E-Hogus, helping some?

So, just curious, why would the WTF not allow a "complete" system? I mean, that isn't playing fairly if you ask me. Why would the WTF not want the best system, and allow something to work incomplete and creating flaws within a system expecting it to work.

How can you get them to allow the rest of the system to be used?
Can't USAT trump the WTF for thier USAT ONLY competitions like regionals, J.O.s or seniors?
I am just guessing here but maybe they want to phase in the system. Maybe they don't want to just all of a sudden simply eliminate the judges in one overnight decision.

It could also just be a process of making sure each part of the system is as close to perfect as possible. First make sure the hogus are working as planned and once they are at an acceptable status, phase in the gloves. Work out the kinks in the gloves and refine the hogus even more, then after some time phase in the head gear.

Then there is the possibility that they don't want the sport to become a boxing match either. Once you bring in the gloves there is no more subjectivity to punches being scored. With punches being easier to deliver and punching being a straight line technique able to delivering more pressure than most kicks, the game would change and become a body boxing match. Bringing in the gloves may change the look of the sport that they don't want to see happen. LaJust would have to differentiate punching pressure from that of kicking and make the punch a much higher pressure technique.

Again all guesses but maybe some combination of all three guesses could be the case. Along with some other unknown factors.

Whatever the case they clearly don't want to use the entire system, as they made a conscience decision not to.
well guys I will do my best to thank the great posts made in this thread!

The false scoreing/none scoreing of perfectly landed counters are the reason my son and I left the sport 12 years ago, it seemed every comp we attended leaned to the wild swinging yellers then someone more tecnical with defined kicks, he was only a 1st poom(12 years old) at the time but competed in about 40 tournements a year, a good dozen of them being major events where all the current top flight sports fighters in the U.K today cut there teeth and at some invites abroad a few times a year. Lucky enough I returned to the art 18months back looking to find some fitness and wellbeing which I think ive pretty much acheived and should be looking to fight again near the end of the year at the tender age of 52! two added bonuses are possibley my first Dan gradeing about 4 months away and the real joy of haveing my son anounce to me only a few days back that he was also to make a comeback and can I pay for his licence and a new debook ouch!..........Iv replied that when he can beat me in the club spar he can have the goods (rye smile)

sorry to rant away with personel stuff but im highly delighted with the ever improving E-Hogus etc maybe some stars will shine back, and if not Theyll know they where beat by a more skillful opponent then some very misjudged calls

Bests Tek & Son

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