Rate Your Risk

Jenny, you uhhhh, have an expresso machine? Does it have the foaming steamer too? Just asking, cause I was gonna buy one n stuff.
Not connecting to its server at this moment. :shrug:
(negative score) a minus score indicates that the criminal would be in danger from you. The greater the negative score...the greater the danger.

That very large number at the last is supposed to be our risk of burglary.

I would say the questions provided aim towards habits. Our single burglary was opportunistic, however the second attempt three days later likely was not.

I do need to speak more softly and I'm rather certain the first score (beaten) is related to certain questions I refused to answer.
Too many questions that don't pertain to living here so can't answer any of them fully enough to get a rating of risk!
7 assault
12 murder
5 burglar

How did you guys get - scores?
I don't honestly know. I think, mostly, I don't engage in a lot of high risk behavior. I'm a homer. I go to work in the mornings and go home in the evenings. I eat with my family and seldom (as in maybe once every 2 years) go into a bar that isn't attached to Red Robin. I work in a place with restricted access.

Some things that I think would have raised my scores if they had been asked are that I make no attempts to participate anonymously online. It's very easy to find out my full name and in what city I live. I guess that's a little risky, although unless someone femme fatale stalks me, I don't do or say much that would cause anyone to get really mad. Still, it's not without risk.

As a general rule, I only share things that are easily learned about me in person. Like my name.
Wheeeeee....I'm boring! :D

Beaten: -17
Murder: -24
Burglary: -17

Damn, girl! Remind me to stay on your good side. :mst:

I didn't quite get the risk factor with the question on being soft-spoken. Does that increase someone's risk or decrease it? And why?

(Scurrying softly back to a distant corner to meekly await a response.)
Damn, girl! Remind me to stay on your good side. :mst:

I didn't quite get the risk factor with the question on being soft-spoken. Does that increase someone's risk or decrease it? And why?

(Scurrying softly back to a distant corner to meekly await a response.)

Decreases risk. People tend to be mirrors of each other, and conflicts (including arguments) often escalate instead of *poof* appearing out of nowhere. People that speak calmly provide less fuel for a conflict to ignite, and people that can continue to speak calmly under duress provide less fuel for a conflict to escalate.





So, you're being held in solitary confinement in a military barracks and they let you keep your weopons!!
Decreases risk. People tend to be mirrors of each other, and conflicts (including arguments) often escalate instead of *poof* appearing out of nowhere. People that speak calmly provide less fuel for a conflict to ignite, and people that can continue to speak calmly under duress provide less fuel for a conflict to escalate.

Thanks! That explains a few things. I've been in arguments where the opposing party berates me for talking down to them as if they were a child. I'm not talking down, I'm just not yelling like they are. It seems to creep people out. It can also be fun when someone clearly wants an excuse ... nothing pisses them off more than being polite and reasonable. :angel:
Damn, girl! Remind me to stay on your good side. :mst:

I didn't quite get the risk factor with the question on being soft-spoken. Does that increase someone's risk or decrease it? And why?
I think it increases the risk. Soft spoken can be perceived as a lack of confidence or that you're afraid of whoever you're talking to which would mark you as a potential victim. (Depending on the definition of soft spoken at least. I'm thinking more unassertive and passive than simply staying calm...)
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One trick we use is to take an offending person aside and talk very softly to them, using 'friendly' body language and smiles all the time but actually telling them we will put our hands down their throats and pull their insides out etc etc. works everytime as when they say they were threatened the witnesses disagree because we appear so friendly lol!

Carol, the idea of a poof appearing out of nowhere is somewhat disconcerting!!
Beaten 56
I think the things that raised my score on this one is not locking my car doors when I drive, not being able to change a flat tire (actually, I think I could if I HAD to, I did learn how to do it many years ago but have never had to, though I'd never accept help from a stranger and would remain in my car with the doors locked until help arrived) and opening the door to strangers without asking for ID.

Murder 12

Burglary -16
Got a 26 on the first one, then the company proxy decided this site was not kosher. Kept getting an image of that picture floating around the internet with the guy who says, "You gonna get raped".
You're really pissing me off, Flea.

Jenny, I'm terribly sorry you feel that way. You still can't have my parking space, but I wish you a delightful afternoon. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding another one after driving around for a couple more hours. :uhyeah:

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