Racism, then misogyny...


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If you disagree with someone one way to try to silence them is to call them a racist. Another way to do it is to call them a misogynist. Both are rolled out constantly by democrats and other left leaning types and the latest to feel the sting is Adam Corolla who gave his opinion that men are funnier than women. So, since there are many who disagree with him, they call him a misogynist...instead of discussing the issue...


[h=2]Adam Carolla isn't interested in making any public apologies for saying men are, in general, funnier than women during an interview with The New York Post.[/h]Both male and female comedians quickly took to Twitter to refute Carolla's charge, some dubbing him a misogynist in the process. But Carolla told The Daily Caller the notion that he's a misogynist is "****ing insane."
“I’ve never lifted a hand to a women, I’ve never done anything negative to a women, I’ve always been monogamous,” Carolla told TheDC. “I have a daughter who I love very much, I hire women, I’ve worked with women, I’ve never had an issue with women.”
“I’m a misogynist?” he continued. “Go ask my female producer from my morning show who I worked with for three years or my female producer for ‘Loveline’ for 10 years if I’m a misogynist. Go ask my female boss essentially, what I’ve ever done to them. And the answer is nothing.”

At least Corolla isn't like most republican politicians, he isn't backing down...so far.
umm okay, so where does it have any proof that anyone texting Carolla are left leaning politically. Before you start saying all comedians are from the left, you should go look at some of the virently right wing comedians out there. This is, once again, an attack on the left with no basis in fact..and tryig to be supported by an article from Brietbart's site. Go figure.
Perhaps the fact that the Hollywood Elite constantly pander to the "Left" provides this perspective or the fact that comedians like Bill Maher donate millions to the "Left"? But then, the "Right" have people like Dennis Miller so... whatever.

I just wish Americans would realize that the Elite purposefully drew a line in the sand, providing only two parties for you to choose from, only to keep the People divided so they will be diverted from the issues that effect us all and instead spend their time squabling over nonsense like this. It's the oldest strategy in the book and one would think a martial artist would recognize "divide and conquer" or in this case "divide and control".

We're all in the same crappy boat and it's sinking. If we keep arguing over who's responsible for the hole in the hull, we'll all going to drown. We need somebody who's going to fix it instead of making the hole bigger.

You really want change? Then change how you've been voting, be it "left" or "right" because guess what... it ain't working.

Gary Johnson 2012
Nope you're wrong. The classic is fascist, or even Nazi in the good old fashioned Godwin invoking sense. Your examples lack that hysterical feel.

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