Can't say I agree. Yes, MJS, you're right about the first part. As Coffeerox himself has said, he needs to get his life together. On the other hand, committing yourself to MA training can be a great way to start getting it together, rather than just sitting around and getting really negative. On the "beginners" sub-forum there was a similar question raised. Somebody posted saying that they were really out of shape and asked if they should wait and get fit first before starting MA. Most everybody responded to the effect of, "NO! Just get started and you will get fit as you train". I'd say the same thing to Coffeerox. Start training and you might find the motivation to improve your situation!
In fact, I just started a new thread in the "Beginners Corner" to consider this very question. Please join me there.
I see your point and I do agree, the MA's can be a great way of getting your life in order. However, in this case, the OP seems to not have the following:
1) A phone
2) A reliable mode of transportation.
3) Any friends that will help him
4) Any family that will help him.
5) A stable source of income.
There may be more, but I think you get my point. It seems to me that martial arts training will not be possible, due to the 5 things I listed. That is why I suggested that the OP get his priorities together before seeking out MA training. I mean really, if you dont have a reliable source of transportation, how are you going to get there? Seems like my suggestions of a cab and bus and a ride from a friend and/or family, were shot down.
I stand by my comments.