Top 10 Kung Fu Movies

I'm very fussy.
Shaolin (2011)
Legend of the Fist
Ip Man 1/2
Crouching Tiger
Drunken Master
Point Blank
Anything Michelle Yeoh....lets not get started already.

Another one I liked

Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen

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Not really a kung fu movie, but Chocolate was a good martial arts movie. About an ex cop in Korea. Very good.

Eh? You sure? I saw a film called Chocolate but it was about an autistic girl who can replicate the martial art moves she sees.

Sappy during the "plot" parts, but very good action scenes.
anybody seen the movie "chocolate" ? its featured on netflix instant view. its about an autistic girl who masters fu by way of tv and video games. and what about shaolin soccer now thats good stuff.
Saw that one on a whim through netflix, and it wasn't bad.

I also like Kung Fu Hustle. The only Bruce Lee movie I really like is Chinese Connection.
Michelle Yeoh

Now you know you shouldn't have done that :uhyeah:

My top ten kung fu movies

10) Drunken Master
9) Fearless
8) Ip Man
7) Snake in the Eagles Shadow
6) Five Venoms
5) The Blade (90's)
4) Avenging Eagle
3) Once upon a time in China 2 (Jet Li vs Donnie Yen)
2) The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
1) The Magic Blade

Lots of classic Kung fu movies which I enjoyed. Others not in the top 10 list are SPL, The Sentimental Swordsman, True Legend, WuXia, Drunken Master 2.
They've all been mentioned already, so I wont bother listing, but Ip Man 1 & 2 were the best I've seen. Part three sort of fell into a category all its own, more fantastic than real.Mike
I like watching martial art movies and I will suggest my 10 best:

01) Big Boss – Bruce Lee
02) Game of Death - Bruce Lee
03) The Way of The Dragon - Bruce Lee
04) Ip Man - Donnie Yen
05) Drunken Master - Jackie Chan
06) Snake and Crane - Jackie Chan
07) The One - Jet Li
08) Ong Bak - Tony Jaa
09) Fist of Fury - Bruce Lee
10) Wheels on Meals - Jackie Chan
I don’t know if I would put it in the top 10 but I finally saw "Kung Fu Hustle" this weekend and I really liked it… and no one was more surprised than me
I don’t know if I would put it in the top 10 but I finally saw "Kung Fu Hustle" this weekend and I really liked it… and no one was more surprised than me
I put it in mine ^^^ and would again!! Glad you liked the weeeeeirdness :D
Regarding Kung Fu Hustle:

Yes! More converts! Soon ALL will see the light and acknowledge The Kung Fu Hustle as the Best Kung Fu Movie EVER (or face the wrath of our hatchets!!)
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All you young whippersnappers have no knowledge of history. :)

Five Fingers of Death (1972)
Tian xia di yi quan (original title)
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 21 March 1973 (USA)
Production Co: Shaw Brothers

IMDB Trivia Factoid:
The English dubbed version, released through Warner Brothers, was the film that launched the craze for "Kung Fu" movies in the United States.

This movie taught me that elderly Chinese men could jump over ten feet high from a static posture. Three deacdes later I am still working of developing that leaping technique... one day soon.
Truly a classic. They actually showed it in mainstream theaters back then, before the genre became denigrated as "chop-sockey".

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