random thought...err question


Senior Master
O.k. I got the idea for this from a discussion between Brandon Fisher and me on the 'Can Kata Be Done Two Ways' thread. How many ways do you modify a form so as to train it in a differnit way, assuming you do. How valuable of training do you find it? Give us a run down of how it is done. An example of how what I'm talking about is probabaly in order.

'Closet Kata' (assuming you start facing north):
First move is step to east left lead stance, instead jump to east and land in stance.
Second move is step forward into right lead stance, instead jump into stance.
Third move is turn around into right lead stance, instead jump and turn around into stance.
And so on.
Techniques should be through while still in the air, and you should NOT advance in any direction (hense the name).
It's a great way to work your legs and get a good cardio and aerobic work out in. And I would answer my own questions, but I need to go soon, so I'll do that later.
