Rare video: Chinese Secret kung fu master Sharon

So... who is this Sharon, why is she in China and if she is secret, why is she on video and then youtube?

Or maybe I'm just an ignorant *** this morning
Hahaha, love the guy in the white tshirt and jeans with the screeching and screams at the end of the Sharon clip.

I'm not sure there's anything "secret" about any of that, it clearly states its the New Zealand Chin Woo branch taking a tour through Hong Kong and southern China (Guangzhou). Pretty common, they're advertised all the time, you're on a martial arts orientated site seeing tour.
Although I saw some interesting techniques/forms being demonstrated I still am at a loss as to what or whom Sharon is
Not secrets, Chin Woo

And the last time I saw that video you have labeled shaolin kung fu vs Karate and they labeled shaolin kung fu vs Kick Boxing it was labeled shaolin kung fu vs TKD and if you look at it that is what it is.