In my Dojang, I teach my primary art, Tangsoodo. I have some people coming in who are not interested in learning a MA. They want to learn basic self defense. The following is a rough idea for curriculum that may or may not become a class. Any comments would be appreciated.
General Self Defense Class
A. Striking Principles
1. The Golden Targets – Eyes, Throat, and Groin.
2. The Three Deprivations – Sight, Breath, and Sense.
3. Yin and Yang in Striking – hard target soft striker, soft target hard striker.
Striking Techniques
1. Closed hand – jab, cross, hook, uppercut
2. Open hand – palm strike, palm rake, knife hand, eye gouge
3. Elbows – up, down, cross
4. Kicking – front, side, round, knee
B. Grappling Principals
1. Taking and Giving Force – pull a push and push a pull.
2. Superior Position Vs. Inferior Position.
3. Use of Entire Body – Combining body muscles, use of weight, use of hips
1. Falling – forward roll, side slap, back fall, front fall.
2. Throwing – foot sweep, outside leg sweep, hip throw.
3. Escapes – hand grip fighting, escapes from mounts, escapes from holds.
4. Ground Positioning – mounts, hold downs, position flow.
5. Locks – arm locks, leg locks, chokes.
C. Weapons Principles (basic stick and knife)
1. Length of Reach – a weapon’s effect on distance and timing
2. Cutting Vs Blunt – the difference between the two and their effects
3. Equalization – the power of a weapon Vs. empty hand.
1. Striking with knives – holding the knife, five terrors, defang the snake
2. Striking with sticks – holding the stick, strikes 1-12, punyo strike
3. Block/Check/Strike, Meet and Pass, Free Flow
4. Disengagement – how to run, disabling motion, protecting vitals.
5. Empty hand Vs Weapon – Isolating the weapon, disarms, kuntao.
General Self Defense Class
A. Striking Principles
1. The Golden Targets – Eyes, Throat, and Groin.
2. The Three Deprivations – Sight, Breath, and Sense.
3. Yin and Yang in Striking – hard target soft striker, soft target hard striker.
Striking Techniques
1. Closed hand – jab, cross, hook, uppercut
2. Open hand – palm strike, palm rake, knife hand, eye gouge
3. Elbows – up, down, cross
4. Kicking – front, side, round, knee
B. Grappling Principals
1. Taking and Giving Force – pull a push and push a pull.
2. Superior Position Vs. Inferior Position.
3. Use of Entire Body – Combining body muscles, use of weight, use of hips
1. Falling – forward roll, side slap, back fall, front fall.
2. Throwing – foot sweep, outside leg sweep, hip throw.
3. Escapes – hand grip fighting, escapes from mounts, escapes from holds.
4. Ground Positioning – mounts, hold downs, position flow.
5. Locks – arm locks, leg locks, chokes.
C. Weapons Principles (basic stick and knife)
1. Length of Reach – a weapon’s effect on distance and timing
2. Cutting Vs Blunt – the difference between the two and their effects
3. Equalization – the power of a weapon Vs. empty hand.
1. Striking with knives – holding the knife, five terrors, defang the snake
2. Striking with sticks – holding the stick, strikes 1-12, punyo strike
3. Block/Check/Strike, Meet and Pass, Free Flow
4. Disengagement – how to run, disabling motion, protecting vitals.
5. Empty hand Vs Weapon – Isolating the weapon, disarms, kuntao.