Sorry it's taken a while to reply.
My students are not in the position to ask for a test or decline one. I don't operate a karate club, I run a traditional karate dojo.
I don't have members, I have students [people who are studying the 'art' of karate, not just training in it].
A dojo is not a democracy, my students do as I ask of them or look for a different teacher, it's that simple. My job is to help them find the essence of our system [goju-ryu] and then get rid of them, not keep them hanging on my my apron strings forever so I can milk them for cash. I don't make my living from karate so I have no reason to keep my students happy.
In the normal course of the year I hold two tests for promotion April and October. Depending on the students work rate and effort they are either invited to test or not. They always recieve an invite as I can't see a student in my dojo not doing their best. However, I will not issue an invitation to someone who has not done the work and made the progress needed to pass to the next stage. I don't see the point in doing this.
I know all my students very well, and I know their level of skill. The only reason I test them formaly is to give them a chance to fail through nerves.
Hope this answers your questions.