you begin to give off energy that the others can use against you. So healthy respect, just short of paranoia is good.
Keep questioning, keep your eyes open, be aware, and not place yourself in a corner with no way out. Have a back up plan, and work the crowd for reading the situation, and trust your intuition.
Oh and continue to train hard.