Questions regarding certification

they told us that the Kukkiwon Instructor Course ten years ago that the Palgwae poomsae are obsolete and that we are to only practice the Taeguek poomsae. So yes, the Taeguek poomsae are the only valid guep poomsae as far as the Kukkiwon is concerned.
so why have you been telling me I should get a kukki cert from my GM if he has taught me the wrong set of forms?
so why have you been telling me I should get a kukki cert from my GM if he has taught me the wrong set of forms?

I and a lot of other people have already answered this question numerous times for you. Again, if you don't want Kukkiwon certification, if you feel you don't deserve it, if you feel that you don't need it, if you feel that it is wrong to get it, don't get it.
they told us that the Kukkiwon Instructor Course ten years ago that the Palgwae poomsae are obsolete and that we are to only practice the Taeguek poomsae. So yes, the Taeguek poomsae are the only valid guep poomsae as far as the Kukkiwon is concerned.

I guess I am confused why so many still do them and promote people to the KKW...
I guess I am confused why so many still do them and promote people to the KKW...

Either no one told them or if they were told, they ignored what was told to them and continued doing what they were doing. or they have no one to teach them the Taeguek poomsae so they keep doing what they are doing.

Here, only one dojang continues to do the Palgwae poomsae, which they adopted a couple few years ago as a compromise (in their mind). They went from Chang Hon forms to Palgwae because they felt going straight to the Taeguek poomsae was somehow too radical a change. They also are the only school that still wears cross over uniforms, and they consider themselves to be "traditional" Taekwondo. The instructor I believe has a dojang 3rd Dan and uses Japanese terminology in class. But they bring a lot of students to the local tournaments so they are/have been tolerated. But at some point in the very near future, the Palgwae poomsae will no longer be accepted, and we may lose their participation at our local events. There are other Taekwondo schools, but they don't participate at our tournaments and stay to themselves.
Either no one told them or if they were told, they ignored what was told to them and continued doing what they were doing. or they have no one to teach them the Taeguek poomsae so they keep doing what they are doing.

Here, only one dojang continues to do the Palgwae poomsae, which they adopted a couple few years ago as a compromise (in their mind). They went from Chang Hon forms to Palgwae because they felt going straight to the Taeguek poomsae was somehow too radical a change. They also are the only school that still wears cross over uniforms, and they consider themselves to be "traditional" Taekwondo. The instructor I believe has a dojang 3rd Dan and uses Japanese terminology in class. But they bring a lot of students to the local tournaments so they are/have been tolerated. But at some point in the very near future, the Palgwae poomsae will no longer be accepted, and we may lose their participation at our local events. There are other Taekwondo schools, but they don't participate at our tournaments and stay to themselves.

Maybe people think the Taegeuks and Palgwes are just beginner forms and it really doesn't matter which ones you do because the BB forms are all the same. I know if I met a BB from KKW, I wouldn't ask to see a Taegeuk I would ask to see there BB forms. I know I didn't care for the Taegeuks because they looked lazy and slopping but this probably because I been brainwashed to thinking that forms had to look strong and tough (Japanese Style).

However, we have an opportunity to convert over to KKW so we will be teaching the Palgwes and Taegeuks only and reserve are other forms for the BBs.

We will probably still keep to ourselves in regards to the other KKW because I don't care for the WTF sparring rules (Wife grew up in the 90's going to Junior Olympics when they sparred different) and the new 2 people go at the same time Poomse competition is also quite strange but to each there own. We have made some good contacts with open style tournaments and tend to have lots of fun there so we will probably continue to go to those type of tournaments. If some one truly has Olympic aspirations, I can always send them to a school that trains for that but most of my students need good, simple street effective self-defense.
I and a lot of other people have already answered this question numerous times for you. Again, if you don't want Kukkiwon certification, if you feel you don't deserve it, if you feel that you don't need it, if you feel that it is wrong to get it, don't get it.
To be honest I dont know how I feel about it, Im only a first dan and dont really know about such things. Thats why Im confused, I take what guys like you and terry say onboard as you have a wealth of experience with such things. But it does get confusing when Im told I do kukki and should ask my GM for a cert but then in the same breath Im told the forms I do are obsolete and only the new forms (which I dont know) are now accepted. Thats why Im so confused, you keep saying you've answered the question, and Ive even gone back through the old threads to check, but I cant find anywhere where this question/problem has been adressed. I have spoken to terry about it via PM and he has been very helpful, but I cannot see where you have answered the question.
I guess I am confused why so many still do them and promote people to the KKW...
Thank you Terry. This is the point I have been trying to adress for several weeks now. It is the same reason that I would be reluctant to see my GM about kukki certification. My GM is very 'literal' when it comes to these things and he would be well aware that the forms he teaches do not comply with current kukki curriculum and I would not want/expect him to apply for something where he would have to 'bend the truth' to get it for me. I can just imagine the look he would give me.
Thats why Im so confused, you keep saying you've answered the question, and Ive even gone back through the old threads to check, but I cant find anywhere where this question/problem has been adressed.

Well it has been addressed, numerous times and frankly, I don't feel like repeating myself once again.
Well it has been addressed, numerous times and frankly, I don't feel like repeating myself once again.
No need. Kukki doesnt accept palgwes, only taegeks. I dont know taegeks, only know palgwes. No kukki cert for me, irrespective of whether I feel I should/shouldnt have one or whether I feel what I do is/isnt kukki. If you had just said 3 weeks ago that palgwes are obsolete and no longer accepted you could have saved yourself about 50 posts.

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