Racism and The Democratic party

She did kinda blow off a memo titled "Osama Bin Laden to attack the US."
Yeah one with zero specifics and zero timeline.
Isn't supposed to be the conservative rallying cry that the color of one's skin isn't relevant? That capability, gumption, and bootstraps are all anyone needs?
Oh, so, their appointments are empty simply because you declare them so. Wow.
Wacky jousting aside, Powell could've been productive, but he was undercut at every turn by...
career State Department types who fight the foreign policy decisions of the rightfully elected government, because they think they know better?
Yeah one with zero specifics and zero timeline.

Less was good enough to to justify attacking Iraq, and opening a never ending war on a vague idea.

Oh, so, their appointments are empty simply because you declare them so. Wow.

Bush rendered them moot. Besides, focusing on race isnt' somethign conservatives should ever do. Bootstraps!

career State Department types who fight the foreign policy decisions of the rightfully elected government, because they think they know better?
Didn't know "We don't negotiate with terrists/anyone" was state dept policy. Live and learn.